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equally serves both the interests of the German nation and the welfare of our Christian faith . . .

      For years Germany has been waiting in vain for the redemption of the promise to disarm given us by the others. It is the sincere desire of the National Government to be able to refrain from increasing the German Army and our weapons insofar as the rest of the world is also finally willing to fulfill its obligation of radically disarming. For Germany wants nothing except equal rights to live and equal freedom.

      However, the National Government wishes to cultivate this spirit of a will for freedom in the German Volk. The honor of the nation, the honor of our Army, and the ideal of freedom—all must once more become sacred to the German Volk!

      The German Volk wishes to live in peace with the world . . .

      The distress of the world can only come to an end if the appropriate foundation is created by means of stable political conditions and if the peoples regain confidence in one another.

      To deal with the economic catastrophe, the following is necessary:

      1. an absolutely authoritarian leadership at home to create confidence in the stability of conditions;

      2. safeguarding peace on the part of the major nations for a long time to come and thus restoring the confidence of the peoples in one another; and

      3. the final triumph of the principles of common sense in the organization and leadership of the economy as well as a general release from reparations and impossible liabilities for debts and interest.11

      Leaders of other parties spoke in response to Hitler’s speech. Otto Wels, chairman of the Social Democrats countered forcefully: “No Enabling Law gives you the right to annihilate ideas that are eternal and indestructible.”12 But the resolution passed: Adolf Hitler now had complete power over Germany.

      At the Rhön Bruderhof, the brotherhood met to discuss their position. Eberhard wished to go to Kassel, the regional government seat, and then to Berlin to speak openly with the officials in charge, even with Hitler himself. He read out parts of Hitler’s speech and then asked each member to respond.

      Emmy Arnold: I believe that the journey to Kassel is urgent in order to sense exactly what is in the wind outside. We must know what is really happening, because nothing is written about it. A man in our neighboring village said one can’t use the word “justice” anymore or one is immediately called a communist. The father-in-law of a woman in Heubach was beaten to death in Fulda. Now the Jews are persecuted, and Christians will be next.

      Heiner Arnold: After Hitler’s speech I sense the necessity to stand together in the deepest unity and action of the heart.

      Liesel Wegner: We do not know how long we can still be together after this cutting, brutal speech.

      Trudi Hüssy: We must continue to build and not be held back by thoughts of what might happen. Sending Eberhard on our behalf to this present government is a very awesome thing to do, a historical act.

      Annemarie Wächter: Listening to Hitler’s speech, I felt as though we were an embassy in another country, with a completely different language and a completely different atmosphere. It is of the utmost importance that we represent within this embassy that other land—a land that is known to us—so powerfully that our testimony must be heard and cannot be ignored. We must all be filled from within by this living Spirit and be able to think of nothing else, so that we stand completely in the joy and power of the Spirit—and in unity.

      Alfred Gneiting: The time has come when we will be forsaken and alone, forsaken by all who have till now stood close to us.

      Adolf Braun: Historically, the times of freedom of spirit, of constitutional freedom, are very short, and the times of persecution are very long. Persecution is now coming, and we must call up all the strength we have in order not to be smashed to pieces right now. The state once more shows its claws like a beast of prey. The journeys to Kassel and Berlin are the most important next steps.

      Arno Martin: When such a mass of people are ready to submit their whole will to a satanic power, how much more must we be enthusiastic, courageous, and on fire for God’s cause, for the cause that really has a future.

      Eberhard: We must ask Jesus to lay his hand on us so that we are free from inertia. We cannot free each other, but he must free us. We must be free from tiredness and worry, everything that robs us of the courage and energy to be active. We shall carry on mission without the slightest fear of men. We will not be allowed to publish a magazine now; we will go like the Anabaptists of the sixteenth century, from person to person.

      He went on to lay out the path that he would follow. He felt clearly that the voice of the church needed to speak out, and for this reason they should remain in Germany to give witness. He mentioned several times over the next two years his desire to meet Adolf Hitler personally.

      We shall stay in this place where we have been led until God directs us to leave. We will go on building and working and must not give up praying for the means required.

      I look into the future without fear. I believe we can speak very clearly with this government, if from the first we take the initiative and openly express what we feel is positive and what we feel is negative. I hope I can speak with Adolf Hitler. We must ask God for an opportunity for an open exchange with him.

      In this hour it is not good to have such a large group of novices. During the passion week we should concentrate on accepting most of them as full members. We have to gather closely and firmly together in the brotherhood. Any visitors who are a disturbance need to leave. The brotherhood circle has to become an army, led by the Spirit.

      Then we need to concern ourselves with people who are suffering or in prison. We should go to authentic sources and do as much as we can. We have to become very active.13

      The following Sunday, Eberhard spoke to all members and guests:

      Right now our society is unhealthy: present-day churches, the present-day economic system. We cannot go along and must seek a different way, even if it is very modest. For we reject political attempts to improve public conditions; we renounce playing any role in middle-class society today.

      He then spoke of the efforts of well-meaning Christians to mitigate or correct various excesses of the Nazi movement. He made his point by referring to the symbol of the swastika, a hooked cross.

      It would seem to be possible to reach larger numbers of people by compromising with evil. The danger is, however, that while you try to knock off the hooks which have grown on the cross, you are still unable to check the movement of the rolling wheel. For the swastika is not static; and it moves in a definite direction. The Reichkanzler’s last speech makes very clear in which direction the swastika is going. The cause of the cross is completely different; it moves in absolutely the opposite direction.

      Hitler spoke of the swastika as the sign of the sun, already used by Germanic ancestors. In the Far East it is seen as a symbol of the rotating movement of all things according to the law of cause and effect—the karma.

      The rotating sun-wheel points to this stern sequence of cause and effect, sin and expiation, crime and retaliation. That is why the Nazi movement has a certain right to claim the swastika. First, there is the rotating movement (cause and effect) represented by this symbol; second, there is the idea of retaliation, of punishment, of judgment, of the karma—the concept that guilt calls inexorably for punishment. The state claims that it is justified in using the heaviest punishment against any act that threatens this government. National Socialism cannot be traced to the cross; it is a movement in absolute opposition to the cross.

      We have to acknowledge the direction given by Paul, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities,” who have the power to punish evil and protect good, to demand retribution. That’s what the governing authorities are there for, a weapon in the hands of the judging God of the Old Testament, in the hands of God who still must rule as judge over those not yet ready to follow his spirit.

      I would feel authorized by the brotherhood to reach out to the president of our government,

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