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      Just what was this common language that was spoken commonly throughout the world from Adam, to Noah, and even on until the fifth generation after Noah, until the Tower of Babel?

      This language had to have been what we now call Hebrew. This Hebrew language is the oldest known language upon the earth. All of the other ancient languages have basic root connections to the Hebrew language. Ancient writings also tell of these stars in the heavens, calling them by their Hebrew names, which outdate all of the other more recent star charts of other civilizations, which keep the Hebrew root meanings.

      Therefore, the word zodiac actually comes from the Hebrew root, which actually means a path or a trail, as in a route to follow. The definition of this word is much more accurate than the Greek word, meaning “animal.”

      Now when we can see that this word zodiac actually means a path or a trail which is to be followed, this story or sign will become much more interesting and revealing.

      With this in mind, when we look at the other word Mazzaroth, which is the other name also used for the constellations, which we will also see listed in the Book of Job, along with other constellations also, it will be easier for us to understand the meaning of this word, which means a crooked trail or a snake-like path. In fact, the entire grouping of the twelve major constellations are in a circle, but when you cut the circle at the beginning, at the constellation of Virgo, and twist the half circle around at the seventh constellation, and lay it upon its side, it becomes exactly that, a crooked trail, or a snakelike path, or an “S” laying on its side, beginning at the constellation of Virgo and ending with the constellation of Leo, the lion. Thusly, it becomes a path or trail of constellations that can be followed, that also tell a marvelous, miraculous, and wonderful story, if you can then read it from the beginning to the end, to see exactly what God is telling us through the signs in the story, in the constellations in the heavens.

      Let us take a look at this story that God has put as a sign for all of us in these constellations in the heavens!

      The first thing here to recognize is that there are twelve major constellations that are divided into thirds, or groups of four sets of major constellations each. This makes three sets of four groups of major constellations, each telling another part of this overall theme of God’s plan, or signs in the heavens. There are three minor constellations that are attached to, and support, each one of the twelve major constellations’ themes, making a total of twelve major constellations with each of their three support constellations totaling forty-eight complete constellations visible in the heavens. Also each of the forty-eight constellations have within them stars which, by their original names, all support the themes of each of the individual minor, and major, constellational themes, and all these support each other. Realize that only three of these individual constellations’ stars can actually reveal the overall theme picture that is revealed. Then, just how do we derive their overall picture? It is by the original names of all of these stars throughout each of the individual constellations, as we will see. Since the original star names were in Hebrew, each civilization that followed kept the pictorial record pretty much exact, but changed the star names into their individual languages at later dates. Even though they did this, they kept the translations almost the same throughout the entire star systems, even though the overall stories were perverted from Nimrod through the Romans. However, even this did not spoil the entire story, as we will see.

      To keep it simple, and to make it easier to comprehend, the three major divisions will appear next, followed by each of the four groups of the twelve constellations, with each of their three minor support constellations in their orders.

      I. Group #I, or Part #I = the Promised Birth of the Messiah, or the Christ Child, Fulfilled.

      A. Virgo = the virgin, and the virgin birth.

      1. Coma = the desired, or the desired one.

      2. Centaurus = the centaur.

      3. Bootes = the coming one.

      B. Libra = the scales, or balances.

      1. Crux = the southern cross.

      2. Victima = the victim.

      3. Corona = the crown.

      C. Scorpio = the scorpion.

      1. Serpens = the serpent.

      2. Orphiucihus = the holder of the serpent.

      3. Hercules = the mighty one.

      D. Sagittarius = the archer.

      1. Lyra = the harp.

      2. Ara = the altar.

      3. Drago = the dragon.

      II. Group #II, or Part #II, = Resurrection to Life Accomplished, or Received, by the Messiah, or Christ.

      A. Capricorn = the goat-fish.

      1. Sagitta =the arrow.

      2. Aquila = the eagle.

      3. Delphinus = the dolphin.

      B. Aquarius = the water-pourer.

      1. Piscis Australis = the southern fish.

      2. Pegasus = the winged horse.

      3. Cygnus = the swan.

      C. Pisces = the fishes.

      1. The band = the bands.

      2. Andromeda = the chained woman.

      3. Cepheus = the crowned king.

      D. Aries = the lamb.

      1. Cassiopeia = the enthroned woman.

      2. Cetus = the sea monster.

      3. Perseus = the breaker.

      III. Group #III, or Part #III, Kingdom and Judgment Established by the Messiah and Christ.

      A. Taurus =the bull.

      1. Orion = the glorious one.

      2. Eridanus = the river.

      3. Auriga = the shepherd.

      B. Gemini = the twins.

      1. Lepus = the enemy.

      2. Canis Major = the prince.

      3. Canis Minor = the redeemer.

      C. Cancer = the crab{the sheepfold}.

      1. Ursa Minor = the lesser sheepfold.

      2. Ursa Major = the greater sheepfold.

      3. Argo = the ship {always coming into a safe harbor}

      D. Leo = the lion.

      1. Hydra = the serpent {sea serpent}

      2. Crater = the cup.

      3. Corvus = the raven.

      We will take a closer look at each one of these constellations individually. That is to say, we will get up close and personal with each of these constellations, now, as we continue.

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