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      Published in Canada by Firefly Books Ltd. 2010

      Copyright © 2013 QuidNovi

      Firefly Books Ltd.

      50 Staples Avenue, Unit 1

      Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 0A7


      Cover design: Jacqueline Hope Raynor

      ISBN: 978-1-77085-322-5

      The publisher gratefully acknowledges the financial support for our publishing program by the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund as administered by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

      Table of Contents


       1901-1909 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Sully Prudhomme

       Jean Henry Dunant

       Emil Fischer

       Svante Arrhenius

       Henri Becquerel

       Pierre Curie

       Ivan Pavlov

       Robert Koch

       Bertha von Suttner

       Santiago Ramón y Cajal

       Theodore Roosevelt

       Rudyard Kipling

       Ernest Rutherford

       Guglielmo Marconi

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1901-1909

       1910-1919 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Wilhelm Wien

       Marie Curie

       Allvar Gullstrand

       Maurice Maeterlinck

       Elihu Root

       Alexis Carrel

       Rabindranath Tagore

       Henri Marie La Fontaine

       Theodore Richards

       Robert Bárány

       International Committee of the Red Cross

       Max Planck

       Fritz Haber

       Erik Axel Karlfeldt

       Johannes Stark

       Jules Bordet

       Woodrow Wilson

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1910-1919

       1920-1929 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Anatole France

       Albert Einstein

       Frederick Soddy

       Niels Bohr

       Fridjtof Nansen

       Frederick Banting

       Gustav Hertz

       George Bernard Shaw

       Austen Chamberlain

       Aristide Briand

       Arthur Compton

       Charles Thomson Rees Wilson

       Henri Bergson

       Adolf Windaus

       Thomas Mann

       Frank Kellogg

       Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1920-1929

       1930-1939 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates

       Thomas Morgan

       Harold Urey

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