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soothing sensation of his lips still lingered on her mouth like the soft, sweet taste of cotton candy. No matter how sentimental and ridiculous the notion, she was all too aware of how much she would relive the kiss for days, maybe even weeks to come.

      It had been a moment of weakness on her part; she had no idea what it had been for him.

      She met his steady, unreadable gaze. “Changed your mind? Because if you have, I can walk back—”

      “I haven’t.”

      She swallowed, hating how her relief lightened the weight in her stomach.

      His gaze dropped to her mouth before he turned and stared through his side window at the cottage. “It feels surreal you are about to enter a house that once upon a time I thought would be ours rather than just mine.” He faced her. “You do know by inviting you into my home, I’m opening more than one door, right?”

      Unease rippled through her. “What do you mean?”

      “I mean, despite how I might have acted since you’ve been back, I still care about you. I want to help with whatever it is going on with you, if I can.”

      She smiled, tentative joy speeding her heartbeat. “Thank you.”

      He nodded. “Just don’t let me down. I need to know everything or nothing.”

      Her mouth dried. Was this some sort of ruse that she’d blindly walked into? Did he expect her to bare her entire heart and soul to him right now? She opened her mouth to respond, to tell him she needed more time, more confidence, when he yanked on his door handle. He was out of the car in a flash and Tanya snapped her mouth closed.

      What choice did she have but to go with him? Who, if not Liam, would believe her remorse for her actions both in Templeton and since? She had to do this. She had to share at least some of what had brought her to this sorry, lonely point. If she messed this up, she had no one else to lean on, and goddamn it, no matter how much she told herself she could go it alone...alone was lonely.

      Taking a deep breath, she got out of the car and walked to Liam’s garden gate. He stood at the open front door waiting for her. As she walked up the paved walkway, she cast her gaze over the neat and tidy garden, bursting with color. The cottage roof was thatch and the windows latticed. It was beautiful. So far from what she expected Liam’s home to be, yet suited to the confident, almost mysterious man Liam seemed to be today.

      Whereas chaos had once ruled supreme in Liam Browne’s life, Tanya now sensed a deep sense of organization and control. Something she’d said she needed from him eight years ago when she lived her life that way. How the tables had turned...

      When she reached him, he held her gaze. “I hope you like dogs.”

      Surprised warmth spread through her. “You have dogs?”

      He grinned, devotion clear in his eyes. “Three.”

      “Three?” Tanya raised her eyebrows and glanced around the regimented garden. “How is that possible when you have such a perfect garden?”

      “They’re well trained in the art of doing as I say, just like my clients.” His smile faltered and his blue eyes darkened behind his glasses. “Unfortunately, other people I know take longer to fall into line.”

      The insinuation was clear and Tanya smiled. “Maybe it’s just as well I’ve come back to challenge you on this dictator thing, then.”

      His eyes flashed with amusement before he stepped over the threshold and held out his arm, gesturing her inside. Tanya entered the hallway and her breath caught. The place was stunning. Dark wood paneled the walls, and landscape prints, or maybe even original paintings, dotted the space and lined the wall leading upstairs. She glanced at the titles of the leather-bound books that filled the floor-to-ceiling bookcase beside her. A sucker for the Tudors, she smiled to see biographies of past kings and queens between volumes of law books.

      At least they could talk about the merits of Henry VIII’s reign if all else failed.

      Liam brushed past her toward a closed door at the end of the hallway. He paused with his hand on the doorknob. “You ready?”

      Tanya stiffened. “For what?”

      He waggled his eyebrows and she breathed in his playfulness like oxygen. Before she could match his smile, he pushed open the door and a mass of white, black and golden fur raced toward her with a barrage of scratching claws along the hardwood floor. “Oh my God.”

      The dogs—large, medium and small—crashed into her legs, sending her teetering backward from a trio of wide-open mouths and slathering tongues. Tanya gripped the edge of a radiator and held on for dear life.

      “Max, Domino, Luther, down. Now.” Liam’s voice boomed from the walls and the dogs immediately halted and fell from their hind legs to a much safer four-pawed stance.

      Laughter bubbled in Tanya’s throat. The dogs’ demonic smiles were fabulous. “They’re...they’re...”

      “Well trained.”

      She met Liam’s soft gaze and her heart flipped over. His eyes sparkled with laughter and his smile was wide. “They only bite if I tell them to.”

      “They’re beautiful.” Risking another barrage of licking, Tanya straightened and held out her hand to pet the dogs. All three of them collapsed onto their backs, their legs akimbo and their bellies exposed. She laughed and sank to her haunches. “Ah, all male. I should’ve guessed.”

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