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       Ida Minerva Tarbell

      The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte

      Published by


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      2019 OK Publishing

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      Table of Contents

       The Life of Napoleon

       Chapter I. Napoleon’s Youth and Early Surroundings—His School Days at Brienne

       Chapter II. Napoleon in Paris—Lieutenant of Artillery—Literary Work—Napoleon and the Revolution

       Chapter III. Napoleon and Robespierre—Out of Work—General-in-Chief of the Army of the Interior

       Chapter IV. Napoleon’s Courtship and Marriage—His Devotion to Josephine

       Chapter V. The First Italian Campaign—Napoleon’s Way of Making War

       Chapter VI. Napoleon’s Return to Paris—The Egyptian Campaign—The 18th Brumaire

       Chapter VII. Napoleon as Statesman and Lawgiver—The Finances—The Industries—The Public Works

       Chapter VIII. Return of the Emigres—The Concordat—Legion of Honor—Code Napoleon

       Chapter IX. Opposition to the Centralization of the Government—General Prosperity

       Chapter X. Preparations for War with England—Flotilla at Boulogne—Sale of Louisiana

       Chapter XI. Opposition to Napoleon—The Establishment of the Empire—King of Italy

       Chapter XII. Campaign of 1805—Campaign of 1806–1807—Peace of Tilsit

       Chapter XIII. Extension of Napoleon’s Empire—Family Affairs

       Chapter XIV. The Berlin Decree—War in the Peninsula—The Bonapartes on the Spanish Throne

       Chapter XV. Disaster in Spain—Alexander and Napoleon in Council—Napoleon at Madrid

       Chapter XVI. Talleyrand’s Treachery—The Campaign of 1809—Wagram

       Chapter XVII. The Divorce—A New Wife—An Heir to the Crown

       Chapter XVIII. Trouble with the Pope—The Conscription—Evasions of the Blockade—The Tilsit Agreement Broken

       Chapter XIX. The Russian Campaign—The Burning of Moscow—A New Army

       Chapter XX. Campaign of 1813—Campaign of 1814—Abdication

       Chapter XXI. Ruler of the Island of Elba—Return to Paris—The Hundred Days—The Second Abdication

       Chapter XXII. Napoleon’s Surrender to England—Sent to St. Helena—Life in Exile—Death of Napoleon

       Chapter XXIII. The Second Funeral of Napoleon—Removal of Napoleon’s Remains from St. Helena to the Banks of the Seine in 1840

       Life of Josephine

       Chapter I. Family—Early Surroundings—Eugene de Beauharnais—Marriage—Separation from Her Husband

       Chapter II. Josephine in the Revolution—Imprisoned at Les Carmes—Struggle for Existence—Marriage with Bonaparte

       Chapter III. Bonaparte goes to Italy—Josephine at Milan—Triumphal Tour in Italy—Bonaparte Leaves for Egypt

       Chapter IV. Bonaparte is Made First Consul—Josephine’s Tact in Public Life—Her Personal Charm—Malmaison

       Chapter V. The Question of Succession—Marriage of Hortense—Josephine Empress of the French People—The Coronation

       Chapter VI. Etiquette Regulating Josephine’s Life—Royal Journeys—Tact of the Empress—Extravagance in Dress

       Chapter VII. Josephine not Allowed to go to Poland—Fear of Divorce—The Reconciliation of 1807–1808—The Campaign of 1809 and Its Effect on Napoleon

       Chapter VIII. Napoleon Returns to France—Josephine’s Unhappiness—Napoleon’s View of a Divorce—The Way in which the Divorce was Effected

       Chapter IX. After the Divorce—Navarre—Josephine’s Suspicions of the Emperor—Her Gradual Return to Happiness

       Chapter X. Effect on Josephine of Disasters in Russia—Anxiety During Campaign of 1813—Flight from Paris—Death in 1814

       Autographs of Napoleon from 1785–18163

       Table of the Bonaparte Family

       Chronology of the Life of Napoleon Bonaparte

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