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      Dawn Davis

      Winston’s Amazing World © 2020 Dawn Davis & Markosia Enterprises, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All names, characters and events in this publication are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Published by Markosia Enterprises, PO BOX 3477, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 9HN.

      FIRST PRINTING, July 2020.

      Harry Markos, Director.

      Paperback: ISBN 978-1-913359-84-3

      eBook: ISBN 978-1-913359-85-0

      Book design by: Ian Sharman

      Cover by: Ramon Salas

      Editor: Darren G. Davis


      First Edition


      In the dimension of Atzil three children appeared seemingly from nowhere. There was a four-year old boy and a pair of fifteen-month old twins, a girl and a boy. The older boy was mute and the other two were too young to speak. Their clothes were tattered and dirty. The older child clutched the girl in his arms while the younger boy held on to the eldest’s shirt. Their parents could not be found and no one knew them.

      The two younger children were sent to live with a wealthy widow who was cold, self-indulgent and arrogant. As they grew up, they became like her.

      A shepherd took in the older boy and taught him to see the good in all people and the beauty in things, which were considered ugly. He was a compassionate man who had very little, but was extremely generous with what he had. The boy understood everything but did not speak. Being a very simple man, the shepherd did not know the child’s name and not wanting to call him by the wrong name, affectionately called him Boy.

      The children were allowed to visit with each other once a month.

      Boy would go to the marketplace with the shepherd to trade for supplies. There he noticed a beautiful young girl with raven black hair dressed in a pale green smock. She smiled at him and he shyly responded in kind.

      One day when Boy was about sixteen, the girl approached him at the marketplace. The gaze of her emerald green eyes in his was mesmerizing. “My name is Suri, what’s your name?” she finally asked the boy, who had not uttered a word in the last twelve years.

      He stood there for a moment, lost in her eyes, “Shadel,” he said in a puzzled whisper.

      Later that evening when asked by the shepherd why he was suddenly able to speak, he had no answer. He questioned Shadel about his past but the boy truly had no memory before that first day and he knew only what the shepherd had taught him.

      When Shadel and Suri were not helping out with their families they loved the idea of being able to help others in need. Suri would tend to a sick mother who was unable to care for herself or her children. Shadel would help an injured farmer. Together they would bring food to those who did not have.

      Suri was a great storyteller; children would gather in the meadow to listen to her stories. The young friends never seemed to sleep; they were always out assisting others.

      Shadel continued through the years to have his monthly visits with his brother and sister. The younger siblings were always well dressed and ill-mannered while their compassionate older brother dressed as a simple shepherd. He dearly loved the twins and wished he could spend more time with them.

      When they had free time Shadel and Suri were inseparable and would meet, spending endless hours talking together. They dreamt of creating a perfect world although it seemed so farfetched. Together they agreed in their perfect world there would be challenges for the people to overcome so they could appreciate what they have and what they have accomplished.

      Seventeen years after Shadel arrived in the dimension of Atzil, it was late one afternoon as he tended the flock in the distant field when he came upon an apparition of an ancient man. Startled by and in disbelief at this sight he asked, “Who and what are you?”

      “I am Atika, a spirit sent to you by the benevolent ever-present energy force. The time has come Shadel for your destiny to be revealed. You are to be the one to create a cosmos. In doing so, you will become an omnipotent immortal and rule as King. You will become one with the ever-present energy force. This will happen when you reach the age of forty. Speak of this to no one. I will visit you each night to prepare you for this event. The girl called Suri is to be your queen. She too will become immortal as will your brother Avadon and sister Angeen since they are of your blood.”


      As he walked along the path next to the stream, Winston listened to the serene sounds of its gently flowing water. He was on the path that led to the hiking trails and lower caves of Mount Rellon. Before his father, Simon, left five years ago on a mysterious mission for King Shadel, the two would spend hours hiking in the mountains and exploring its caves. It was here in these familiar surroundings Winston could almost feel his father’s presence.

      It was a clear warm day. A soft breeze blew through the leaves of the trees that grew near the banks of the stream. Despite today being the anniversary of the day his father left on that mission and the fact he had just celebrated another birthday without him, twelve-year-old Winston was determined to make this a pleasant outing. He was going to remember all the good times they spent together.

      He watched as dozens of exquisitely colored birds gracefully flew about the sky while a chorus of green and yellow striped birds sang from the trees. A kaleidoscope of butterflies nourished themselves on the fragrant flowers growing along the path. Winston was feeling at peace in this tranquil setting when someone lightly brushed against him. Turning quickly, he saw nothing. “Humm!” he thought, “What was that? My imagination must be working overtime,” he reasoned.

      Not giving the incident a second thought, he continued walking when he began to notice the birds and the butterflies were all gone. In fact, aside from the sound of the flowing water there was silence. “That’s a little strange,” he said aloud but still not paying much attention to what seemed to be happening.

      By the time Winston neared the hiking trail, his mind turned to the night his father left. He can still clearly see himself that fateful evening sitting next to his father on their rooftop balcony. The glistening stars filled the clear night sky. Closing his eyes, he could visualize his father turning to him and gently saying, “You know I have to leave in the morning for a time, my sweet son. King Shadel is sending me on a very special mission. The details of this mission must absolutely be kept secret. All I’m able to tell you is, there are people far away who are in extremely difficult circumstances. A long time ago these people were tricked and taken a great distance from their homes. They’re very unhappy and in a lot of pain. They need to come home but they don’t know how. My mission for the King is to help these people prepare so they’ll be able to return home. Now Winston, the King has made it possible for me to visit with you in your dreams while you sleep. I’m told it will seem as if I’m really there.” At seven years old that simple explanation satisfied him. He felt proud of his father for being chosen by King Shadel, the Ancient One.

      Occasionally during some of his dream visits when he endeavored to get more information from his father regarding the mission, all Simon would gently say was, “Winston, I know how hard this must be to accept, but I’ve told you everything I’m allowed to reveal. I wish I could tell you more but I can’t. You know I wouldn’t be away this long if this mission wasn’t crucial. People’s lives are at risk. My sweet son, I promise you, you’ll understand everything one day. However, for the present, I need you to trust me.”

      “What I don’t understand is where could my father be that he can’t at least come home for a visit? It would take a little over a day’s travel from the farthest continent on Luminatia

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