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said Charlie.

      “I’d love to go for a Philly cheese steak sandwich with lots of pepper and onions! Got a problem with that?”

      “Not in the least! You got a favorite place?” Charlie knew that there were Philly cheese steaks and Philly cheese steaks. Philadelphians knew the really good places. The others were for tourists. The first thing you noticed about an authentic Philly cheese steak place was the Tasty-cake display. Every place that had good cheese steak sandwiches always had a generous display of the famous (and regional) Tasty-cakes. They were standard fare in Charlie’s lunch box for years. Charlie remembered the butterscotch krimpets, the chocolate cupcakes, Tandy-cakes and the pies that the Tasty Baking Company made in Philly and sold only in the Delmarva Peninsula and Philly. You couldn’t find them beyond the area for years. They were always fresh, and above all delicious.

      Gina said “I sure do!” and it was the place where he and Joey Esposito had gone to talk about Gina. When they sat down Charlie laughed and said, “Gina, I’ve known this place for years and Joey Esposito and I had lunch here no more than a few weeks ago when I told him about you – and us.”

      “Charlie, Joey knows and so do I. This is the only place in Philly for a cheese steak sandwich.”

      Charlie ordered two sandwiches, “all the way”. “Drink, Gina?”

      “Beer of course, Charlie! You can’t eat a Philly cheese steak without a beer!”

      When their meal was served, Charlie watched Gina delicately, but with resolve, devour her sandwich. “Gina, I swear, you are the only woman I ever saw eat a Philly cheese steak sandwich with class. I’m truly impressed.”

      “Practice, Charlie, practice!” she laughed.

      “So, Gina, tell me about your uncle. He said he wanted to meet me?”

      “Of course, Charlie. He’s my uncle, my father, and a friend. Why wouldn’t he want to meet you?”

      “So what’s his name, Gina? I’ll have to call him something.”

      “His name is Carlo – a common Italian name. I’ll tell you more before you meet him. But for now, just know him as Carlo.”

      “Wow, what a mystery!” Charlie said, “Is there some reason why I can’t know his last name?”

      “No, but as I told you, he is a wealthy businessman. You’ll know his name when your hear it. Be patient, Charlie Mullins. Go with the flow. C’mon, Mullins, let’s walk off the calories in the park.”

      Charlie and Gina left the sandwich shop and headed for the park. It was about a six-block walk and Gina grabbed his hand as they left the shop. “Fantastic day, isn’t it Charlie? Light breeze, sun shining, and the two of us together. You want any more in life?”

      “Well, right now I can’t think of anything, Gina. I’m working on it.”

      Gina squeezed his hand. “Don’t work too hard, Charlie. I don’t want you thinking of alternatives. Who knows, you might decide you want one of those Shoreville ladies!”

      “Speaking of Shoreville ladies, Gina, I think a couple of them planned to follow me here again today. I saw a car on my street and when I drove in the direction of the car, I saw what looked like two women ducked below the dashboard. I couldn’t tell who it was but why would they hide unless they intended to follow me? It was the same car that followed me yesterday.”

      “Didn’t I tell you, Charlie? They are not going to let up until they figure out what you are doing. You sure neither of them has the hots for you Charlie?”

      “I don’t think so, Gina. I don’t even know who they are. I’m going to have a friend check out the license plate to see who owns the car. When I do…”

      “You’re gonna do what, Charlie Mullins? Punch ‘em out? C’mon, there’s nothing to do. They’ll keep following you until they get tired of it or until something else occupies their tiny minds. Based on what you told me about Shoreville, you’ll know soon enough anyway.”

      “Yeah, I guess you’re right sweets.” Charlie turned to look at Gina and could not resist kissing her.

      “Hey Mr. Mullins! I might get used to that!”

      “I sure as hell hope so, Miss Ferrelli. It’s something I enjoy a lot. Gotta keep Charlie happy, you know.”

      “Chauvinist pig!” Gina laughed, “Only you have to be happy, huh?”

      “Well, I didn’t want to presume. I figured I would only worry about what pleased me on the assumption that you might not be inconvenienced.”

      “Oh yeah?” Gina turned and gave Charlie a kiss. Her body melted into his and he felt desire like he had never felt before. “Happy now, Mullins?” Gina laughed lightly.

      They sat on the grass for a while and Charlie laid back with his head in Gina’s lap. “You know, Gina. I had never thought about my job at Shaw before and how dull it is. I was content just to show up and do my work but now, it seems so sterile and so dry. I think if I were around you every day, things wouldn’t be so bad or so boring. But now, when I go home to my house, it seems very, very empty.”

      “Same here, Charlie. I was always busy with my promotions, charity, and volunteer work. I find myself wanting to talk to you about things at the end of the day. You’re not there and the apartment seems terribly empty.”

      “OK, Gina then when do I meet Uncle Carlo – the guy with no last name?”

      “Two weeks from today, Charlie. We are going to have lunch with him.”

      “Lunch, huh? Am I going to need to wear a suit?”

      “Oh, jeez, Charlie! This is my uncle you’re talking about. Of course you won’t need a suit. Just wear your usual casual business stuff – that blazer, khakis, those Guccis, and a shirt. I wouldn’t suggest anything very weird like sandals and Bermudas, but you don’t wear that stuff anyway. Just be your usual buttoned down self.”

      “Gina! You make me sound like some sort of corporate weasel!”

      “Not at all, Charlie. My uncle is not going to look at what you wear unless it is weird. He’s going to look at you – and quite well I should add. Like I said, just stay away from the ‘California look’ and you’ll be OK. If you wear a suit, he will be equally formal. Relax, Charlie. Like you say, he puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you.”

      Charlie broke out in a laugh. “Boy do you pay attention, girl!”

      “I hang on your every word, Mullins, or haven’t you noticed?”

      They kissed again.

      It was time for Charlie to head back to Shoreville so they reluctantly got up and left the park. They walked back to the trattoria which was a reasonable distance. They didn’t talk – each savoring the presence of the other. When they got back to the trattoria, Charlie noticed that Johnny was once again in the alley, smoking.

      “Gina, how does Johnny know to be outside when we arrive?”

      “Oh, c’mon Charlie. He’s just having a smoke.”

      “He’s always having a smoke or standing around when we arrive, Gina.”

      “I told you already, Charlie. He’s known me for years. I tutor his kids. He is as protective of me as my friends.”

      “Well, he protects me too. I noticed that he always waits until I get inside the parking garage before leaving what looks like his ‘post’.”

      “It’s just Johnny, Charlie. He’s no different than many of the others around me. He thinks I have to be protected. It’s harmless.”

      “If you say so, baby. You gonna call me during the week?”

      “As always, Mr. Mullins – I cannot resist your sexy voice!”

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