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Bella's Disgrace. Sarah Morgan
Читать онлайн.Название Bella's Disgrace
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408928240
Автор произведения Sarah Morgan
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство HarperCollins
‘It takes longer than a couple of hours.’ His tone dripped acid and he paced to the far side of the tent, every line of his powerful frame rigid with tension as he contemplated the situation. ‘Without an escort, you would not make it.’
Bella struggled to stand, wavering like a newborn foal yet to become acquainted with its legs. Ignoring the obvious challenges of playing the seductress when it was difficult to put one leg in front of the other, she walked across to him. ‘Then won’t you escort me? Please?’ Her voice coaxing, she placed her hand on his biceps and felt hard, solid muscle under her fingers.
He was strong. Really strong.
Without thinking what she was doing, she slid her fingertips slowly over his arm, fascinated by his physical strength.
The breath hissed through his teeth and he looked down at her, the raw sexuality in his shimmering gaze punching the breath from her body.
Chemistry arced between them and Bella responded to his unmistakably male appraisal with a slow, feminine smile.
So he wasn’t immune.
It was a boost to her confidence to know that even without the help of her hairdresser, she could still twist a man around her little finger.
You’re going to be giving me that horse as a gift in a minute, she thought with a flash of relief, peeping at him from under her lashes.
It was a look that had never failed her. Even without the extra help of mascara, she was optimistic that she could work her usual magic.
‘I know you’ll help me,’ she said breathlessly, deciding that a man as macho as him would respond best to a weak-female-in-trouble approach. All she needed to do was take advantage of his need to feel like a man and at least flirting took her mind off the fact she was lost in the desert with a stranger.
Searching for just the right phrase to boost a fragile ego, she gave a faltering smile. ‘I—I don’t think I can cope by myself.’
He didn’t return the smile. ‘Given that I’ve already had to rescue you once, I don’t need you to tell me that you can’t cope by yourself. I have reached that conclusion without assistance.’
Angry, Bella turned red. And now she was trapped. If she snapped that she was perfectly capable of looking after herself, then there was no way he’d help her.
Frustrated, she decided that the only other trick worth trying was agreeing with him. Men liked that, didn’t they? It made them feel clever.
Ignoring her inner woman who was gearing up to slap his arrogant face, she lifted her blue eyes to his, switching her expression to helpless.
‘You’re right.’ She conjured up her most pathetic voice. ‘I can’t cope. I’m a disaster.’ Trying not to reflect on the fact that her father would actually have agreed with that statement, Bella cleared her throat and added extra weight to her image of vulnerability by fluttering her eyelashes.
‘You seem to be having some sort of problem with your eyes,’ he drawled. ‘Is it sand? If so, then I recommend that you splash them with water.’
Bella couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing. ‘So you do have a sense of humour under that severe exterior.’
‘I’m not laughing.’
‘Well, you should! It would do you good! You’re way too grumpy. Oh, just forget it. Flirting with you is too much like hard work,’ Bella said crossly, seriously worried that she seemed to have lost the only skill she possessed. ‘If you won’t help me, I’ll just go by myself!’
‘An interesting transformation. Innocent to independent in one blink of an eyelash. You’re a very manipulative woman. And slow to learn.’
Bella gasped. ‘I’m not slow!’
‘But you admit to being manipulative. Interesting.’ His smile lacked humour. ‘The only way you will make it out of this desert alive is if you are escorted.’
‘Then escort me,’ she said sweetly, peeping at him from under her lashes, but his answering gaze was hard and unyielding.
‘Is that what men do when you look at them? Do they roll over and say yes?’
‘The rolling over part usually comes after the yes,’ Bella said flippantly, feeling her anxiety increase by the minute. He just didn’t respond to her the way other men did.
‘Your morals are clearly as suspect as your judgement.’
‘There’s nothing wrong with my judgement.’
‘You chose to ride through a desert. That behaviour borders on the insane.’ He extracted himself from her grip with a deliberate movement and Bella looked at him in dismay, horrified to discover that the lump was back in her throat.
Her life had fallen apart and she appeared to have lost the only thing she’d ever been sure of. Her ability to attract men. And that was all she had, wasn’t it? That was her gift. She wasn’t clever like her sister Annie; she wasn’t sweet and kind like Emily, or practical like Olivia..
She had blue eyes. She had blonde hair. And the combination had stopped working. Feeling incredibly vulnerable, she looked away. ‘Look, you obviously hate me and that’s fine. I don’t care. Surely that’s all the more reason to escort me back to the city where you’ll never have to see me again. I promise I won’t be any trouble—’
And finally he laughed. ‘The word could have been invented just for you. You have trouble written all over you.’
‘Then the sooner you escort me out of your life, the better,’ Bella said hopefully and he shook his head, still laughing.
‘You just can’t help it, can you? You have to flirt. I’m tempted to give you seven veils just to see how far you’re prepared to go to get what you want.’
Distracted by how seriously attractive he was when he laughed, Bella stared at him. ‘Do women really dance for you? Using veils?’
‘People do whatever I want them to do,’ he said silkily, and she felt her stomach perform a series of elaborate acrobatics.
‘More fool them. I wouldn’t dance for you.’
His smile was supremely confident. ‘I’m the ruling sheikh. If I order you to dance, you’ll dance.’
‘And if I refuse?’ It was weird, she mused, this combination of raw fear and shocking chemistry.
His smile faded and he looked at her with disturbing intensity. ‘You are wilful and reckless.’
‘Absolutely right.’ Abandoning the helpless woman act, Bella tried a different approach. ‘You don’t want me around. As you say, I’m more trouble than I’m worth. So why don’t you just lend me the friendly horse that isn’t likely to kill me and I’ll go and be wilful and reckless somewhere you can’t see me.’
They stared at each other for a long, tense moment.
Then he surprised her by taking her face in his hands.
His fingers were firm and strong on her face and Bella wondered if he could feel the frantic beat of her heart. Did she have a pulse anywhere near his fingers?
A slow, heavy weakness spread through her limbs but she knew that the lethargy had nothing to do with her recent spell in the desert and the feeling shocked her because she never felt anything for men. She used them, the way they used her.
His gaze held hers. ‘I’ll escort you back to the city—’
Hypnotised by his velvety dark eyes, Bella felt a rush of relief. ‘Thank you so much, you’re a really wonderful person. I knew it the moment