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even popular members of society. They are found in all professions and they sexually abuse children, some in ways that are almost unimaginably extreme.”

      —“Institutional abuse and societal silence: An emerging global problem” (Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, January 2014)

      “If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?”

      —Luke, 11:11

       CHAPTER I

      The Grandfather: Alec Horsley, Northern Dairies, the Fabian Society

      “Even though meritocracy is their reliable cover, social stratification was always the Fabians’ real trump suit. Entitlements are another Fabian insertion into the social fabric, even though the idea antedates them, of course.”

      —John Taylor Gatto, Underground History of American Education

      The first thing that stood out about my family history was my brother's relationship to Jimmy Boyle. My brother first met Boyle at Stevenson College, Edinburgh where Boyle was doing a “Training for Freedom” course, working two days a week at the local community center then returning to Saughton Prison at night. I knew he'd met Boyle via our paternal grandfather, so that was the next logical place to focus, in terms of seeking the beginning of the rot that eventually felled the tree. My brother was the eldest son of the eldest son of my grandfather, so back to the paternal ancestors I would go.

      There isn't much online about Alec Horsley; fortunately, a cousin, who was also interested in our family background, sent me a PDF of a short memoir Alec wrote in 1987, as a foreword to a collection of poems by a prisoner he'd befriended in his seventies, Joy and Woe by Trevor Ounsworth. Ounsworth was a convicted rapist and one of the poems is allegedly about rape. I wasn't able to read the poems, but Alec's short introduction-memoir provided me with some names and dates that allowed for a whole latticework of associations to emerge.

      My grandfather was born in 1902 and went to Oxford, Worcester College, probably in 1922. By his own account, he won a scholarship that almost entirely paid his way there. Who did he meet there and what was his involvement, if any, in the arcane Oxford secret societies and hazing rituals? My initial guess is that, since my grandfather (apparently) wasn't from the aristocracy, it was here he made the connections that sent him on the road to “Bilderberg” thereafter. As he writes: “My family progressed from working class to lower middle. And as for me, thanks to Oxford, country sport, and colonial appointment, I was busy scaling the class ladder, without being aware of my own drives” (Ounsworth, 1987, p. 5, emphasis added). There is some reason to question Alec's account of things, however. His father, George Horsley, drove a Rolls-Royce some of the time (a habit my brother unconsciously copied in his early twenties), apparently alternating between wealth and poverty depending how well his enterprises were going. A Rolls-Royce is not a well-known perk for the “lower middle.”

      After Oxford, Alec worked in Nigeria from 1925 to 1932, either as assistant to the district officer or as district officer, depending on the source (Alec himself claimed the former, so it's most likely accurate). After he returned to the UK, got married, had children, and founded Northern Dairies, World War II broke out and my grandparents established their family home Talbot Lodge, in Hessle. “From the start,” he writes, “we gained a reputation for holding ‘open house’ and encouraged and of course enjoyed the visits of our many friends…They came from all over Britain and several far off and sometimes exotic places abroad” (Ounsworth, 1987, p. 8).

      As I wrote in Seen and Not Seen, among Alec's lifelong pals were

      Jacob Bronowski (The Ascent of Man), who worked for the Ministry of Home Security during World War Two (i.e., he was a spy), and Baron Eric Roll. Roll was appointed Professor of Economics and Commerce at University College, Hull, with the backing of John Maynard Keynes, the famous economist and (not so famous) pederast. This would have been around the time my grandfather met Roll. Roll worked for the Ministry of Food, went on to become director of the Bank of England, and between 1986 and 1989 acted as chairman of the notorious (among conspirologists) Bilderberg meetings. (p. 274)

      In 1954, Alec held the office of sheriff of Hull. The position was abolished in 1974 for whatever reason, and then reestablished in 2013. Since then it has been held by Virginia Bottomley, who was a governor of the London School of Economics for thirty-one years!1 The closely-related office of high steward of Kingston upon Hull has been occupied by the infamous Peter Mandelson since the same year, 2013, having also been abolished for the same period. Mandelson is accused of being a high-level “Satanist” at some of the more extreme conspiracy theory internet sites (e.g., Henry Makow), as well as, jokingly, of making a “satanic pact” for immortality by The Independent.2 Leaving such lurid claims aside, he has also been more legitimately accused of involvement in child sexual abuse cover-ups, as reported in “Blair Paedophile Minister? Ask Peter Mandelson” (The Needle, 2014). Like Roll, Mandelson has chaired the mysterious Bilderberg meetings, and is, or was, closely tied to my uncle Chris Haskins, since they belong to some of the same think tanks (social engineering groups), as described in Chapter XVI.

      I also found an interesting ancestral lead via the man who is listed at Wikipedia as sheriff of Hull for 1949:

      Rupert Alexander Alec-Smith, TD (5 September 1913, Beverley, Yorkshire—23 December 1983, Hull, Yorkshire) was an Englishman with an abiding interest in local history and founded the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire in 1937 [Northern Foods’ start date, again]…. He was Lord Mayor of Hull in 1970–71 and made Lord Lieutenant of Humberside in 1980…. Personal papers include over 500 letters of his parents, Alexander Alec-Smith and Adelaide Alec-Smith (née Horsley), largely sent during the First World War, and about 300 letters Rupert Alec-Smith sent during the Second World War.3

      Since Alec-Smith is a double-barreled combination of the names Alec and Smith, that means both the surnames Alec and Horsley are linked to someone who was the sheriff of Hull five years before Alec took the title. This can hardly be dismissed as a coincidence; yet if it is not, the suggestion is that Alec belonged to the same line as Robert Alec-Smith and is descended from Adelaide Horsley. If so, why has this part of my family history been so thoroughly buried?

      In the early 1950s, Alec was invited to visit the USSR as part of a British team for an “East-West trade conference.” In Moscow he met Lord Boyd Orr, who became president of Northern Foods. Alec then traveled to Siberia, Outer Mongolia, and China on unspecified business. What was he doing there? These were not the sorts of places one went for holidays back then (or even now), nor is it obvious how or why running a dairy would require visiting communist countries. I am not sure how easy it was to get into these countries at that time either.

      Orr is an interesting character. He was born in Scotland and studied at Glasgow University. Like Alec's slightly spurious claim for himself, Orr apparently worked his way up from working class roots to the pinnacle of wealth and power.

      In the years following the Second World War, Boyd Orr was associated with virtually every organization that has agitated for world government, in many instances devoting his considerable administrative and propagandistic skills to the cause. “The most important question today,” he says in his autobiography, “is whether man has attained the wisdom to adjust the old systems to suit the new powers of science and to realize that we are now one world in which all nations will ultimately share the same fate.” (Nobel Media, 2007)

      Soon after Alec's various sojourns, at the very start of the Suez Crisis, Lord Piercy and John Kinross of Industrial & Commercial Finance Corporation (formed by the Bank of England) approved Northern Dairies as a public firm. Then, in 1954, my grandfather was “approached by the Orthodox Church of Russia to organize a group of British churchmen to go to the USSR to visit their churches, without any strings. The visit proved most useful” (Ounsworth, 1987, p. 10. He wrote a booklet about it4).

      In passing, I note that Lord Piercy became

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