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      SERVES 2


       Oatmeal makes a very fine, velvety textured ‘porridge’. But if oatmeal is not for you then simply replace with the same volume of rolled oats instead.

       5 tbsp oatmeal or jumbo rolled oats

       300ml (10fl oz) cold water

       25g (1oz) caster sugar, or to taste

       50g (2oz) dried cherries

       2 tbsp toasted flaked almonds, to serve

      Place the oatmeal or oats and cold water in a heatproof bowl that fits into your slow cooker dish. Do not stir.

      Place the bowl in the slow cooker dish and pour in enough cold water around the outside to come about one-third of the way up the sides of the bowl.

      Cover with the lid and cook on low overnight or for up to 9 hours.

      The next morning or just before you are ready to eat, stir in the sugar and dried cherries. Leave to stand for 5–10 minutes or until the fruit starts to re-hydrate. Top with toasted flaked almonds and serve.


      this with other dried fruits too, such as ready-to-eat dried apricots or dried blueberries.

      Spiced apple compote



      SERVES 6


       A simple, uncomplicated recipe, this warming compote is perfect for a chilly winter’s morning. It’s great on its own, with yogurt or to accompany porridge.

       50g (2oz) butter, diced, plus extra for greasing

       6 Bramley cooking apples, peeled, cored and diced

       6 eating apples, such as Cox, peeled, cored and diced

       Finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons (preferably unwaxed)

       1 cinnamon stick

       6 whole cloves

       2 bay leaves, broken

       A large pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

       125g (41/2oz) golden caster sugar, to taste

      Butter the inside of the slow cooker dish liberally and add the diced apples. Add the lemon zest and juice, then mix well to coat all the fruit in the lemon juice.

      Add the cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves and nutmeg and mix well. Dot the top of the apples with the butter, then cover with the lid and cook on low overnight or for up to 8 hours.

      Carefully remove the whole spices, add the sugar to taste and mix well. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, then serve hot or allow to cool.


      cooking this on the hob. Combine all of the ingredients in a large saucepan and warm over a low heat, stirring occasionally, for 1–2 hours or until reduced and thickened.

      Cranberry, walnut and orange granola



      SERVES 4–6


       Now, you could cook this faster in the oven, but the slow cooker process seems to enhance the flavour and ‘crunch’ of this granola. It also means you don’t have to check it every 2 minutes to make sure it’s not burning. This recipe isn’t cooked overnight as others in this chapter are, but it is very easy to make, wonderfully tasty and you know exactly what’s gone into it.

       200g (7oz) jumbo rolled oats

       50g (2oz) walnut pieces

       4 tbsp clear honey

       Finely grated zest and juice of

       1 orange

       2 tbsp caster sugar

       A large pinch of ground cinnamon

       50g (2oz) dried cranberries

      Place the oats and walnuts in the slow cooker dish. Warm the honey, orange zest and juice, sugar and cinnamon together in a small pan over a medium heat for 1 minute or until melted and combined. Pour over the oats and mix well to coat evenly.

      Do not cover the slow cooker but turn on to high and cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

      Cover with the lid, reduce to low and cook for a further 4 hours, stirring each hour, until crisp.

      Tip the mixture out onto a cold baking tray and sprinkle with the cranberries. Leave until cold, then use immediately or keep in an airtight container until needed. The granola will keep for up to a month.

       WHAT ABOUT…

      if you want to use the oven? Mix the ingredients together as in step 1, then spread out on a baking sheet and cook in an oven preheated to 190°C (375°F), Gas mark 5 for 20–30 minutes, stirring every few minutes or so to prevent it burning.

      Apricots with vanilla



      SERVES 4


       These delicate, velvety little fruits always seem to disappoint when eaten raw. Slow cooking them coaxes out their unique flavour making them utterly irresistible. Check thatyour slow cooker is happy on the warming function overnight – read the manufacturer’s instructions.

       10 fresh apricots, halved and stoned

       2 lemons (preferably unwaxed)

       225g (8oz) caster sugar

       1 vanilla pod

      Place the apricots in the slow cooker dish. Peel the lemons with a vegetable peeler and add the peel to the apricots together with the juice of half a lemon. Mix gently until the fruit is completely coated in the juice, then pour in enough cold water to cover and add the sugar.

      Using a small sharp knife, cut the vanilla pod in half lengthways and scrape the seeds out with a knife into the slow cooker, then add the pod.

      Cover with the lid and cook on the warming function overnight or for up to 9 hours until the apricots are meltingly soft. Serve hot just as they are with a little of the syrup, or with muesli and yogurt.

       WHAT ABOUT…

      making a syrup. Remove the apricots after cooking and pour the syrup into a small saucepan. Bring to the boil over a high heat and simmer for 10 minutes or until reduced and thickened.

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