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for Differentiation by Proficiency Level

       Emerging—Small groups are given a familiar text that has been read several times and practice exchanging ideas about it. Students use sentence frames such as “I think because . . .” or “I believe because. . . .”

       Expanding—In pairs, students summarize and create questions about a familiar text and share their ideas using sentence frames, including “The most important part of the text is ______ because ______” and “Which events could have happened?”

       Bridging—In groups of four, students practice all four reciprocal teaching roles—summarizing, questioning, predicting, and connecting—with sentence frame starters to begin conversations about a familiar text.

      Source: 2014 ELA/ELD Framework, p. 558.

      Grades 6–8 Interacting in Meaningful Ways Collaborative Standard 1

      Academic Vocabulary—Key Words and Phrases Related to Standard 1: Exchanging information and ideas

       Affirming others: Teacher or student comments that reflect a positive behavior (i.e., turn-taking) or a response or question from someone else in the conversation that exemplifies or clarifies the gist of the discussion.

       Asking relevant questions or adding pertinent information: Teacher or student questions and/or comments that move forward the group’s understanding of the concepts being studied. These are usually open ended and can be text dependent, clarifying, and/or making connections questions or comments (to oneself or others, to other texts, to other ideas).

       Building on other’s responses: Student comments that take into account what others have said in the discussion, and linking their comments to those points.

       Citing evidence: Providing the facts or details to support an argument or opinion, including quotations, examples, photographs, expert opinions, and personal experience. Strong evidence provides credibility to the opinion or argument one is making.

       Collaborative conversations: Discussing ideas and working jointly with others to develop new thinking. Students take the remarks of others and add details or further develop the thoughts.

       Multiple exchanges: Discussions where one idea is considered and discussed by several persons, growing richer and more complex as new ideas or examples are added, instead of the typical question/answer, new question/answer pattern that limits discussion.

       Providing useful feedback: Offering specific, helpful suggestions to a student in order to improve his or her thinking or work product. Examples include “You did a good job on ______”; “I think you should ______ because it would help ______.”

       Sustained dialogue: Collaborative conversations in which students create new thinking by working with others to add details or further develop thoughts on the topic of discussion.

       Turn-taking roles: Various ways for students to consciously listen to others, say their contribution, and then listen again. These roles can include Think-Pair-Share, Reciprocal Teaching, using Equity sticks, etc.

      Source: ELA Companion 6–8.






      Grades 6–8 Interacting in Meaningful Ways Collaborative Standard 1

      Example of Practice in Snapshot Related to Standard 1: Exchanging information and ideas

      Snapshot 6.3. Choosing and Defending a Unit of Data AnalysisIntegrated Literacy and Mathematics Lesson in Grade 6

      Ms. Smith knows she will need to thoroughly explain how to complete the data analysis for a scenario and how to defend the choice of data analysis. After a demonstration lesson that includes presenting and defending her choice, she will check for understanding by distributing a rubric designed for this task and ask the students to pair up and grade her model. Following brief whole-class discussion, a few pairs share their thoughts. Ms. Smith then distributes the set of scenarios to the students. She gives students an opportunity to independently skim and then briefly discuss the scenarios in their table groups and ask one another clarifying questions. As students discuss the vignette, Ms. Smith circulates around the room listening to their discussions and answering questions, as needed. She then asks students to repeat the directions for the activity, calling on several students to add detail. This open discussion further enables all students to understand the task before them.

      Next, students are given time to study one scenario, determine what they believe the most appropriate measure of data analysis would be, and work together in pairs to write a draft argument defending their choice. While students use the data analysis rubric to share, review, and fine-tune their drafts with partners, Ms. Smith provides support to students, as needed.

      The students then create a poster of their work to present to the class as a final draft. After students present their posters, they are displayed throughout the room. Once the last presentation of the day has been given, students will then conduct a gallery walk where, again, working with a partner, they examine their peers’ posters and put a sticky note on each one, stating whether or not they believe the argument has been adequately supported and why.

      CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy: WHST.6–8.1; RST.6–8.7

      The snapshot cited above can be found in its entirety at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/rl/cf/, ELA/ELD Framework, p. 554.




















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