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you left Liam high and dry when the guy thought things were going well between you. Meaning, you and I had our fair share of arguments in the past, too. I’d rather not go down that path with you again.”

      She pulled back her shoulders. “You weren’t always the man you are today, Jay. You’ve messed up, too. Isn’t anyone else allowed to do the same?” His gaze darkened and Tanya resisted the urge to step back. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Give me a chance, okay?” She opened her eyes. “I’ve changed. I just need people to give me the opportunity to prove it.”

      “You broke Liam’s heart, Tanya. Badly. Who’s to say you won’t again?” A muscle in his jaw clenched and released. “You should’ve let him know you were coming back.”

      “I wasn’t the only one in that relationship, you know. Things had been building up between us for a while.” Irritation rose behind her rib cage in a hot rush of indignation. “Besides, I don’t have to do anything. I’m back and I plan to stay for a long time. This isn’t just about Liam. It’s about me and what I need.”

      The boat shuddered and groaned, its sides knocking against the marina boundaries as it eased into port. Tanya stumbled forward and Jay gripped her elbow to steady her. She regained her footing, but Jay didn’t release her.

      Instead, his gaze bored intently into hers. “If I see him, I’ll have to tell him you’re back. It’s only fair.”

      Tanya snatched her arm from his grip. “Fine. You do that.” She took her bag from his hand. “Thanks for your help.”

      She marched away and joined the throng of people heading toward the exit. Her heart beat with trepidation at what would happen next, but she kept her chin high and her resolve firmly in place. She was back because Templeton was where she needed to be; the only place she wanted to be after the mess she’d gotten herself into since leaving.

      Whether Liam Browne wanted her there was none of her concern. Sooner or later, he would know the woman who took his love and tossed it away like trash was back for good...she only hoped he didn’t look at her with the same derision Jay had.

      Tanya stepped onto the boardwalk. Hurrying through the terminal, she kept her gaze cast downward until she emerged through the sliding doors and out into the sun-baked courtyard. The long line of taxis was as welcome a sight as an oasis in the Sahara. She rushed forward, opened the back door of the nearest cab and climbed inside.

      “Hi. The Beachcomber Apartments, please.”

      “No problem, love. You here for pleasure or business?”

      Tanya looked through the side window. “Both, I hope.”

      * * *

      THE JURY FOREMAN stood and the usual burst of adrenaline rushed into Liam Browne’s blood. Tension radiated from his client beside him, but Liam didn’t as much as glance at Philip Turner, fully focusing on the foreman instead.

      Judge Susanna Burnside cleared her throat. “Have you and the other members of the jury reached a verdict?”

      “We have, Your Honor.”

      She nodded. “What say you?”

      “We, the jury, find the plaintiff innocent of all charges.”

      Liam released his held breath and grinned as the cry of success rippled through the gallery and all around the courtroom. He turned to Philip and gripped his hand, slapping his shoulder. “Congratulations.”

      Philip vehemently shook his hand. “Thanks, Liam. Thanks so much.”

      Liam laughed. “You’re welcome. Nothing better than justice being served.”

      “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

      He brushed past Liam toward the aisle. Philip was lost in a mass of hugging arms and teary kisses from his wife and two teenage daughters. The man accused of fraud and negligence could now go on with his life.

      Liam gathered his papers and tossed them into his briefcase. He pulled it closed and locked it with a satisfying click. Another case won. His professional life continued to go from strength to strength, even if his personal life remained a lonely, failing mess. Glancing toward Philip and his family a second time, Liam pushed his self-pity into submission.

      It was time for his usual celebration at the Seascape. Dinner for one and a couple of glasses of cabernet sauvignon were just what the doctor ordered.

      As he strode past Philip, Liam gave another slap to his shoulder before marching from the courtroom and out into the marbled lobby. Suited lawyers and clients milled around, waiting to be called into court, while security guards stood sentry at the exit. Nodding to one of them, Liam walked through the security arch and out into the bright, smoldering heat currently frying the Cove.

      It was the middle of July and just a week before schools let out for the summer. Templeton would soon be overrun with kids—young and not so young—looking for some good vacation time. He walked through the court parking lot and along the street. His gaze fell on a young woman with long dark hair, her eyes tipped upward and staring into the eyes of the guy holding her waist. She looked far too much like someone he’d tried so hard to forget, and his gut clenched.

      Time and again, Tanya Todd, the woman he’d had every intention of marrying, sporadically leaped into his mind uninvited. It was sad, pathetic and annoyed the hell out of him, but no matter how hard Liam tried to date and make things work with someone new, his mind always came back to the woman who’d so abruptly walked away.

      He scowled and picked up his pace. He had to do something, had to make some changes, or what the hell was the point of it all? He had a nice home and a healthy bank balance, and people liked to tell him he wasn’t bad to look at. Yet still he searched for that special someone.

      Well, from now on, he’d make a concerted effort to cut back on work and start focusing on his personal life. At the grand old age of thirty-two, Liam was sick and tired of being single. The next woman who caught his eye, he would ask out on a date this coming weekend.

      Cowden Beach promenade was busy with people finished with work for the day. Smiling men and women relaxed with drinks outside one of the bars, or chatted with friends at the promenade amid a fantastic view of the glittering blue ocean in the distance. Templeton was a place few residents left once they moved there, and Liam thanked his lucky stars every day that when his mother divorced his asshole of a father, she found them a new home at the Cove.

      The double doors of the Seascape were wide-open as Liam walked along the short pathway into the restaurant. His vision adjusted to the dark interior after the glare of the sun. Almost every table was occupied, and he inwardly cursed that he might have to forgo his tradition and eat somewhere else after his win in court.

      “Oh, don’t look so peeved. You know I’d never let you go without a table.”

      Smiling, he turned and met the happy, shining eyes of the female counterpart of the husband-and-wife team who owned the Seascape. “Hey, Caroline. You’re busy this evening.”

      “Aren’t we always?” She tilted her head toward the open doors of the restaurant. “Follow me. I have the perfect table for one.”

      Ignoring her unwittingly poured salt as it stung his wound, Liam followed Caroline back toward the entrance.

      She waved toward the table in front of them. “Here you go.”

      The minuscule table might have had a seat on either side, but Liam imagined two plates would have to be touching to fit on its surface. He forced a smile. “Thanks, this is great.”

      “You’re welcome. Have a look at the menu and I’ll grab you a glass of wine. Usual?”

      He nodded. “Perfect.”

      She walked away and Liam put his jacket on the back of the chair and sat. He scanned the room and lifted a hand to Marian and George Cohen sitting a few tables away, steadfastly ignoring the way Marian looked pointedly at the vacant chair opposite him. Damn

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