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the first grade when Amanda kept some bullies from pestering Sulyn who was always small for her age. Now she was an intelligent, beautiful young woman with lots of confidence and an excellent, valuable worker to a large insurance company as an adjuster.

      Sulyn was only five-six with honey, blond hair that hung straight to her shoulders around a heart-shaped face. Twinkling hazel eyes made everyone feel at ease around her. Her appearance was deceptive as all who met her expected her to be passive and easygoing. She was personable and amiable, however, in business she knew what she was doing and forged ahead against all odds. Her employers were more than pleased with her work and her tenacity.

      Heavenly Father, it scares me to know that someone is evil enough to not only do damage to Dad’s equipment, but is willing to risk my life. You have millions of people to look after, but I sure would appreciate it if you sent a guardian angel to go with me, at least until this mystery is solved. I know you’ve been with me this far or I would not be here; I’d be up there talking to you.

      Amanda prayed as she prepared for the evening. Amanda was ready and watching for Daniel. When he drove into their driveway, she ran out to meet him and warn him that she had only told her parents of their encounter and the bare facts. She didn’t want them to know the danger she’d been in until they had more information.

      “Hi, Honey. I’ve never been in this section of Galveston before. There are some gorgeous homes here on Tradewinds Dr., and you’re not far from your hangar.”

      “I’m happy you approve,” she smiled. “Yes, we were lucky to get a spot on Beluche Dr. near 83M St. for our location. It’s near the International Airport, but we’re careful to stay out of their way. Come on in and meet my parents. Dad’s a big tease, so don’t let him get to you.”

      Swinging hands held, they walked hurriedly up the brick walkway to a beautiful one-story brick home with bay windows on either side of the front. An old-fashioned porch with a white picket fencing around it made one feel welcome. On the porch were a swing, three rocking chairs and some potted plants. Wind chimes hung from one corner of the overhang over one end of the porch. The white front door was divided into one-foot squares on the bottom half and a stained glass window covered the top half.

      Amanda opened the door and led Daniel into the living room on the left. “Mom, Dad, this is Daniel Cortland. Daniel this is my mother, Felicity Wescott and my father, Corbin Wescott.”

      Daniel shook hands with Corbin with a puzzled, yet smiling expression. Corbin was about Five-nine and looked in very good shape in spite of what he’d been through. His red-gold hair was still thick and wavy. His green eyes had a twinkle that reminded Daniel of pictures he’d seen of leprechauns. He liked the man on the spot.

      Turning to Felicity he saw her once golden blonde hair was fading and her hazel eyes showed pain and - was that suspicion? He took her hand and complimented her on raising such a reliable, beautiful daughter. He could see that, if she could stand, she would not be very tall. Where did Amanda get her height? It didn’t matter because she had captured his heart. He realized he must take his time getting her used to the idea. He didn’t want to push her away from him by being too impulsive.

      “Yes, we’re proud of her and know how very intelligent she is. She’s been a good businesswoman and has not been frivolous like some of her friends to hurry into marriage and make mistakes. She’s too smart to get caught in that trap.” Felicity’s eyes snapped as she looked Daniel up and down.

      “Now, Fliss, I’m sure the young man recognizes how smart our daughter is. Daniel, tell me about your family,” Corbin said changing the topic of conversation.

      Daniel recognized that Felicity was afraid of her life changing and maybe having Amanda leave them for her own home. He smiled reassuringly at her and began to tell of his parents and his siblings.

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