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of Guyana.

      Jones had an interesting history. He adopted various races of children, and he called them his “rainbow family.” He was bisexual, according to sources. He created social change in Indianapolis. He gave out free lunches to the needy. He got politicians in California elected with his congregation’s votes. One governor, a president’s wife, and other political figures even spoke from his platform. Deceivers always have some good characteristics, yet their end is death and hell.

      Adolph Hitler was another deceiver with similar characteristics. He was believable—both a problem maker and a problem solver. He had his own agenda, murdering over six million Jews. This was Lucifer, Satan, the Devil working through one man. He also used religion to deceive others. Please research these men. Compare them with the crisis of today, and you may be surprised at the similar tactics used.

      The Bible is different from any other book in the world. It speaks of the past, the present, and the future. This Bible will never be outdated. It tells us about the beginning of time to the end of time, and eternity.

      The United States of America became the greatest nation on earth, and it was founded upon Christian principles that recognized the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It also recognized the prophets, the apostles, and Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone. Before people became enlightened by the Bible, slavery was common all over the world. Both white and black slave owners existed in the US. William Wilberforce became a Christian and spoke out against slavery. He helped to get it abolished in England, and John Newton assisted him. Newton was a former slave trader who became a Christian. Newton wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace.” Slavery was later abolished in the United States. Sadly, it is reported that slavery still exists in over 150 countries in parts of Africa, India, Haiti, and the Middle East. The sex trade still exists in the United States. All forms of slavery is a sin. The Bible tells us to do unto others as we would have them do onto us. It says to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:39). The Devil’s intention is to enslave everyone on earth with sin.

      This is how to identify a person who has been deceived: No matter what you tell them, or what they know about a deceiver, the person (to whom they have an allegiance) can do no wrong. Even though what the person is doing, and or saying, is against the Word of God, the deceived will not listen. This is happening to old and young people alike. Their eyes are open but their minds are blind.

      The Bible tells us how to understand its content by putting precept upon precept and line upon line, here a little and there a little, according to Isiah 28:10. Genesis tells us how everything began on earth and in space. The book of Isiah tells us that the world is round. There was no human way possible to know this back when this was written. It was revealed to the prophet Isaiah. In the book of Job, we are told that the earth is suspended in space.

      The Law and the New Testament are different in their approach. “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (1 John 10:17). Exodus 21:24 says, “An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot.” In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus tells us to “resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” If we followed the Old Testament, there would be a lot of blind and toothless people with missing limbs around. God sent His Son to fulfill the requirements of the law. Hebrews 8:13 says, “A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which is decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” (Compare the book of Deuteronomy 24:1 in the Old Testament with Matthew 5:31 regarding divorce.)

      Jesus said, “But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my father’s name and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye shall receive.” There are two forces on earth GOOD and EVIL. When Jesus was on earth, He spoke of the antichrist.

      This is what Lucifer (Satan) intends. He wants to weaken the nations. He said he would sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. “‘I will be like the Most High.’ Yet though shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit” (Isa.14:14-15).

      In the book of John, it tells us that people will kill believers thinking that they are doing God’s service, and Revelations tells us believers will be beheaded. The words of the Bible are true. It also warns us of false spiritual leaders that are of this world. You cannot serve two masters. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” You cannot have an allegiance to any wrongness—even in politics. The challenge is made to righteous, spiritual leaders: They should be strong, unmovable, and fearless with the Word of God. In the book of Revelations (21:8), we can see that the fearful are first on the list of those who will have their part in the lake of fire. So, trust in God. Pray without ceasing, for your adversary, the Devil, is always on the prowl.

      Read the Bible for yourself and ask the Lord to save you.

      Chapter 1


      A Few Notes from the Owner’s Manual for Mankind

      The words found in the manual for mankind (the Bible) include the past, present, and the future. The Bible has a great value. The words in the Bible were written over a period of 1,500 years, instructed by forty holy men of God, living on three continents. These words were written and organized into 66 books—39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. In the beginning the words were written in Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew, upon scrolls, rolled parchment, linen, or papyrus.

      This book is the first important book, and it was printed in 1456 (only 559 years ago). It was first printed in Europe (from movable type printing press) by Johann Gutenberg. The Gutenberg Bible, owned by the Library of Congress, is perhaps the most valuable printed book in the world. In Mark 13:10 it says, “And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” The printing press has made this possible. People of all nations who migrate to places where the gospel is published continue to spread the Word.

      A lot of people own a Bible. Perhaps it is left on a bookshelf, a dash board, or on the back window of a car, becoming faded by the sun’s rays. Unfortunately, it is not being read as much as it should be. The Word of God is spiritual food. Have you heard, “Give us this day our daily bread?” The Scripture quoted in this book you are now reading is taken from the original 1611 King James of the Bible version.

      In 1947 the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. They were written in Hebrew, Ahmed, and Greek. The words are the same, except for a few small letters which did not change the meaning of the Scripture. The King James Version uses the same wording, but it is printed in English. These scrolls have been carbon dated fourteen multiple times, giving a calibrated date from 320–330 B.C. (Before Christ). It is amazing that in 1947, an Arab shepherd boy, named Juma, discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 1948, Israel became a nation. Neither the Muslims, nor the Jews, recognize Jesus as the Messiah—the Son of the living God. The Isaiah scroll was found complete. Isaiah speaks of the Messiah in chapter 53. This is significant because these words were written about 700 years before Jesus was even born. In these last days, with the deterioration of humanity, it will be revealed to the Muslims, Jews, and everybody on earth, that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Everything that is happening in this world now was predicted by the prophets of God a long time ago.

      There are some that say the Bible was hidden. Well, now we know the truth. Jesus said in the book of John 5:43, “I came in my Father’s name and ye received me not. If another shall come in his own name him ye will receive.” First Corinthians 3:11 says, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

      Jesus Christ is spoken of throughout the entire Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments: (Genesis 12:3) The seed of Abraham; (Genesis 49:10) From the tribe of Judah; (Isaiah 9:6-7) Heir to the throne of David; (Micah 5:2) Born in Bethlehem; (Daniel 9:25) At the appointed time; (Isaiah 7:14) Born of a virgin; (Psalm 2:7; Proverbs 30:4; John 3:13) Declared to be the Son of God; (Deuteronomy 18:15) Would be a prophet; (Isaiah 53:3) Rejected of His own; (Zechariah 9:9) He entered Jerusalem as a king riding on an ass; (Zechariah 11:12) Sold for 30 pieces of silver; (Psalm 35:1) Accused by false witnesses; (Isaiah 53:7) Silent to accusations; (Isaiah 50:6) Spat upon

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