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said, “He’s got a girlfriend, Bill. I just know it. He’s found some gal in Philly and he’s keeping it a secret! I’m going to find out.”

      “Stay out of it, Sharon. It’s Charlie’s business and it’s his life. Leave the guy alone.”

      “No way, Bill. There’s not much that goes on here that I don’t know about. Besides, what harm can it do just to know what Charlie is up to? In fact, it’s fascinating! He’s the most eligible guy in this town and a lot of my friends who are divorced and some of the ones still looking around would love to catch him. I probably owe it to my friends to find out if he is no longer available.”

      “Sharon, I’m telling you it would be best to leave it. Charlie Mullins has always been a private guy. No one even knew he was having marital problems until Mary Jo left him. He keeps things to himself and you are going to piss him off. Just leave it be.”

      “Oh Bill, you are such a silly. You know women like a good mystery and some hot gossip. Charlie is a bit of an icon in this town, especially among the women. He’s good looking, a helluva nice guy, and most of all available. I’m not going to pry; I’m just going to satisfy my curiosity.”

      “OK, Sharon. But don’t you get Charlie pissed off. I know he won’t say anything, but he will be a lot cooler to me and I like him. Don’t get aggressive and once you have satisfied your curiosity, as you call it, then lay off. OK?”

      “I promise, Bill.” But Bill Gallagher knew his wife would be relentless and she and Diane Simms would eventually do something stupid. Charlie would be pissed if he found out and Bill was right that he wouldn’t say anything, but he would cool off with Bill. He might lose a friend.

      Charlie took to driving up to Philly on weeknights after work. He would pick up I-95 and drive straight up to Philly from Wilmington. He would head straight for the trattoria and meet Gina and her friends, now becoming his friends, for happy hour. Gina would call him at home and they would agree to meet and Charlie enthusiastically made his way up the highway at every opportunity. The change in Charlie was visible to everyone. He was more relaxed at work, and even more unflappable with Perkins.

      The change was not wasted on his friends and their wives in Shoreville either. As usual, Bill Gallagher was the first to mention it. One night when the guys on the softball team were having their weekly pizza and beer he commented, “Old Charlie seems distracted these days. Think he’s got a broad somewhere?”

      “Christ, Bill,” Tony Mazza said, “why can’t you just leave it? Jesus, you sound like a woman. Charlie was practically housebound after his divorce. He’s a young guy. So fucking what if he’s found somebody? C’mon Bill, give the guy a damned break.”

      “Aw, I was just speculating. Hell, Charlie’s one of us. He’s a buddy. What’s the beef, Tony?”

      “The beef is, Bill, if Charlie’s got a broad or not is none of our fucking business. It there was anything to be concerned about as Charlie’s friends it would be that he did not go out, not that he is seeing somebody! I think it would be a good idea for you to tell Sharon to soft-pedal it too. My wife told me she has been talking about following Charlie to Philly some day to see where he goes. Shit, Bill! That’s a bit much, no?”

      “Hell, you know Sharon, Tony. She gets a wild hair and it’s hard as hell to control her.”

      “Yeah, well I think it would be a good idea if we all, and I mean all, left Charlie alone. Maybe he’s finally got a life for himself. We should be glad that he’s getting a social life.”

      “Well, no need to get upset, Tony. I was just commenting. I agree.”

      “Good, let’s drop it and finish our beer.”


      When Charlie met Gina during the week, he told her that he had missed softball practice the previous Saturday and he would have to show up on the field this Saturday so he might arrive a little later to the trattoria. Gina said it was OK but she was worried about Charlie missing practice. “Charlie, I don’t want you abandoning your friends in Shoreville. Get here when you can. If I have to leave, I’ll tell Johnny where I am going and he can put you in a cab.”

      “Thanks, Gina, I hoped you would understand. I have not told anyone in Shoreville about us yet. You know it’s a small town and within minutes everybody would be discussing my private life. I told you how the wives tried to get me married. I just don’t want the hassle.”

      “Not to worry, Charlie. I wouldn’t think you are ashamed of me,” she laughed.

      “Gina, if I could I would have you on my arm everywhere I went. The problem is really my status in Shoreville and the fact that it is such a small place. People would start poking around your life too, trying to figure out who you are, who introduced us, and so on.”

      “Oh, I know that Charlie. I was just kidding. I know you value your privacy and I value mine as well. We don’t need a bunch of busybodies down our throats. You’re a handsome guy Charlie and I am sure there will be a lot of disappointed women in Shoreville if you start telling people you’re dating.”

      “I wish I could disappoint all of them Gina. Then maybe they would leave me alone and find something else to think about.”

      “Yeah, Charlie, they would start thinking about me and trying to find fault. They don’t want you marrying outside the circle. They’d be calling me the Philadelphia hussy or worse. Don’t worry, Charlie, just get here when you can. I miss you.”

      “Me, too Gina. I’ll probably get to the trattoria around 8, 9 at the most.”

      Charlie worked his way through the rest of the week. He went to the bowling alley on Wednesday night and showed up for softball practice on Saturday morning. On Thursday he went to Philly after work and to the trattoria for a glass of wine. Johnny the waiter was there but Gina wasn’t. He ordered a glass of the house red, hoping that while he drank it Gina might show up. “Sorry, Mr. Mullins, Miss Gina hasn’t been in yet. She doesn’t always come here, you know. But if she shows later and you’re not here, I’ll tell her you came by.”

      “Thanks, Johnny. This place seems empty without her around.”

      “Yeah, Mr. Mullins, Miss Gina tends to light up a place. She is a very special lady. Everybody likes her.”

      “Have you known her long, Johnny?”

      “Well, yes and no. My kids study at the Catholic School and Miss Gina helps them with math. You know, sort of tutoring, I guess. I was always dumb as a rock in math so she helps them with what I can’t. The kids love her and so does the missus. So I guess you could say I know her. Of course, she also comes here with her friends often, so yeah, I guess I know her. But if you mean do I know her family, the answer is no.”

      Charlie decided it would be best to leave this line of questioning. He didn’t want Gina thinking he was checking up on her. If Johnny said anything, she might not be flattered and indeed might think that Charlie was spying.

      Johnny went off to take an order from another table, and Charlie nursed his glass of wine. It was the first time since meeting Gina that he had been in the trattoria without her. Gina seemed to give the place a different kind of life and Charlie felt alone and even a bit out of place without Gina present.

      After about an hour and one more glass of wine, Charlie asked Johnny to tell Gina he had stopped by on a whim and in the hope that she would be there. He had not set anything up so Gina was probably off working on some project. He paid Johnny for his wine and walked slowly back to his car. He hoped that in the brief trip to the car, Gina might show up, but if he walked any slower people would think he was ill. Resigned, he sighed and got into his car and drove home.

      Gina called before he left for work the next morning. “Charlie, I am so sorry I missed you. If I’d known you were going to drive up, I would have met you at the trattoria. I stopped in for a glass

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