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      Copyright © 2016 by Kayla Buell

      Published by Mango Media Inc.

      Front and Back Cover, Interior Design, Illustrations, Theme and Layout: Laura Mejía

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission.

      ISBN 978-1-63353-345-5

      “There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it.”

      — Judith McNaught

      Dedicated to young people everywhere with big dreams.

      Table of Contents



       Starting Off On The Right Foot

       Talk to your boss about your career goals.

       Getting People To Like You

       Don’t make it seem like you’re perfect.

       Be yourself, not a robot.

       Have a sense of humor.

       Don’t overshare your drunken weekend stories.

       Be positive.

       Use thank you cards.

       Leave personal drama at the door.

       Don’t eat other people’s food.

       Making The Workday Enjoyable

       Have a pretty desk.

       Go for walks to clear your mind.

       Don’t eat lunch at your desk.

       Find ways to make people happier.

       Learn to bake.

       Earning Your Boss’ Respect

       Do what you say you are going to do.

       Ask lots of questions.

       Never lie.

       Ask for new opportunities.

       Stand up for yourself.

       Be mentally present.

       Own up to your mistakes.

       Offer solutions instead of complaining.

       Dealing With Difficult People

       Don’t make enemies.

       Don’t kill anyone.

       Learn from your terrible bosses.

       Anything you put in writing STAYS in writing.

       Don’t let haters bother you.

       Accept the fact that you can’t please everyone.

       Don’t take everything personally.

       Staying Sane

       Have something to look forward to outside of work.


       Don’t be afraid to say no.

       Prioritize your work.

       Invest in a coffee maker.

       Use your Human Resources department.

       Growing as a Professional

       There’s stuff to be learned from ANY job.

       Ask for constructive feedback.

       Join a committee and meet new people.

       Ask people you respect for guidance.

       Share your knowledge with others.

       Embrace diversity.

       Don’t be afraid to voice a different opinion.

       You don’t need to be an a-hole to be taken seriously.

       Managing Your Career

       Understand how you’re most productive.

       Recognize your weaknesses.

       Keep a portfolio.

       Have an updated resume available.


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