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to let him down. All of you are like family to me, too.”

      Daniel had placed an arm around Amanda’s shoulders to reason with her when he noticed a tall, thin teen shuffled in and stood inside the door. The boy wore a ragged long white t-shirt with ‘Remember the Alamo’ printed on it. His jeans were baggy and his dirty tennis shoes had about seen their day. He grinned at Amanda and ran a less than clean hand through thick, dark hair.

      His beautiful chocolate eyes were framed by long lashes too pretty for a boy. His tanned skin and beautiful high cheekbones showed Indian heritage. He seemed to be in great physical shape even if he was skinny.

      “Hey, son,” Mike called looking pleased. “Daniel, this is my nephew, Jimmy. This is Mandy’s friend, Daniel Cortland. Jimmy comes by to help clean up and do odd jobs. His dad died when he was nine and his mom, my sister, works two jobs to take care of them and keep her son in school.” Mike slapped him affectionately on the shoulder. “Jimmy helps her by earning money working here and doing lawns for people. He’s a good boy and we’re all proud of him. I expect he’ll be heading for college when school is out. His grades are good and I’m going to help all that I can to help him achieve whatever he wants to train for.”

      “I’m glad to meet you, Jimmy,” Daniel smiled as they shook hands. “I’ve heard some good things about you.” Jimmy seemed very shy. “It’s great that you can work with your Uncle Mike. A lot of boys would resent working with relatives. Are you as good a mechanic as Mike?” So this is the boy in the picture. That must be his mother with him.

      “He’s getting there,” Mike said proudly. “I teach him what and when I can. Jimmy, this is Mr. Dorton. He’s an insurance investigator and is finding out why and how Amanda’s plane went down, nearly killing her.”

      Jimmy spun around in surprise. “Aw Mandy, you weren’t in danger were you?”

      “She sure was,” Jeff informed him. “She’s lucky the fuel gave out in such a way that she could parachute on the beach. The plane went down in the Gulf. If this had happened over land, it might have been another story, or if she had gone out over deeper water, it sure would have been a different story.” Daniel was interested to know why Jimmy turned so pale and shakily made his way to the supply closet where he took out a push broom. He noticed that Jeff was looking closely at Jimmy, also. It could be that Jimmy felt close to Amanda and feared for her safety.

      Trying to take Amanda’s mind off these horrifying developments, Daniel spoke low to her.

      “Amanda, please have dinner with me tonight.”

      “I’d love nothing better, Daniel, and some day we will, but I have to do some bookkeeping for Dad tonight and I promised a neighbor that I’d give her a home permanent.”

      “Well, gee. I’ve never been dumped for a home permanent before,” he said, looking like a little boy who had been denied something he wanted badly.

      “You’ll get over it,” Amanda chuckled, patting his cheek. “Seriously, I’ve loved being with you and look forward to some outings. I’m more appreciative of your help than I can say, but don’t you think we’re rushing this friendship? I’ve had wonderful times and you’ve made me feel special. The mold was really broken when you were made. You’re one of a kind, a real special kind.”

      “When I see something I like, I go for it. You’re one of a kind yourself. Home permanent! You can still give one of those things? Are they hard to do?”

      “Yes and no. This woman is a widow trying to raise three children on her own and has little income. She has been so good to help with my mother that I try to help her however I can. Her husband was a truck driver and didn’t have much income. They didn’t have insurance either. He was killed when he went to sleep at the wheel and wrecked.”

      Daniel reluctantly told everyone goodbye and started out. Amanda called for him to wait up. “Daniel, do you care if I change my mind? I think I’d better tell my parents tonight what is going on. I would appreciate it if you came to meet them and we can go out to dinner from there.”

      “Mind!? I’m ecstatic. Let me run home and shower and change clothes. Would it be okay if I came around seven?”

      “That will be just right. Thank you, Daniel.” She blew him a kiss and hurried back inside as Daniel drove off feeling like a kid that got his favorite “want thing” at Christmas.

      At home Daniel told his parents of the developments cautioning them to not talk about it to anyone. “We won’t know who is involved or who might listen and report to the person responsible for the Wescott troubles.”

      Lance agreed with his son and offered to do whatever he could to help.

      “When are we going to meet this young lady?” his mother asked. “Naturally we’re curious about anyone you would be interested in.”

      “I like her - a lot, but she has only accepted friendship. I don’t know where we’re headed or how we’ll feel about each other in a few weeks. If our relationship gets serious, you can rest assured I’ll be bringing her home with me.”

      The twins had danced in while he was talking. “Is she pretty?” Adrianna asked. “Is she nice to be around?” Althea asked.

      “She’s positively beautiful. She also radiates beauty from within. And yes, she’s nice to be around because she accepts people if they’re also nice. She doesn’t seek wealth or society. She’s very independent and a hard worker.”

      “Well, if you like her and she’s good to you, we’ll like her,” his mother smiled.

       Chapter Five

      “Daddy!” Amanda spoke as if her feelings were hurt. “I didn’t tell you about Daniel to furnish you material for bad jokes. I wanted you to know how we met. The poor man must have nearly had a heart attack when I dropped on him out of the blue.”

      Her mother had fallen back in her wheelchair and held her chest in shock when she heard the story. “It’s time you told us. Do you think you might be serious about this boy?”

      “He’s not a boy, Mom. He’s a man, and a very responsible one at that. He’s been more helpful than you can imagine. And, no, I’m not serious. He’s just a friend.”

      “Well, I’m glad you finally told us. Even though you’re a responsible adult, we worry about you and of course we love you. We’re concerned about your friends, too.”

      “I know, Mom, and I love both of you. Now I have to get ready.” She had told them the bare facts and tried to play down anything that might make them worry more than they did.

      “You say he’s six-five,” her father chuckled. “That must have been a real tangle of long legs. I can imagine the surprise the young man must have felt.” He then looked serious. “Honey, the most important thing is that you’re safe. I could never face losing you.”

      In her bedroom Amanda called her friend, Sulyn Morris. Sulyn gave a squeal of excitement when she heard the story. “When do I get to meet this tall drink of water? He sounds divine. If you decide he’s not worth getting to know better, send him in my direction. Call me desperate, if you please, maybe it’s true. I’ve been dateless for three weeks. All joking aside, if anyone deserves good fortune and some pleasant times, it’s you. All of us know what a brick you are not just to your parents, but to all of your friends too. I’m your biggest cheerleader. Hang in there kid, and let me know about the fabulous date tonight.”

      “Sulyn, you can help, if you have time.”

      “What do you need?”

      “I promised Margie Shoeman that I’d give her a home permanent tonight. Could you please come do it for me? I hate to let her down. She tries so hard to get by on her meager income and wants to look her best.”

      “I sure will. Tell her I’ll be at her house

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