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others. Is the person mature or not? Is the person experiencing spiritual transformation or not? These are the key questions for most of us.

      Self psychology may help us to recognize that all people have selfish needs, and thus get us to recognize the gray area in human affairs, but sometimes we need to sharply distinguish between black and white. Sometimes we simply need to know whether or not it is safe to talk to a person, whether that person will become enraged by any attempt to have a dialogue.

      There can be no transformation for an unreflective person, someone who sees no need to change. The narcissist refuses to accept that there is any problem with his/her behavior or thinking. If members of a congregation are growing spiritually, the stagnant narcissist will stick out like a sore thumb. Only in a spiritually crippled congregation can a narcissist fit in nicely and not be recognized by others as someone who is not experiencing growth and transformation.

      2 — The Jesus Response

      Jesus was very much aware of bullying behavior, and he stressed, especially to his apostles, a new and higher law for responding to mistreatment: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:27–28). This was an unexpected response, and one whose practice demands enormous strength of character. And Jesus practiced what he preached: “When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten” (1 Pet 2:23). We saw this in his calm question to the bullying guard in John 18:23.

      How difficult it is to live this way! There are some hard truths about this way of living, but first I should start where Jesus himself started.

      The Easy Yoke

      Jesus said “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt 11:30). There is a theme of joy running throughout Jesus’ teachings, even though he anticipated how his life would end, worried about the difficulties that his apostles would face, and mourned for poor, foolish Jerusalem. And yet joy—and the teaching about joy—were central for Jesus.

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