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      Praise for Corey Mitchell and His Masterful True-Crime Thrillers

      “Corey Mitchell’s life experiences made him a writer who could empathize with crime victims in a unique and personal way. That empathy makes his books heartfelt, compelling reads to this very day.”

      —Suzy Spencer, New York Times bestselling author of Wasted

      “No one faces evil head on like Corey Mitchell.”

      —Gregg Olsen, New York Times bestselling author of A Killing in Amish Country

       Dead and Buried

      “A front seat on a roller coaster of terror.”

      —Dennis McDougal, author of Mother’s Day and The Yosemite Murders

      “Some of the most up-close, incisive true-crime coverage in a long time.”

      —Poppy Z. Brite, author of The Devil You Know

      “A powerful and frightening book. It is not to be missed.”

      —Dana Holliday, author of Zodiac of Death


      “Incredibly intelligent, attractive, and charismatic, Tony Shore seemed to have it all. Corey Mitchell unmasks this beguiling character to reveal a self-centered monster bent on destruction. A must-read, cautionary tale of manipulation, control, and murder.”

      —Diane Fanning, author of Bitter Remains

      “Corey Mitchell takes you into the heart of a gripping mystery set in Houston, Texas. The more you learn about the charming Tony Shore, the more the truth behind the deception will haunt you.”

      —Sue Russell, author of Lethal Intent

      “The taut, cool writing of Corey Mitchell is the perfect counterpoint to the strangling humid heat that envelops the Houston crime spree.”

      —Del Howison, editor of Dark Delicacies

      “Corey Mitchell provides a fascinating and educational insight into the crimes and thought process of a narcissistic serial killer. Highly recommended!”

      —Roy Hazelwood, former FBI profiler and author of Dark Dreams

      In Loving Memory of Lisa Mitchell


      Forever by your side

      A Message from the Author

      My wife, Lisa Mitchell, died unexpectedly on April 28, 2002. She was 1,200 miles away visiting her parents, while I was halfway through with this book.

      For the next eight months I could not think of anything but my grief. The last thing I wanted to do was to write a book about rape and murder. But I remembered how she listened to me read the manuscript while she cooked pasta in our cozy West Hollywood apartment. How she made helpful suggestions when I went astray. How she desperately wanted me to tell this story.

      Lisa wanted me to tell it because she had also been a rape victim. Lisa, always stoic by nature, maintained an untarnished demeanor her whole life. She chose not to discuss it. That began to change in the last couple of years. She started to express an interest in speaking out about what happened to her. She hoped I would become a successful writer so she could help others.

      One of Lisa’s two rapists was freed in early 2002. He supposedly “found God” and was living a “righteous” life. She worried that this man could become another Rex Krebs, freed from prison for a vicious crime, only to be paroled and allowed to walk the streets. She wanted this book to be published to alert the public to the absurdity of paroling rapists.

      On the morning of April 28, I completed the section on recidivism among rapists as well as the underreporting of rapes by victims. Lisa never got to read those passages.

      At 8:00 P.M. I got the call from my Mom. Lisa had died in her childhood home from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome. She was only thirty-eight years old. She never got to help other rape victims.

      Maybe now she can.




      Kensington Publishing Corp.


      All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

      Some names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals connected to this story.

      PINNACLE BOOKS are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp.

      119 West 40th Street

       New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2003 by Corey Mitchell

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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      ISBN-13: 978-0-7860-4266-1

      ISBN-10: 0-7860-4266-4

      First Kensington Mass Market Edition: October 2003

      ISBN-13: 978-0-7860-3202-0 (e-book)

      ISBN-10: 0-7860-3202-2 (e-book)

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      Printed in the United States of America

      Table of Contents

      NIGHT TERROR A Message from the Author Title Page Copyright Page PART I - RACHEL


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