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      Upending the Ivory Tower

      Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Ivy League

      Stefan M. Bradley


      New York


      New York


      © 2018 by New York University

      All rights reserved

      References to Internet websites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. Neither the author nor New York University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared.

      An earlier and partial version of chapter 2 was previously published as “The Southern-Most Ivy: Princeton University from Jim Crow Admission to Anti-Apartheid Protests, 1764–1969,” in American Studies 51, no. 3/4 (2010): 109–130; reprinted by permission.

      An earlier and partial version of chapter 4 was published as “Black Power and the Big Green: Dartmouth College and the Black Freedom Movement in the Postwar Era,” in Journal of Civil and Human Rights 1, no. 1 (2015): 25–55; reprinted by permission.

      ISBN: 978-1-4798-7399-9 (hardback)

      For Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data, please contact the Library of Congress.

      New York University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and their binding materials are chosen for strength and durability. We strive to use environmentally responsible suppliers and materials to the greatest extent possible in publishing our books.

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

      Also available as an ebook


       List of Abbreviations


      Gerald Horne



       1. Surviving Solitude: The Travails of Ivy Desegregators

       2. Unsettling Ol’ Nassau: Princeton University from Jim Crow Admissions to Anti-Apartheid Protests

       3. Bourgeois Black Activism: Brown University and Black Freedom

       4. Black Power and the Big Green: Dartmouth College and the Challenges of Isolation

       5. Space Invader: Columbia Enters Harlem World

       6. There Goes the Neighborhood: Penn’s Postwar Expansion Project

       7. Blue Bulldogs and Black Panthers: Yale, New Haven, and Black Imaginings

       8. Black Studies the Hard Way: Fair Harvard Makes Curricular Changes

       9. Africana Ambitions: The Defense of Blackness at Cornell University

       Conclusion: Welcome to the Class





       About the Author


      AAAAS: Association of African and Afro-American Students

      AAS: Afro-American Society

      ABC: Association of Black Collegians

      Afro: Association of African and Afro-American Students

      APBA: Association of Black Princeton Alumni

      ASRC: Africana Studies and Research Center

      AWC: Area-Wide Council

      BGLO: Black Greek-Letter Organization

      BOSS: Barnard Organization of Soul Sisters

      BSAY: Black Student Alliance of Yale

      CCC: Columbia Citizenship Council

      CEO: Committee on Equal Opportunity

      CIC: Community Involvement Council

      CORE: Congress of Racial Equality

      COSEP: Committee on Special Education Projects

      FIGHT: Freedom Integration God Honor Today

      HBCU(s): Historically Black Colleges and Universities

      HRAAAAS: Harvard and Radcliffe Association of African and Afro-American Students

      IDA: Institute for Defense Analyses

      KKK: Ku Klux Klan

      MCP: Mantua Community Planners

      MHI: Morningside Heights, Inc.

      NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

      NSSFNS: National Scholarship and Service Fund for Negro Students

      OBU: Organization of Black Unity

      OIC: Opportunities Industrialization Center

      OPHR: Olympic Project for Human Rights

      PIDC: Philadelphia Industrial Development Center

      PSCP: Princeton Summer Cooperative Program

      PWI: Predominantly White Institution

      RAM: Revolutionary Action Movement

      ROTC: Reserve Officers Training Corps

      SAS: Students’ Afro-American Society (Columbia University)

      SAAS: Students’ Afro-American Society (University of Pennsylvania)

      SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference

      SDS: Students for a Democratic Society

      SNCC: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

      SROs: Single Room Occupancy units


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