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a show horse. My ugly duckling had finally completed his transformation. I marvelled that this elegant horse was the same nag I’d purchased so rashly.

      “He looks great Sarah,” Tori said.

      “It’s all thanks to you and your mum for turning him out so professionally,” I replied. I couldn’t stop admiring him!

      Soon it was time for my warm-up ride.

      “Don’t worry too much about collecting him today Sarah,” instructed Mrs Livinstone.

      “Keep your hands soft,” (her favourite mantra), “…and try to relax. Remember, we’re here to have fun.”

      Solo felt wonderful beneath me. I admired the row of plaits sitting neatly against his neck and vowed to remember this magic moment forever.

      Soon it was time for Solo’s led hack event, so I dismounted and handed him back to the Livingstones, who swarmed around him adding finishing touches to his make-up and painted his hooves black. I got dressed in the float (not a pleasant experience considering the manure splattered liberally up the walls) and wrestled to pull Tori’s boots on, only to discover I could hardly bend my knees! How on earth was I going run with Solo if I got called in the led event? I didn’t say anything though, as I had no alternative but to wear them.

      Before I knew it, I was leading Solo into the ring where the judge stood waiting. It all felt kind of surreal and I had a lot on my mind, including trying to walk properly. I kept Solo striding out well but it wasn’t easy, and after circling a few times, we were beckoned to line up in fourth place. Unfortunately Solo reckoned this was boring and got the fidgets, which made it hard for me to keep him from bumping the other horses. The first horse stood well for the judge’s inspection and trotted beautifully; the second kept breaking into a canter during the trot back, while the third appeared slightly lame, even to my inexperienced eye.

      Then it was my turn. I led Solo out and tried to make him stand square, but he was having none of it and stubbornly left one hind leg trailing. He did however, conveniently spot something fascinating to look at outside the ring and stood with pricked ears at just the right time. Then it was our turn to perform the usual led workout of walk away from the judge and trot back. I tried as best I could in the horrible boots, turning Solo to the right so he was between me and the judge then taking a deep breath, ran as fast…and straight…as I could. I think we did okay. At least he didn’t break into a canter and even managed to stand almost square at the end.

      After all the horses had worked, the judge walked up and down the line-up, assessing each horse’s conformation before making her final decision. The first horse was called forwards, followed by…I heard whoops and clapping from my cheer squad outside the ring…gosh, Solo was beckoned into second place. Awesome!

      I tried to act casual but my heart was bursting with pride. Second place…who’d have thought?

      “Congratulations,” said the judge, as she tied the red ribbon around Solo’s neck. “Your horse is lovely and I had trouble deciding on my first and second placegetters, but your workout wasn’t quite as good.”

      “Thank you,” I replied. “It’s our first outing together.”

      She continued to look thoughtfully at Solo.

      “What’s his name? He looks vaguely familiar.”

      “Solomon’s Gold.”

      She shook her head. “It doesn’t ring a bell, but I’m positive I know him from somewhere. Oh well, all the best.”

      I left the arena amidst much clapping and whistling from Mrs Livingstone and Tori.

      “Well done Sarah,” said Mrs Livingstone. “We’d better hang around in case the winner of your class gets champion, then Solo is eligible to go in for reserve.”

      Did she just say RESERVE CHAMPION? I’d have said any ribbon was a bonus, but a sash? Darn, now I was nervous all over again!

      Thankfully my parents arrived and after making me pose for lots of photos, mum handed me my top boots, which, happily, she had spotted in the kitchen on her way out.

      We watched as two more led hack classes were judged, then it was time for the champion led hack 15hh and over. This seemed to take an awfully long time as the judge was being very thorough. I couldn’t help hissing a triumphant ‘yes!’ when the tri-colour sash was eventually awarded to the winner of my class, as this meant I was eligible to try for reserve. I wasn’t expecting anything so I relaxed, and Solo did too. Our workout was much better; he fairly flew beside me, displaying his lovely, floaty trot. Once again the judge took her time making the final decision.

      “Chestnut on the end please,” she said finally, pointing to Solo.

      The judge walked towards us, a large purple sash fluttering from her hands. I was speechless.

      “Well done,” she said. “That was a much improved workout. He’s certainly a lovely type with excellent movement.”

      I think I may have croaked a reply.

      I led Solo out of the ring in a daze.

      “Wow, reserve champion, top effort Sarah!” said Tori.

      This was beyond my wildest dreams and I was so proud of Solo! The rest of the show passed in a blur. Solo placed third in his novice ridden hack event, and I was sixth in novice rider but unfortunately missed Solo’s open hack event due to the classes clashing (a common problem according to Tori). I wasn’t worried though, I was over the moon at bringing home three ribbons and a sash, an achievement I didn’t dare contemplate this morning.

      The drizzle that had been threatening all day was starting to set in so we decided to pack up and head for home. Just as well…I was physically and mentally exhausted. My parents stood around watching us work.

      Tori was on the other side of the float unplaiting Solo’s mane while Mrs Livingstone packed the car.

      “Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame, where there is a flame someone’s bound to get burned.”

      Tori was singing her favourite song by P!nk.

      “You gotta get up and try and try and TRY…..”

      My dad ran around the float to Tori…I don’t think I’ve seen him move so fast in years!

      “Was that you singing just now?” he asked.

      “Uhh, well…yeah,” she mumbled, her face flushing crimson. “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was listening.”

      “Well you’re very good…great in fact. I don’t suppose you’d like to have a go at recording something? No pressure, just an informal, muck around session in my studio. Sarah can help, can’t you sweetheart?”

      Oohh he called me sweetheart, he MUST be serious!

      “Errm, aargh,” I couldn’t catch was Tori was mumbling. She pretended to be engrossed in Solo’s mane.

      “Do it Tori,” I urged. “It’ll be fun and I know dad won’t let anyone else hear it without your say so.”

      I couldn’t sing to save myself much to dad’s dismay, as there’s nothing he enjoys more than sitting behind the console in his recording studio ‘makin’ music’.

      “Pleeaase?!” I pleaded.

      “I’ll think about it,” she said, unwinding a final plait.

      “I hope so,” he told her. “You have real talent.”

      I could tell dad didn’t want to push her so with a wink at me, which I interpreted to mean ‘talk her into it’, he re-joined mum and they headed towards their car for the drive home.

      I got the giggles when I saw Solo’s curly mane and forelock after he’d been unplaited. I gave him a hug and thanked him for a fantastic day. He wasn’t the most perfect horse in the world but gosh…when you think back to the fire-breathing

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