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laughed. “Lynn told me you and I look enough alike to be twins or I would have been as shocked as you seem to be. I’d love to stay and talk, but I have to go to work at other stables. We’ll have time later to have a long talk.”

      “I like her,” Sharon smiled at Lynn, “but isn’t she young to be a veterinarian?”

      “She’s twenty-seven and was a straight A student all through school. She has earned a place for herself in Pasco County. Everyone likes her as a person and respects her as a veterinarian.”

      The time passed too quickly for Sharon and she hated to leave. Lynn had shown her all over the property and they were now in Lynn’s apartment over the office. They went downstairs where Sharon said goodbye to everyone and then walked to her car. As she drove out the long driveway, she shivered when a cold chill hit the back of her neck. What, or who, is it, and why have I been targeted? I don’t see anyone, but I get this feeling of danger too often now. But maybe it’s just past troubles.

      The next morning Sharon was up early and eagerly prepared to go to church. She met Lynn in the Narthex and was pleased to see that most of the teen volunteers were present. The people at First Baptist, on Fifth Ave., were friendly and greeted her warmly. The music was lively and inspirational.

      “Dennis is our music director and works with seniors,” Lynn explained. He and his wife, Peggy, are real assets to this church. They truly live their Christian faith.”

      After church Lynn and Sharon ate at The Village Inn. “Tell me more about Zephyrhills. I’m intrigued with the quaintness of the town, and yet, it’s very modern,” Sharon observed. “I had not heard of Zephyrhills until you settled here.”

      “Hmm. Where to start. The Calusa Indians were here between four and five hundred years ago. Many explorers came through, mostly Spanish and some French. In the early 1800s, settlers came in to build homes and clear land for farming and cattle raising. This was finally named Abbott Station after a much loved physician, Dr. J. M. Abbott. Following the War Between the States, the town became a refuge for wounded and homeless veterans, both north and south. The descendents of the settlers built better homes, started businesses, and many are still here.”

      “That is so interesting. It sounds as of a book should be written about Zephyrhills and all about the people who made it grow.”

      “Been done. I’ll get you a copy. One place you don’t want to miss is Neukom’s Drug Store. It’s more like the old variety stores, except, in addition, there is a pharmacy and a branch of the post office in it. The Neukoms are one of the families that have been here since the beginning of time. Also Peeples Clothing Store has been in the town for scads of time. The Peeples family are early residents.”

      “What else is special about Neukoms?”

      “Besides offering almost anything one needs, the men of the town gather in the restaurant part about six every morning for coffee and fellowship. If you want a pastor, priest, reporter, police, doctor, attorney, plumber or what have you, you’ll find them in there. They all gather throughout the day, also.

      Sharon laughed. “That more than answers my question. How did the name, Zephyrhills, get in the picture? I love the name.”

      “Capt. H. B. Jeffries suggested the name. It’s an Indian word meaning soft breezes over low hills. The Jeffries home is still here on Fifth Ave. It’s supposed to be haunted. I’ll take you soon to go through it.”

      “Thanks for the interesting history lesson. Can you go home with me?” Sharon asked.

      “Thank you, but no. I need to check on a couple of horses with minor injuries and catch up on my bookkeeping. Are you coming out later?”

      “I don’t think so, but I’ll be out tomorrow. I know you’re closed to the public on Mondays, and it’ll give us time to catch up on gossip. Family gossip that is.”

      “Oh, let me tell you a quicker way out to me. Turn right out of your driveway and come through the Florida Estates Mobile Home Park to Hwy. 54 east. Turn left, west, and come out to cross 301 on to Eiland Blvd. This is a new by-pass around town and is named after a beloved police chief we had. Stay on that and cross 54 west on to Morris Bridge Rd. It’ll be simple after that.”

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