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      Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O., is a physician, medical scientist, futurist, and innovator. He coined the term "anti-aging medicine" and is recognized as a leading authority in the new clinical science of anti-aging medicine. Dr. Klatz is the physician founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. In 1984, Dr. Klatz was a pioneer in the clinical specialty of preventative medicine: as a principal founder of the National Academy of Sports Medicine and researcher into elite human performance and physiology. Dr. Klatz is a best-selling author, and is columnist or Senior Medical Editor to several international medical journals. Since 1981, Dr. Klatz has been integral in the pioneering exploration of new therapies for the treatment and prevention of age-related degenerative diseases. He is the inventor, developer, or administrator of 100-plus scientific patents, including those for technologies for brain resuscitation, trauma and emergency medicine, organ transplant and blood preservation. Today, Dr. Klatz helps to support aging-related biotech research and supervises postgraduate medical training programs for physicians from 120 countries.

      Robert Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., D.O., FAASP is physician co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and Chairman of the World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine. Dr. Goldman serves as Chairman of the International Medical Commission overseeing sports medicine committees in over 184 nations. He also is President Emeritis of the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and founded the International Sports Hall of Fame. Dr. Goldman has served as a Senior Fellow at the Lincoln Filene Center, Tufts University; as an Affiliate at the Philosophy of Education Research Center, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. He currently holds professorships at Universities in China, Indonesia, Korea, and Brazil.

      Chapter 2

      Healing the Mind and Body with Food: A Personal Experience

      Tana Amen, BSN, RN

      Executive Vice-President, Amen Clinics (www.amenclinics.com)


      Food can be both a medicine and a poison. The aim of this paper is to show how making the right food choices can transform and heal both the mind and the body.


      I was a sick little girl who grew up with a lot of trauma and drama. It was like there was a tiger hiding around every corner, and you never knew when something bad was going to jump up and bite you. I still remember the day that my uncle was murdered – I was 4-years-old, and I saw my mother and my grandmother fall to the floor sobbing in grief. I used to sooth my anxiety when I was young with my best friend, sugary food. The poor quality food and the chronic stress in my home attacked my immune system. I was sick a lot and I became a frequent flyer at the local hospital.

      A few years later my grandmother came to live with us. She had diabetes. She and I shared the same diet. We both loved sugary cereals and we started eating them for dinner as well as breakfast. She used to make the most amazing warm Syrian bread smothered and drowning in honey. By the time I was 11, I was giving my grandmother her insulin shots because my mother had to work 3 jobs so that we could survive. I spent so much time around doctors that I wanted to be one.

      When I was 15 I was attacked and dragged down an alley. I was nearly raped, but I fought with the attacker and I got away. I decided there and then that I was never going to be a victim and that is when I learned how to fight for real. But in my early 20s I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer that metastasized and came back 3 times, which is unusual. My cancer completely ruined my plans for medical school and I became so devastated and overwhelmed that I sunk into a deep depression. This time the attacker was inside my own body and I realized that I was fighting with an invisible phantom and I was in for the fight of my life. It was so much harder to fight for my own health, and I was up against a huge adversary.

      At one point, I was so sick, that I was on 9 prescriptions and taking medications to manage the side effects of the medications. When I complained, my doctor told me that I was in denial and that maybe I should see a psychiatrist. I did not agree. You have to become a warrior for your own health, so I fought. Now I am in my 40s and I am healthier than I have ever been.


      Food can be both a medicine and a poison. Today, it mainly seems to be the latter. Many people eat highly-processed, pesticide-sprayed, genetically-modified,

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