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my officer’s rank and--. Well, never mind. Tell me, how does dad know?”

      Sharon told him of the phone call. Sitting with bowed head in his hands, he said, “I truly am sorry that I hurt you. I hope you heal quickly.” He stood up.

      “Jeremy, I meant it when I said I wanted to save our marriage. Will you go with me to a marriage counselor?’

      He stared down at her, shook his head, then left without looking back.

      Megan and Sean came in the afternoon while Lynn was there. “How lovely to see both my girls,” Megan tried to smile. There were hugs all around, but Sharon noticed how her dad was shaking while trying to control his anger.

      Gritting his teeth and clearing his throat, Sean finally spoke. “We talked to Dr. Davis and a Capt. Pallister before we came to the hospital. I hope I don’t see Jeremy or I’m afraid I’d be arrested for what I feel like doing.”

      Dr. Davis walked in. “Good news. If our girl has a good night’s rest and a good check-up tomorrow, it might be possible for her to leave the hospital. I didn’t want to send her back to the base alone, so we’ve kept her here to make sure she started healing well. Too, I was hoping someone would be with her that would love her and care for her.”

      “Dr. Davis, you’ve earned my undying gratitude.” Sean shook hands with him.

      Everything did go well and the next day Sean and Megan took Sharon and Lynn to a hotel where they had rented a suite. Lynn brought them up-to-date on her horse program with the handicapped.

      Later the two girls were alone in their bedroom. “Sharon, are you returning to Ft. Lauderdale or would you be willing to give Zephyrhills a chance and stay with me?”

      “I know I don’t have a future with Jeremy. As much as I hate to, I’m going to file for divorce as soon as possible. Philip has offered to represent me. The University in Tampa sounds good so that I can finish my education and get my degree to teach. If you’re willing to put up with me, why don’t you find a house for me in Zephyrhills and take care of opening it for me. I’ll come as soon as I can.”

      “Save your money and stay with me. You can help with the horses until you’re ready to make permanent plans for your future. The children will love you and you’ll love them.”

      “Thanks a million, Lynn, but I need to be on my own.” Lynn reluctantly accepted Sharon’s decision making it clear that she was always available, if needed.

      “Now that mom and dad are here, I’ll go back home in the morning and get started looking for your house. I’m thrilled that you’ll come to Zephyrhills, but I’m very anxious for you to be safely with me.” Lynn spoke softly and kissed Sharon’s cheek.

      The next afternoon Sharon was resting while her parents cleaned up after their lunch. A knock sounded at the door. Sean opened the door to see Malcolm and Agnes. They were warmly welcomed and taken into Sharon’s bedroom. Agnes, as usual, was stern and holding her head high, acknowledging no one. She sniffed as if at a bad odor.

      Malcolm could hardly speak around the lump in his throat as he hugged Sharon and kissed her cheek. “Sharon, darling, I hope you know you can depend upon my complete support.”

      “Well, Malcolm,” Agnes sneered. “The little tramp has fooled you, too. It looks as if she has you wrapped around her finger. Why is it that only men are taken in by her?”

      “You vile woman,” Megan gasped walking toward Agnes with clinched fists.

      “Agnes!” Malcolm choked astonished. “For once in your miserable life get your mind off your selfish existence and our son that you sinfully spoiled.” He looked angry but more embarrassed.

      “Please don’t quarrel over me,” Sharon’s voice trembled. “I know it’s difficult for you to accept,” she continued, trying to calm Agnes. “Jeremy does need professional help and your denying it won’t change him.”

      “Sharon, you were too young to get married,” Agnes snapped. “You’re too spoiled, sheltered, immature, and selfish, and the only problem Jeremy has is you.” Spittle was flying from Agnes’ mouth and she was shaking visibly as she spat out the words.

      Sean was livid. “Agnes, these may be rented rooms, but for the time being it is our home. Either conduct yourself as a lady, face the truth about your son, and leave my daughter alone, or get out. Sharon has suffered enough.”

      “Jeremy has suffered the most, and it’s all her fault.” Agnes shot back.

      “Malcolm I’m truly sorry, but of course you’ll have to leave with her. You and I are partners and friends, but Agnes is not welcome.” Sean spoke firmly.

      “Just wait until I get back home and tell everyone about Miss Squeaky Clean. She’ll be the laughing stock of the whole city, especially the country club,” Agnes laughed as if she were demented. Her bleached-blonde hair was shaking loose from a twist.

      “Agnes, it’s times like this that makes me wonder what I ever saw in you. Megan, Sean, Sharon, I’m so sorry. Come on Agnes. We need to have a serious talk and then have one with our son. It’s long overdue.”

      Two days later Jeremy agreed to give Sharon an uncontested divorce. He was facing a dishonorable discharge and was angry with everyone. By unspoken agreement everyone was careful to keep Jeremy’s activities from Sharon. Everyone felt she had suffered enough without learning of his continued self-destruction.

      Gen. Huff issued orders that Jeremy was not to pilot any planes or drive any military vehicle. He was relieved from all duties. He was fortunate that it was peacetime, otherwise, he might face a court martial.

      The next day Colonel Kirkpatrick came with Linda and Philip. “Sharon, I hardly know how to tell you,” the Colonel began.

      Linda broke in. “Please. Let me, Sir. You and Philip can leave or stay, but I think I should tell her.”

      “Well, someone tell me. You’re scaring me.”

      Linda reached and took Sharon’s hand. “Honey, I guess the good news is that your immediate problems have been solved. The bad news is the way it happened. Jeremy, during one of his drunken flings, stole a plane, but he didn’t get off the ground. At the end of the runway, the plane flipped over bursting into flames. Jeremy didn’t make it.”

      Sharon sat stunned and then dissolved in wrenching sobs. Philip motioned for Col. Kirkpatrick and they quietly left. Linda gathered Sharon in her arms. “Where are your parents?”

      “With Dad Taylor,” Sharon was finally able to say.

      Duke hurried into a phone booth in a shabby section of town. He made a call to northern Florida, again reversing charges.

      “Gee, Hank, our problem was taken care of and my hands are clean. The Fool crashed a plane and killed hisself.”

      “Yea! Score one for us.”

      “We still don’t know if his wife knows about us.”

      “Keep an eye on her, but don’t do anything until you check with me. I have to talk to the Boss. I’ll get back to you.”

      Hank chuckled to himself and then picked up the phone. He was the only one who knew this number even if he’d never met the man on the other end.

      “Good news, Boss. Great news. Duke called and said Jeremy crashed a plane and killed himself. I don’t know all the particulars, but it’s a break for us.”

      “I’ll say. What are you doing about the wife?”

      “I told Duke to follow her but not to do anything until he checked with me.”

      “Good enough. I’ll get in touch soon about our next development.”

      “Okay. You know where to find me.”

      Sharon and her parents met with Philip in his office on the

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