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p>The Third

      Covid liberalism

      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-0051-0225-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system



      Chapter I. How to make a career

      Chapter II. Why is honesty a weakness

      Chapter III. Senior fascist, Junior Communist

      Chapter IV. The nomads all look the same

      Chapter V. Junior socialists idealists

      Chapter VI. The elite turns into big brothers

      Chapter VII. Communist Telman

      Chapter VIII. Remids statesmen

      Chapter IX. There is no state

      Chapter X. Levels of totalitarianism

      Chapter XI. Ouroboros

      Chapter XII. Without remids there is no totalitarianism

      Chapter XIII. Legacy

      Chapter XIV. Why did you like Marx in Russia

      Chapter XV. Right Nazism, communism to the left

      Chapter XVI. There was no fascism in France

      Chapter XVII. Pitfall

      Chapter XVIII. Three totalitarianisms

      Chapter XIX. Reaction

      Chapter XX. An honest name is important

      Chapter XXI the Germans did not steal

      Chapter XXII. What are we like

      Chapter XXIII. People of their own way. Vivat Italy!

      Chapter XXIV. This is a time of war.

      Chapter XXV. Tradition. What’s the point?

      Chapter XXVI. Where events will flow.

      Chapter XXVII. The first world war was born like this.

      Chapter XXVIII. Pyramid gives fascism

      Chapter XXIX. When tradition is against the people.

      Chapter XXX. Neither God, nor king, nor hero…

      Chapter XXXI. If you look long into the abyss.

      Chapter XXXII. An example of how the collective farmers destroyed the state.

      Chapter XXXIII. Why do I like the laws of the rootless?

      Chapter XXXIV. Why there is no democracy and cannot be.

      Chapter XXXV. What a new fee.

      Chapter XXXVI. The world war is on.

      Chapter XXXVII. What to expect in 10 years.

      Chapter XXXVIII. Socialization as a sign of communism.

      Chapter XXXIX. Communism is there, but there is no war.

      Chapter XL. Storming the sky.

      Chapter XLI. Totalitarian trade.

      Chapter XLII. Marx’s Car.

      Chapter XLIII. Trotskyist Khrushchev

      Chapter XLIV. Pregnant marches.

      Chapter XLV. Why the zeref have become quiet

      Chapter XLVI. As refags became the guru of humanity

      Chapter XLVII. Covid -19 and zeremids loop

      Chapter XLVIII. The national elite to save the dollar?

      Chapter XLIX. Who came up Covid? The Information magnates

      Chapter L. And reinsurance.



      The leader of the Russian revolution, Trotsky, was asked in the last interview with the Western press: What will happen to the world if there is no world socialist revolution? Trotsky replied: If the world socialist revolution does not happen, will come the era of world fascism.

      Of course, Trotsky was referring to the second totalitarian monster. Where the German zeremids, inspired by superiority, will manage the untermensch all over the world. Although Marxism sees under fascism the radical dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

      But we know that a market trader will not touch anyone, let alone put someone in a concentration camp. Here the question is one: who controls whom: the idea to the banker or the bankers to the idea. In the face of the German second monster all the same, the idea managed the bankers who sponsored Hitler, that is, the tradition managed the banks, and not vice versa bankers egoism. In the present embodiment, the bankers control all of humanity. And there is no ideological group other than patriots scattered around the world, from leftists to right-wing activists of the fascist type. The zerefs of the world can do nothing with their current ruling elite, which worships the dollar.

      Why she worships, we have already said. It is better to buy than to fight. So sellers and then bankers gained power over the entire population. The corrupt elite of nation States have accumulated a lot of currency. Her personal interest prevails over that of the community. Because refags magic stronger hits rootless parvenu, for obvious reasons found themselves in the managerial elite of these States. Zerefs don’t like smart people. Nor did they love the noble ones. The zerefs destroyed their feudal elite when the first horseman of the Apocalypse blew his horn. There are examples in the world when the feudal elite even survived. But she was still under the magic of money, not her own dignity. Once you buy something in your life, it makes you powerless. The crowd, the people, the eternal appeal to the popular masses, the lower classes, who were the most powerless before a bunch of money. The world has lost its nobility. The world is being destroyed by hypocritical populism. There must be some divine purpose in this. Or absolutely not divine.

      «And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter»

      Bible (King James) /Revelation

      There is neither communism nor fascism. These are all the conventions of dictate. Conditionality of the will of the ruling group led by the leaders. In fact, what is called communism and fascism is a traditional scheme. This is how the traditional family was built over the centuries. Worldwide. It was only in Germany and the USSR that the traditional family and its expression took place through the state. That is, in these peoples, kinship was higher than interest, the collective higher than individuals. Only one chief and his men remained. In fact, one father of the people and his sons. It may seem strange and surprising to someone, but the whole difference between communism and Nazism is actually a difference not only in the «age» of peoples. That they were later than others on the market path. The difference is also that Nazism is an indicator of market youth, and communism of market childhood and infancy. And if we take the state as a traditional family, then the Nazi in this family is the older brother, and the Communist is the younger brother. They both obeyed their father.

      But today all Nations have lost their care. In plain sight, the great concern of the rulers is that the population does not get sick. But do the rulers really care about their people? Or they’re thinking of something else entirely. And under the guise of caring for the population, they try to save only personal money. Who manages them at all? And who do they really want

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