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found Madame’s husband? There’s an honest reward!

      (laughter increases)


      You know very well! You know very well! I will strangle you.

      VIRGINIA (bluntly)

      Well, yes! I took him from you! Are you satisfied? The two of us will adore him together. And he let you go. He had enough of you!

      GERVAISE (pulling stuff from a small pail and throwing the contents on her)



      She ruined my dress! Wait, wait— (she throws the water from her pail) You caught that one. Brush your teeth in it!

      (the washerwomen separate them and restrain them)


      They’re not funny!


      She’s right—the blonde—if she took her husband from her.

      MADAME BOCHE (who has prudently withdrawn)

      I have palpitations. Charles! Charles!

      CHARLES (peeping)

      Oh! What a farce! What a farce!


      What? There you are. Go find the cops!


      No, no! That would compromise the house.

      GERVAISE (to the washerwomen holding her back)

      Let me go, let me do her business!

      VIRGINIA (taking her stick)

      Ah. Madame wants the great—


      Don’t laugh—it’s necessary that one of the two of us remain. (taking her stick) Ah—I’ll mark you for the rest of your life. Here!

      (the washerwomen watch the two combatants. Charles standing on a chair, roars in laughter)


      They’re going to kill each other, separate them.

      VIRGINIA (letting out a scream)


      GERVAISE (coming out of the circle)

      She got what was coming to her.

      (the group opens. Virginia withdraws to the right, all ashamed)

      MADAME BOCHE (to Gervaise)

      My God! What butchery! Let’s get out of here right away. Do you want me to help you? (she throws her wet linen over her shoulder)




      A plucky woman, all the same—the blonde!


      Bravo! Bravo!

      GERVAISE (returning to Virginia)

      And don’t swagger or I’ll start over. (she withdraws)


      Bravo! Bravo!

      VIRGINIA (alone—forestage)

      Let her remember today. As for me, I’ll never forget it. And I’ll avenge myself, even if I have to die to do it. (shaking her fist) You’ve just made your misfortune.


      Bravo! Bravo!

      (Gervaise is on the steps at the back. She turns one last time to look at Virginia)


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