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space, awaiting the advancement of God’s next move in His plan of creation, after His statement of having made an end, but not a full end, in Ezekiel, Chapter twenty-eight, and in Jeremiah, Chapter four.

      Now that God has divided the water and the earth, with the earth setting still here in space under the mantle that God has created on Day Two and receiving the full benefit of the full exposure of all of the rays from the light of God for the flora and fauna, the grasses, the herbs, and the trees, which were all firmly attached and fixed to the earth, with no need for a rotation of the earth until today, because there was nothing upon the earth that would require gravity, God begins the rotation of the earth for the dividing of the night and the day, and to provide the gravity which will become necessary on Day Five and Day Six, and thereafter, due to the free–moving, air-breathing creations that He was going to create, which would need the day and the night, and the gravity to hold them to the earth.

      But what about the signs concerning the sun and the moon?

      This is a very interesting question. When we see the sun, we are in fact looking at a representation of Jesus, the Christ. If you will remember when we looked at pre-creation verses, we saw that God had planned for Jesus to come and become the sacrificial Lamb, and the Light of the World, even before the foundation of the world was begun in Titus chapter 1 verse 2B, and in the book of Hebrews in chapter 13, verse 20. So this fact, that God had already planned for Jesus to come and redeem all of fallen man, should make this representation of the sun, representing Jesus, more plausible for us to easily understand.

      We also saw that, in the book of John 1:1, nothing that was created, was created without him, or Jesus, and He was the light and life which was with God in the beginning. Now all of these verses we have already explored in our pre-creation scriptures, and this, should make these representations easier and clearer for us to understand.

      The moon has more than one sign that it represents. The first is the mother representation of Israel and the foundation of Christianity, which is Judaism. Without Judaism, there could not have ever been the church. Jesus had to come through Judaism to His own, who would reject Him at that time to allow for the church to be established as a result. However, in the last days, God will restore Israel and Judaism to her rightful place in His covenant promises.

      Psalm 89:34–37:


      In these verses God reaffirms his covenant and confirms his word with Israel through King David. God also states that David’s throne will be forever as the sun. This refers to Jesus who will come; thus it is through Jesus who will inherit the throne of David forever. The sun represents Jesus, who was yet to come. The moon reference is to Israel as a whole, and even to the Ecclesia, or Church, which would come from Israel and Judaism, after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

      Also the moon represents the ecclesia, or the church, which should be reflecting the light of the sun, or Jesus, in and to this darkened or lost world. This should make it easier for us to understand how God has planned for everything by providing for every contingency, even before it ever happened. This should also allow us to see that the church, or ecclesia, and even Christianity was accounted for even in the heavens long before it ever came about.

      Therefore, when early man looked into the heavens and saw the sun and the moon, they were foretold of the coming Savior, Jesus the Christ, to redeem all of fallen man, and His ecclesia or church, and even His body saints, even though they may not have actually understood it all at that time.

      There is evidence and teachings by Jewish rabbis and sages from ancient Jewish writings that all this was clearly understood from Adam all the way through Abraham. However, Nimrod, at the Tower of Babel, began perverting all of this clearly understood knowledge, in order to pervert the gospel record that was recorded in the heavens. This perversion of the heavens continued even after this time in Egypt, in Greece, and in Rome. All of these perversions were authored by Satan, from behind the scenes obviously, because he did not want this story spread or taught openly.

      We also want to look at the problem that ecologists seemingly have with God creating plants and trees before He created the sun for light, heat, and food for them.

      This is not the whole story that is told in the heavens concerning the signs, especially, in the stars, but I would like once again to address this seemingly important problem, that ecologists supposedly find so significant, of the plants, grass, and trees being created before the sun, moon, or stars.

      As I have already stated, and is so very clear in the Bible, on day one of re-creation, that God’s perfect presence was still here on this earth. This presence was the light that melted the waters in Genesis 1:2. It was perfect light and it provided the light and heat necessary for all the grass, herbs, and trees. This then is a moot problem that does not become of any value even to ecologists, unless they do not choose to believe in God!

      Now, this is the real problem! They really do not want to accept the Genesis record, not because of a flaw, but because they just do not want to believe in God! This then is really a spiritual problem of theirs, and not a problem of the Word of God.

      Realizing this, we can clearly see that this so-called problem is really a satanic deception rather than a valid flaw that should even be considered.

      Let’s look once again at the signs as they appear in the stars. This record of signs in the stars has been addressed by many other scholars in the past, and is not something new that has just been discovered and brought to our attention.

      As I have already mentioned, this record of the signs that God established in the heavens was obviously clearly understood from Adam all the way through Abraham, even to the time of the Egyptian sojourning by the Israelite children. This has been so clearly discovered in the Planetarium when it was discovered at Dendera in Egypt by Napoleon’s explorers during his campaign in Egypt.

      It must be understood that the stars and the sun and the moon are fixed in their locations in the heavens. Although they rotate and move through the heavens and space, they always remain fixed to their constellation groups and their chartable courses throughout the heavens. Therefore, they remain the same and constant. This is why God tells us that He placed them in the heavens, and they are for signs, or a model, or a foretelling of things to come.

      Therefore, the constellations can be counted upon to tell the same stories in the heavens that they always have, as God had designed even from the beginning, providing we are able to understand the real story that is foretold, and not just some concocted or made-up version, as it was first perverted by the man called Nimrod, at Babel, and others throughout history, but the real story found here in the heavens, supported and reported in the biblical or gospel record.

      This opens some interesting revelations about the signs in the stars that we will look at now.

      First, we will see that there are twelve major constellation groups, and each major constellation has three minor, or support constellations to support each major constellation. The total number of constellations in the heavens is forty-eight. They all tell the same story and reveal the real truth.

      This fact then brings up some major questions:

      1.But just what is the story?

      2.Where do we begin, and end, to study this story in the heavens?

      3.Does this story support the Genesis and Gospel records?

      We are about to answer all of these questions, and it should reveal the truth as it was begun even before time.

      Where to start? This question is answered in a very unusual place. In Egypt, we find many interesting phenomena. The sphinx is only one of these strange things. When I was in school many years ago, the history teachers were unable to explain the sphinx

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