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      She left the sentence unfinished. Laura stood up and held the handle of the door in tears. She shook her head at Rachel, wordlessly. Rachel sighed, and looked at her.

      ‘There’s a boy somewhere at the bottom of all this, isn’t there?’ Laura heard her saying to herself as she ran out. ‘God, there always is…’


      Laura picked up her bag and fled, ignoring the pop-eyed looks of her co-workers. She rattled down the stairs and went outside, into the grimy, sweaty, traffic-laden street. It was a hot, muggy afternoon. She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand, and rummaged around in her bag for a cigarette – she’d put Hilary’s cigarettes in her bag by mistake the previous night and though she hadn’t smoked for a while, she wanted one now.

      She stood there in the busy street, smoking, and looked around her, feeling totally alone. Whom could she call to explain this shameful and awful news, someone she could wail at, who would be genuinely surprised that this had happened? She’d been treated outrageously, that was for sure, she was bound to get sympathy.

      And then, unbidden, came into her head the thought that she didn’t know quite who to call. All her friends seemed so down on her lately. Jo and Chris – well, she was barely speaking to Jo, and she hadn’t seen her on her own since their argument at the pub. Laura wasn’t going to get into that at the moment. Paddy – well, Paddy had made it quite clear what he thought lately – he was always on her case about various things. Be on time. Clear up your room. Don’t have sex with Dan in the shower and break the curtain rail. It was like living with a parent. Of course, she could call Dan…but she didn’t really want him to know. Not just yet. She’d see them all that night, she’d have to tell them then anyway.

      Laura leant against a signpost as the traffic roared past and the streets filled up with people leaving work. A tear slid out of one eye. She must be a pretty terrible person for it all to have come this far.

      Well, she told herself, trying to perk herself up. She wasn’t going back there, no matter what happened. How dare they treat her like that? How dare Rachel? When Laura had worked hard for her for three years, never complaining, staying late. Was it really a crime to screw things up and be late sometimes? Rachel was just a bitter old spinster, that was her problem. She didn’t want anyone below her getting above their station. That was the answer. She…

      And then, without warning, an image flashed into her mind, of Rachel turning up at her flat two years ago, the day Laura had sprained her ankle, really quite badly. She had got back from the doctor’s with some crutches and was lying on the sofa feeling miserable and in a lot of pain. She’d called Rachel to tell her what had happened. Rachel had left work, gone to Marks and Spencer and bought the kind of things you can eat without moving from the sofa. Picnic eggs, crisps, freshly squeezed orange juice, raspberries, gin and tonic in little cans. She’d also bought her The Castle on video, which is the funniest film ever made, and they’d sat there watching it and laughing uproariously, until Laura felt much better again. And when Rachel had been dumped by Boyd from Nottingham just before Christmas, she’d never complained, never made a big deal about it, even though she was obviously devastated. And what had Laura done about it, to be a friend? Nothing.

      Laura bit her lip and shook her head, willing the memory away. She felt tired and hungry, having eaten virtually nothing all day. She stood up firmly, swung her bag over her shoulder and marched towards the tube station with purpose. But the truth was she had no idea what she was doing or where she was going.

      She didn’t tell Paddy the truth. She lied and said she’d been sick and had come home from work early. She looked so forlorn and pale, in the heat, that Paddy obviously believed her as he stood there fiddling with his keys, looking down on Laura as she lay on the sofa.

      ‘Are you sure you’re going to be all right on your own?’ he said anxiously.

      Bile flooded Laura’s stomach at her deception. She clutched her stomach and winced with real pain, and Paddy looked at her with compassion.

      ‘Oh babe,’ he said. ‘Poor thing. Look, call me any time and I’ll come home early if you want.’

      ‘It’s your birthday,’ Laura said grimly, clenching her teeth. Bring the guilt on, she thought. I deserve it. ‘Go away. Have a great evening. Give the others my love. I’ll see you later.’

      ‘OK,’ said Paddy. ‘Really sorry, babe.’ He tightened the thin, patterned tie he was wearing and shook his head from side to side. ‘Well, I’m off. Ladies, watch out. The birthday boy’s a-comin’!’

      He yelped and tried to moonwalk out of the sitting room. Laura heard him yelp again as he crashed into the hall table, and then the door closed behind him and the flat was silent again. She lay staring up at the ceiling, quite still, for a long time, and then she reached onto the floor and picked up the phone.

      ‘Dan…’ she said. ‘Yes, I know. Yes, I know. Listen! Can we meet tomorrow? I know…yes, me too. No, not for that. Paddy’s in. No, he’s in tomorrow, we can’t. No, I want to talk to you. About the holiday. And things. Where…? Where? Oh, OK then. Is it on Rathbone Street? Yep. OK, see you – yes, see you there. Me – me too. No Dan. OK.’

      Laura was still on the sofa when Paddy got back. The flat was stifling hot, it was a humid, sticky evening. The TV was on, there was a nearly empty bottle of Sauvignon Blanc rolling around on the floor, and an empty packet of pistachio nuts. Most of the shells were also on the floor, although a few had made it into the bowl. She was fast asleep, left arm over her stomach, her right arm dangling over the sofa. Two nut shells were glued to her breastbone. Paddy stared at her for a minute, then crouched down and threw a pistachio nut at her face.

      ‘Wha—?’ Laura said thickly, blinking rapidly. ‘Paddy? What – where am I?’

      Paddy rocked back on his heels, then stood up. He turned away from her. ‘Get up, old girl,’ he said softly, and pulled the blinds down. ‘Time for bed. Go on.’

      He followed her as Laura shuffled into the corridor, clutching the empty wine bottle.

      ‘Did you have a good time?’ she asked blearily. ‘How was it?’

      ‘Good, good,’ said Paddy, and even half-asleep she could tell he was quite drunk. ‘Good, good, good. Missed you though, everyone did. How’re you feeling? Any better?’

      Laura looked down at the wine bottle in her hand, then up at Paddy. ‘Er…much better, thanks.’

      ‘Did Dan come round?’ Paddy said blankly.

      ‘What?’ said Laura, still clutching the bottle. ‘Dan?’

      ‘Did he come round?’ Paddy repeated, and he blinked.

      ‘No!’ said Laura. ‘I wasn’t feeling well.’

      ‘Right,’ said Paddy. ‘I know.’

      Laura said, ‘I didn’t miss your birthday so I could stay in and get Dan round, you know.’

      He said nothing, but nodded at her.

      ‘I didn’t,’ Laura said obstinately, but she almost didn’t believe herself.

      ‘Sure,’ said Paddy.

      ‘I promise. Hey, Paddy.’ She put her hand on his. ‘Seriously, man. I wouldn’t lie about that.’

      ‘I know,’ said Paddy, but it wasn’t convincing. He raised his hand in greeting, turned and went into his room, and Laura was left standing on her own in the corridor.

      Her brain was juddering into gear. How has it come to this? she thought, curling her fingers tightly round the neck of the bottle. How can things have got to this? She thought about her date with Dan tomorrow, about what she was going to do, and her resolve strengthened. Right, she said to herself, going into the kitchen.

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