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       Luigi Pirandello

       James Chadwick

       Irène Joliot-Curie and Jean Frédéric Joliot

       Peter Debye

       Eugene O’Neill

       Carlos Lamas

       Norman Haworth

       Paul Karrer

       Robert Cecil

       Pearl Buck

       Enrico Fermi

       Ernest Lawrence

       Gerhard Domagk

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1930-1939

       1940-1949 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Wolfgang Pauli

       Artturi Virtanen

       Gabriela Mistral

       Alexander Fleming

       Cordell Hull

       Hermann Hesse

       Emily Balch

       John R. Mott

       Edward Appleton

       Carl Cori and Gerty Cori

       André Gide

       Patrick Blackett

       Arne Tiselius

       T.S. Eliot

       Egas Moniz

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1940-1949

       1950-1959 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Bertrand Russell

       Ralph Bunche

       John Cockcroft

       Ernest Walton)

       Glenn Seaborg

       Edwin McMillan

       Max Theiler

       Winston Churchill

       George Marshall

       Linus Pauling

       Ernest Hemingway

       Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

       Lester Pearson

       John Bardeen

       Albert Camus

       Boris Pasternak

       Arthur Kornberg

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1950-1959

       1960-1969 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Albert Lutuli

       Willard Libby

       Dag Hammarskjöld

       James Watson

       John Steinbeck

       Martin Luther King, Jr.

       Jean-Paul Sartre

       Charles Townes

       United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

       Peyton Rous

       Luis Alvarez

       René Cassin

       Samuel Beckett

       Murray Gell-Mann

       International Labour Organization (ILO)

       Ragnar Frisch

       Jan Tinbergen

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1960-1969

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