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curious tone, at the same time rising to slip into her parka.

      "Nothing. I was only waiting."

      "I am done."

      "Then let me say that I do not understand you," Frona summed up, coldly. "I cannot somehow just catch your motive. There is a flat ring to what you have said. However, of this I am sure: for some unaccountable reason you have been untrue to yourself to-day. Do not ask me, for, as I said before, I do not know where or how; yet I am none the less convinced. This I do know, you are not the Lucile I met by the wood trail across the river. That was the true Lucile, little though I saw of her. The woman who is here to-day is a strange woman. I do not know her. Sometimes it has seemed she was Lucile, but rarely. This woman has lied, lied to me, and lied to me about herself. As to what she said of the man, at the worst that is merely an opinion. It may be she has lied about him likewise. The chance is large that she has. What do you think about it?"

      "That you are a very clever girl, Frona. That you speak sometimes more truly than you know, and that at others you are blinder than you dream."

      "There is something I could love in you, but you have hidden it away so that I cannot find it."

      Lucile's lips trembled on the verge of speech. But she settled her parka about her and turned to go.

      Frona saw her to the door herself, and How-ha pondered over the white who made the law and was greater than the law.

      When the door had closed, Lucile spat into the street. "Faugh! St. Vincent! I have defiled my mouth with your name!" And she spat again.

      "Come in."

      At the summons Matt McCarthy pulled the latch-string, pushed the door open, and closed it carefully behind him.

      "Oh, it is you!" St. Vincent regarded his visitor with dark abstraction, then, recollecting himself, held out his hand. "Why, hello, Matt, old man. My mind was a thousand miles away when you entered. Take a stool and make yourself comfortable. There's the tobacco by your hand. Take a try at it and give us your verdict."

      "An' well may his mind be a thousand miles away," Matt assured himself; for in the dark he had passed a woman on the trail who looked suspiciously like Lucile. But aloud, "Sure, an' it's day-dramin' ye mane. An' small wondher."

      "How's that?" the correspondent asked, cheerily.

      "By the same token that I met Lucile down the trail a piece, an' the heels iv her moccasins pointing to yer shack. It's a bitter tongue the jade slings on occasion," Matt chuckled.

      "That's the worst of it." St. Vincent met him frankly. "A man looks sidewise at them for a passing moment, and they demand that the moment be eternal."

      Off with the old love's a stiff proposition, eh?"

      "I should say so. And you understand. It's easy to see, Matt, you've had some experience in your time."

      "In me time? I'll have ye know I'm not too old to still enjoy a bit iv a fling."

      "Certainly, certainly. One can read it in your eyes. The warm heart and the roving eye, Matt!" He slapped his visitor on the shoulder with a hearty laugh.

      "An' I've none the best iv ye, Vincent. 'Tis a wicked lad ye are, with a takin' way with the ladies--as plain as the nose on yer face. Manny's the idle kiss ye've given, an' manny's the heart ye've broke. But, Vincent, bye, did ye iver know the rale thing?"

      "How do you mean?"

      "The rale thing, the rale thing--that is--well, have ye been iver a father?"

      St. Vincent shook his head.

      "And niver have I. But have ye felt the love iv a father, thin?"

      "I hardly know. I don't think so."

      "Well, I have. An' it's the rale thing, I'll tell ye. If iver a man suckled a child, I did, or the next door to it. A girl child at that, an' she's woman grown, now, an' if the thing is possible, I love her more than her own blood-father. Bad luck, exciptin' her, there was niver but one woman I loved, an' that woman had mated beforetime. Not a soul did I brathe a word to, trust me, nor even herself. But she died. God's love be with her."

      His chin went down upon his chest and he quested back to a flaxen-haired Saxon woman, strayed like a bit of sunshine into the log store by the Dyea River. He looked up suddenly, and caught St. Vincent's stare bent blankly to the floor as he mused on other things.

      "A truce to foolishness, Vincent."

      The correspondent returned to himself with an effort and found the Irishman's small blue eyes boring into him.

      "Are ye a brave man, Vincent?"

      For a second's space they searched each other's souls. And in that space Matt could have sworn he saw the faintest possible flicker or flutter in the man's eyes.

      He brought his fist down on the table with a triumphant crash. "By God, yer not!"

      The correspondent pulled the tobacco jug over to him and rolled a cigarette. He rolled it carefully, the delicate rice paper crisping in his hand without a tremor; but all the while a red tide mounting up from beneath the collar of his shirt, deepening in the hollows of the cheeks and thinning against the cheekbones above, creeping, spreading, till all his face was aflame.

      "'Tis good. An' likely it saves me fingers a dirty job. Vincent, man, the girl child which is woman grown slapes in Dawson this night. God help us, you an' me, but we'll niver hit again the pillow as clane an' pure as she! Vincent, a word to the wise: ye'll niver lay holy hand or otherwise upon her."

      The devil, which Lucile had proclaimed, began to quicken,--a fuming, fretting, irrational devil.

      "I do not like ye. I kape me raysons to meself. It is sufficient. But take this to heart, an' take it well: should ye be mad enough to make her yer wife, iv that damned day ye'll niver see the inding, nor lay eye upon the bridal bed. Why, man, I cud bate ye to death with me two fists if need be. But it's to be hoped I'll do a nater job. Rest aisy. I promise ye."

      "You Irish pig!"

      So the devil burst forth, and all unaware, for McCarthy found himself eye-high with the muzzle of a Colt's revolver.

      "Is it loaded?" he asked. "I belave ye. But why are ye lingerin'? Lift the hammer, will ye?"

      The correspondent's trigger-finger moved and there was a warning click.

      "Now pull it. Pull it, I say. As though ye cud, with that flutter to yer eye."

      St. Vincent attempted to turn his head aside.

      "Look at me, man!" McCarthy commanded. "Kape yer eyes on me when ye do it."

      Unwillingly the sideward movement was arrested, and his eyes returned and met the Irishman's.


      St. Vincent ground his teeth and pulled the trigger--at least he thought he did, as men think they do things in dreams. He willed the deed, flashed the order forth; but the flutter of his soul stopped it.

      "'Tis paralyzed, is it, that shaky little finger?" Matt grinned into the face of the tortured man. "Now turn it aside, so, an' drop it, gently . . . gently . . . gently." His voice crooned away in soothing diminuendo.

      When the trigger was safely down, St. Vincent let the revolver fall from his hand, and with a slight audible sigh sank nervelessly upon a stool. He tried to straighten himself, but instead dropped down upon the table and buried his face in his palsied hands. Matt drew on his mittens, looking down upon him pityingly the while, and went out, closing the door softly behind him.

      Chapter XX

       Table of Contents

      Where nature shows the rough hand, the sons of men are apt to respond with kindred roughness. The amenities of life spring up only in mellow lands, where the sun is warm and the earth fat. The damp and soggy climate of Britain drives

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