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are all these twinkling lights? And why are you wearing your bathrobe?” he asked as he looked at his father in a long purple robe. “And you’re really here, aren’t you?” he continued to question and definitely unsure of what he was experiencing. This was so beyond anything he could have ever imagined; he just needed more reassurance this was all actually happening.

      “Yes, I’m really here,” he said overjoyed, as he was able to hug his son for the first time in five years.

      “Oh Father, I’ve missed you,” Winston said elated, hugging his father as tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. At the same time feeling bewildered by the sights around him. “But what’s going on?”

      “Be patient my son and I’ll explain. Some of what I’m going to tell you may sound very strange at first, but know it’s all good and you’re safe,” Simon said continuing to reassure Winston.

      “O…Ok!” Winston stuttered, still gazing around at what seemed like millions of tiny lights surrounding them. “But Father, what are those lights?” he persisted.

      “They’re beings from the Kingdom of Lights,” Simon replied.

      Stunned by the perplexing answer Winston’s eyes widened in surprise as he stuttered, “Those little lights are beings! From where?”

      “The Kingdom of Lights is where the essence of the good people of Luminatia go when their time in this world is finished,” his father explained.

      “You mean like heaven?” the young boy asked mystified.

      “Yeah! Simon smiled at his son’s reaction. “Winston, I’m going to touch on the beginning of an extraordinary true story now and understand that very soon the whole story will be revealed to you.

      A very long time ago a difficult and complicated situation arose. Ten people very close to King Shadel, the Ancient One chose to form a secret order called the Order of the Light for the purpose of serving the King and the people of Luminatia. Because their service was freely given, he enabled the ten to become guardians and bestowed them with special powers. Since King Shadel is immortal and the ten guardians were mortal, they all pledged that one child, to be chosen by the King, in each future generation of their descendants, would continue the legacy to become a guardian and enter the Order of the Light.” Simon leaned in towards his son and took his hand, “Winston, I’m a guardian and the descendent of one of those original ten guardians.”

      “What? Huh! You’re a what?” was about all Winston could get out of his mouth. It sounded too bizarre to be real.

      “I know this is difficult for you to grasp. It was for me when my father told me he was a guardian,” Simon explained, knowing his son could not possibly understand the implications of what else was to be revealed. “What’s happening to you now is called the Dream of Guardians. It occurs just before becoming a guardian. Several days prior to learning their destiny, that person has a terrifying dream. When they awake, memory of the contents of dream is gone. Its purpose is to begin to prepare their consciousness for the transition. Winston, my son, you’re about to become a guardian. It is your destiny.”

      Dumbfounded and not quite able to process all he was hearing, he began to ramble on, “Father, I had a dream like that a couple of nights ago. You mean I’m going to become a guardian…for real? Me!” he exclaimed pointing to himself. “With powers…what kind of powers? What about Willow is she going to become a guardian, is Mother a guardian? What does Mother think of you being a guardian?”

      “Slow down son,” Simon grinned. “Yes, you will become a guardian and yes in time you will receive powers.” Simon’s tone turned serious, “No, Willow and Mother are not guardians nor will they become one. Winston, do you trust me?”

      “Yes, Father of course I trust you,” Winston answered not knowing what to make of the unfolding state of affairs and feeling utterly flustered.

      “This must be kept a secret, just between you and me. You cannot tell anyone about this including your sister or your mother. You’ll understand the reason in time. I’m going to touch your forehead and you will fall back to sleep and be returned to your bed. When you wake up in the morning you won’t remember any of what happened until the day after you’ve completed the Dream of Guardians,” Simon instructed.

      “Tomorrow night you’ll be brought back to me and I’ll introduce you someone very special. For now, my son, know I love you and you’re quite safe,” Simon told Winston as he put his hand on his son’s forehead and the boy fell into a deep sleep. “By the way son,” he chuckled as he whispered in Winston’s ear while the boy slept, “this is not my bathrobe.”

      The same twinkling lights that brought him to his father now returned him to his bed. Bong, the clock struck three, the dust once again floated about in the light of the full moon, the shadows of the tree branches outside of his window danced across his room. The crickets chirped, the owl continued to hoot, the noises of the night were back. Time returned.


      “You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep,” Anessa reassured her son as she sat on the edge of his bed that night, trying not to show her concern. He had complained about being very tired all day, which was odd for him, he was always so energetic he never seemed to tire. She would keep a close eye on him she thought as she tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead.

      Sleep came quick to Winston that night. He did not like to admit it but it was nice to have his mother tuck him even though he thought he was too grown up for that, it still felt good.

      The dance of the moonlit dust and tree shadows appeared in his room once again as a concert of night sounds played outside his window. “Bong! Bong!” chimed the clock at three a.m. and then nothing but immobility and silence filled Winston’s room and all of Luminatia. Yet again time stopped no motion, no sound, just a heavy scent of stillness.

      The twinkling lights returned filling the sky as they had the night before. Once more they entered Winston’s room and transported him back to the mountain where Simon waited for his son.

      Simon nudged his sleeping son. As he awoke his father asked, “How did it go yesterday?”

      “Father, it was weird. I was so tired, I’m never that tired during the day. What’s happening to me?” Winston asked with some concern.

      “A part of your subconscious mind is being awakened during the process of the Dream of Guardians which is causing your energy to expand and that’s making you feel tired. It’s a good thing, Winston and nothing to be afraid of. It’s just going to take a little time for you to adjust to what’s happening. The fatigue lasts only a few days,” Simon reassured his son. “It’s actually a positive sign, it means you’re ready for the experience. The same thing happened to me when I was ready for my journey.”

      “A journey?” he quizzed his father trying to imagine the possibilities that could enfold in this unexpected real-life adventure. He was about to find out that nothing in his wildest imagination could have prepared him for how his life was about to change.

      “Yes, a journey of the best kind! Along the way you’re going to meet some unusual and incredible beings.” Simon smiled knowing his son could not begin to comprehend what was about to occur nor appreciate all he was about to learn. He was eighteen years old when his father, Yuval had this very same conversation with him right here on this mountain. It took weeks until he was able to process all parts of the picture that was unfolding before him. Why had he been chosen instead of one of his two older brothers? Eventually he realized it had nothing to do with the order you were born into a family or your age. Only the Ancient One, King Shadel knew whom and at what age guardian was ready to enter the Order of the Light.

      Still having a difficult time grasping the scope of what his father was telling him, Winston began to feel excited. “Boy, was this an adventure and to think I was just worried about having a dull life,” he chuckled to himself, “my imaginary adventures could never measure up to this.”


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