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      The Jonas Lie Megapack is copyright © 2014 by Wildside Press, LLC. All rights reserved. Cover art © 2014 by Justdd / Fotolia.


      Jonas Lauritz Idemil Lie [pronouned “Lee” in English] (1833–1908) was a Norwegian novelist, poet, and playwright who is considered to have been one of the Four Greats of 19th century Norwegian literature, together with Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson and Alexander Kielland.

      Jonas Lie was born at Hokksund in Øvre Eiker, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. Five years after his son’s birth, Lie’s father was appointed sheriff of Tromsø, which lies within the Arctic Circle, and young Jonas Lie spent six of the most impressionable years of his life at that remote port.

      He was sent to the naval school at Fredriksværn; but his defective eyesight caused him to give up a life at sea. He transferred to the Bergen Cathedral School in Bergen, and in 1851 entered the University of Christiania, where he made the acquaintance of Ibsen and Bjørnson. He graduated in law in 1857, and shortly afterwards began to practice at Kongsvinger, a town located between Lake Mjøsa and the border with Sweden.

      Clients were not numerous at Kongsvinger, and Lie found time to write for the newspapers—and became a frequent contributor to some of the Christiania journals. His first work was a volume of poems which appeared in 1866 and was not successful. During the four following years he devoted himself almost exclusively to journalism, working hard and without much reward, but acquiring the pen of a ready writer and obtaining command of a style which has proved serviceable in his subsequent career.

      In 1870 he published “Den Fremsynte” (“The Visionary or Pictures From Nordland”), a powerful tale of the sea and northern superstitions. In the following year he revisited Nordland and traveled into Finnmark.

      Starting from 1874, the Norwegian Parliament had granted him an artist salary. Having obtained this small pension from the Government, he sought the greatest contrast he could find in Europe to the scenes of his childhood and started for Rome. For a time he lived in North Germany, then he migrated to Bavaria, spending his winters in Paris. In 1882 he visited Norway for a time, but returned to the continent of Europe. His voluntary exile from his native land ended in the spring of 1893, when he settled at Holskogen, near Kristiansand. His works were numerous after that.

      * * * *

      In his works, Jonas Lie often sought to reflect in his writings the nature, folk life, and social spirit of the nation of Norway. His writing often dealt with family life in diverse settings, including portraying the social and intellectual restrictions on women of the educated classes. Lie was a versatile writer, liberal and modern, but also strongly tradition bound.

      A group of his short stories involve the superstitions of the fishermen and coast commoners of northern Norway. The much anthologized short story “Elias and the Draugh” was included in a collection originally published by Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, and was reprinted by Roald Dahl in Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories (1983).

      In 1860, he married his cousin Thomasine Henriette Lie (1833–1907). The couple had five children, of whom two died young.

      In 1904, the King of Norway awarded Lie with the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav. Jonas Lie died at Fleskum at Sandvika during 1908, less than a year after the death of Thomasine.

      * * * *

      Special thanks to Tore Stokka for suggesting this Megapack.

      —John Betancourt

      Publisher, Wildside Press LLC



      Over the last few years, our “Megapack” series of ebook anthologies has grown to be among our most popular endeavors. (Maybe it helps that we sometimes offer them as premiums to our mailing list!) Success breeds imitation, it seems—we have begun noticing some “fake megapacks” from other publishers trying to copy our format…and even using some of the same authors!

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      * * * *

      One question we keep getting asked is, “Who’s the editor?”

      The Megapacks (except where specifically credited) are a group effort. Everyone at Wildside works on them. This includes John Betancourt (me), Carla Coupe, Steve Coupe, Bonner Menking, Colin Azariah-Kribbs, A.E. Warren, and many of Wildside’s authors…who often suggest stories to include (and not just their own!)


      The Kindle versions of our Megapacks employ active tables of contents for easy navigation…please look for one before writing reviews on Amazon that complain about the lack! (They are sometimes at the ends of ebooks, depending on your reader.)


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      The Second Cat Story Megapack

      The Third Cat Story Megapack

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      The Second Christmas Megapack

      The Classic American Short Stories Megapack, Vol. 1.

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      The Dog Story Megapack

      The Doll

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