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at Solo? My bedraggled, badly-behaved impulse buy?

      “Umm, I guess,” I mumbled, and she followed me across to my paddock while Tori stayed to settle Zed and Colby into their new surroundings.

      “Tell me about him,” she said, casting what I supposed was an expert eye over Solo.

      So fighting back tears, I blurted the whole sad story.

      “….and I didn’t realise it at the time but he’d been drugged which was why he was so quiet when I went to ride him.” I sniffled.

      “Hmmmm,” Mrs Livingstone said. “I tell you what…he’s got great conformation. In my opinion he’d make an excellent show hack.”

      Hey, did she just say ‘in her opinion’? This wonderfully horsey lady who bred exquisite ponies and showed them at top-level competition? My Solo…a show horse?

      “Oh yes, he’s got a lot of quality and no major blemishes. I think we can make something of him!”


      “I’d love to help,” she said. “That’s if you don’t mind. I love a horse challenge.”

      Wow, what a day! I’d gone from being stuck watching football (which I hate) on a rainy day, to making the best horsey friends a girl could hope for!

      “That would be AWESOME!” I gushed, feeling a bit surreal after this unexpected turn of events.

      “My pleasure,” Mrs Livingstone replied. “First of all, he needs a horsey friend. Horses are herd animals and I’m sure he would settle if he had a companion.

      “I can let you borrow the mare who was nursemaid to my weanlings, she’ll be arriving soon. Her name is Annie, although we call her Nanny McPhee, and she’s a real little Alpha mare. She’ll soon have Solo sorted out.”

      I got the giggles picturing that!

      “So do you know anything about his background?” she asked.

      “The dealer said he was six years old and had won lots of races under the name of Solomon’s Gold,” I replied. “I later found out that wasn’t true…he made the name up. Plus Solo is actually around ten years old.”

      “Hmmmm…what a rogue, telling you a pack of lies just to secure a sale. I very much doubt this horse has ever raced.”

      Oh well, I had Solo now and best of all, he has potential for a new career as a show hack, and I had an expert willing to help me!

      I barely slept that night; I kept dreaming of show ponies, Horse of the Year show and a million other things galloping around my mind.

      I waited until mid-morning the following day before returning to the Livingstone’s, and ended up helping them carry stuff in from the furniture van which had just turned up. Finally Tori and I used an excuse to go check on the ponies. All was well in my horsey world until Tori said;

      “Let’s go for a ride!”

      Eeek! My mouth went dry…didn’t she realise I couldn’t ride Solo?

      “I’ll take Zed and you can have Colby. Don’t worry, he’s really quiet.”

      He might be quiet but surely he’ll pick up on my nerves? I think my face went red (I could feel it burning) and Tori noticed.

      “You’ll be fine, we’ll just stay in the arena. I don’t want to go trail riding just yet.”

      Their property included a sandy, fenced dressage arena at the back of the stable area.

      She saddled, bridled and put work boots on both ponies while I went home to change into my best breeches and get my hat. Then she legged me on to Colby. It was heaven to be on a horse again, I had missed it SO much! I sat there enjoying the sensation while she adjusted my stirrups. My heart was racing and I desperately hoped I would make a good impression.

      I squeezed with my legs and Colby walked forward obediently. I could feel Tori watching.

      “Loosen your reins a bit…that’s better!” she called.

      I didn’t mind her giving me instruction. It was her pony after all and besides, I probably needed it.

      I let the reins slip through my fingers a little and concentrated on moving my seat in rhythm with Colby’s walk. I sat up straight, heels down etc.

      “Relax!” Tori instructed. “You’re a little bit stiff. I hope you don’t mind me bossing you around like this.”

      “No way, go for it…I need all the help I can get!” I replied.

      After about 10 minutes of walking, I tried a trot. I squeezed with my legs a bit too hard and Colby shot forwards. Gosh, talk about sensitive! I was used to riding school horses who were a lot harder to get going. Hoping Tori didn’t notice, I sat down in the saddle and gently felt the reins until he slowed down to a more balanced trot.

      Making sure I was on the right diagonal, I trotted a few laps of the arena. I soon began to relax and enjoy the view between Colby’s alert, dainty ears. I was enjoying this so much!

      “Try a canter!” Tori yelled. This time I gently applied what I hoped were the correct aids and was rewarded with a rhythmic canter. I didn’t know riding could be this enjoyable! I mean, I did but to ride such a well-schooled pony is a delight I can’t really describe here with mere words.

      Alas, I was soon puffed and had to slow to a walk; I’d forgotten how energetic riding can be. Meantime I watched Tori school Zed. He moved beautifully and they did the most jaw-dropping extended trot.

      “You did really well,” Tori said, reining to a halt beside me. “I’ll mostly be riding Zed from now on so would you mind riding Colby now and then? He gets grumpy if he’s not ridden.”

      Have I mentioned how much I love my new neighbours?

      “Of course…I’ll trade you for some lessons on him.”

      “Me? Give lessons? Well I’m not qualified or anything but…yeah, sure!” Tori responded.

      And so the deal was done.

      Baptism of fire

      Somebody pinch me. Earlier this year I was a spectator drooling over gorgeous horseflesh at the Horse of the Year Show. Now here I was at another huge show with Tori and her mum who show ponies…and I was PART of it all! I was standing there holding Zed, trying to look like I did this sort of thing every other weekend but inside I was buzzing with excitement.

      Mrs. Livingstone was busy applying make-up to Zed’s face and I was amazed how she blended everything to accentuate his features without over-doing it. Zed was fidgety and kept trying to rub it off on me so I had my hands full keeping him still. Shouldn’t Tori be doing this? Where was she anyway? She’d been pretty quiet during the drive to the showgrounds but I put this down to nerves. I’m glad it’s her and not me riding!

      Solo had a new friend in Annie, the Livingstone’s nursemaid mare. When they first met, they touched noses and Annie squealed and struck out with her forelegs before spinning around to double-barrel Solo in the ribs. I gasped in horror…they were going to kill one another! Mrs. Livingstone just laughed knowingly and to my amazement, Solo retreated with a hurt expression. Annie the Alpha Mare had established just who was boss! Within a few days they were nibbling one anothers’ withers and Solo was following Annie around adoringly. Annie had done the trick though, Solo was now a lot calmer.

      But back to the show. Tori emerged from the float, looking a little pale.

      “I have to go to the toilet,” she said, before sprinting off.

      Zed managed to wipe some oily goop onto my shirt and I hoped Mrs Livingstone didn’t notice.

      “Is Tori nervous?” I asked.

      “Not usually,” Mrs Livingstone replied. “She loves showing the ponies. I hope she’s

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