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against placebo, say, and they’re all using the same outcome measurement, then you might be fine just lumping them all in together).

      But you can reasonably put some of these studies together in groups. The most current systematic review on publication bias, from 2010, from which the examples above are taken, draws together the evidence from various fields.30 Twelve comparable studies follow up conference presentations, and taken together they find that a study with a significant finding is 1.62 times more likely to be published. For the four studies taking lists of trials from before they started, overall, significant results were 2.4 times more likely to be published. Those are our best estimates of the scale of the problem. They are current, and they are damning.

      All of this missing data is not simply an abstract academic matter: in the real world of medicine, published evidence is used to make treatment decisions. This problem goes to the core of everything that doctors do, so it’s worth considering in some detail what impact it has on medical practice. Firstly, as we saw in the case of reboxetine, doctors and patients are misled about the effects of the medicines they use, and can end up making decisions that cause avoidable suffering, or even death. We might also choose unnecessarily expensive treatments, having been misled into thinking they are more effective than cheaper older drugs. This wastes money, ultimately depriving patients of other treatments, since funding for health care is never infinite.

      It’s also worth being clear that this data is withheld from everyone in medicine, from top to bottom. NICE, for example, is the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, created by the British government to conduct careful, unbiased summaries of all the evidence on new treatments. It is unable either to identify or to access data that has been withheld by researchers or companies on a drug’s effectiveness: NICE has no more legal right to that data than you or I do, even though it is making decisions about effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness, on behalf of the NHS, for millions of people. In fact, as we shall see, the MHRA and EMA (the European Medicines Agency) – the regulators that decide which drugs can go on the market in the UK – often have access to this information, but do not share it with the public, with doctors, or with NICE. This is an extraordinary and perverse situation.

      So, while doctors are kept in the dark, patients are exposed to inferior treatments, ineffective treatments, unnecessary treatments, and unnecessarily expensive treatments that are no better than cheap ones; governments pay for unnecessarily expensive treatments, and mop up the cost of harms created by inadequate or harmful treatment; and individual participants in trials, such as those in the TGN1412 study, are exposed to terrifying, life-threatening ordeals, resulting in lifelong scars, again quite unnecessarily.

      At the same time, the whole of the research project in medicine is retarded, as vital negative results are held back from those who could use them. This affects everyone, but it is especially egregious in the world of ‘orphan diseases’, medical problems that affect only small numbers of patients, because these corners of medicine are already short of resources, and are neglected by the research departments of most drug companies, since the opportunities for revenue are thinner. People working on orphan diseases will often research existing drugs that have been tried and failed in other conditions, but that have theoretical potential for the orphan disease. If the data from earlier work on these drugs in other diseases is missing, then the job of researching them for the orphan disease is both harder and more dangerous: perhaps they have already been shown to have benefits or effects that would help accelerate research; perhaps they have already been shown to be actively harmful when used on other diseases, and there are important safety signals that would help protect future research participants from harm. Nobody can tell you.

      Finally, and perhaps most shamefully, when we allow unflattering data to go unpublished, we betray the patients who participated in these studies: the people who have given their bodies, and sometimes their lives, in the implicit belief that they are doing something to create new knowledge, that will benefit others in the same position as them in the future. In fact, their belief is not implicit: often it’s exactly what we tell them, as researchers, and it is a lie, because the data might be withheld, and we know it.

      So whose fault is this?

      Why do negative trials disappear?

      In a moment we will see more clear cases of drug companies withholding data – in stories where we can identify individuals – sometimes with the assistance of regulators. When we get to these, I hope your rage might swell. But first, it’s worth taking a moment to recognise that publication bias occurs outside commercial drug development, and in completely unrelated fields of academia, where people are motivated only by reputation, and their own personal interests.

      In many respects, after all, publication bias is a very human process. If you’ve done a study and it didn’t have an exciting, positive result, then you might wrongly conclude that your experiment isn’t very interesting to other researchers. There’s also the issue of incentives: academics are often measured, rather unhelpfully, by crude metrics like the numbers of citations for their papers, and the number of ‘high-impact’ studies they get into glamorous well-read journals. If negative findings are harder to publish in bigger journals, and less likely to be cited by other academics, then the incentives to work at disseminating them are lower. With a positive finding, meanwhile, you get a sense of discovering something new. Everyone around you is excited, because your results are exceptional.

      One clear illustration of this problem came in 2010. A mainstream American psychology researcher called Daryl Bem published a competent academic paper, in a well-respected journal, showing evidence of precognition, the ability to see into the future.fn1 These studies were well-designed, and the findings were statistically significant, but many people weren’t very convinced, for the same reasons you aren’t: if humans really could see into the future, we’d probably know about it already; and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, rather than one-off findings.

      But in fact the study has been replicated, though Bem’s positive results have not been. At least two groups of academics have rerun several of Bem’s experiments, using the exact same methods, and both found no evidence of precognition. One group submitted their negative results to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – the very same journal that published Bem’s paper in 2010 – and that journal rejected their paper out of hand. The editor even came right out and said it: we never publish studies that replicate other work.

      Here we see the same problem as in medicine: positive findings are more likely to be published than negative ones. Every now and then, a freak positive result is published showing, for example, that people can see into the future. Who knows how many psychologists have tried, over the years, to find evidence of psychic powers, running elaborate, time-consuming experiments, on dozens of subjects – maybe hundreds – and then found no evidence that such powers exist? Any scientist trying to publish such a ‘So what?’ finding would struggle to get a journal to take it seriously, at the best of times. Even with the clear target of Bem’s paper on precognition, which was widely covered in serious newspapers across Europe and the USA, the academic journal with a proven recent interest in the question of precognition simply refused to publish a paper with a negative result. Yet replicating these findings was key – Bem himself said so in his paper – so keeping track of the negative replications is vital too.

      People working in real labs will tell you that sometimes an experiment can fail to produce a positive result many times before the outcome you’re hoping for appears. What does that mean? Sometimes the failures will be the result of legitimate technical problems; but sometimes they will be vitally important statistical context, perhaps even calling the main finding of the research into question. Many research findings, remember, are not absolute black-and-white outcomes, but fragile statistical correlations. Under our current system, most of this contextual information about failure is just brushed under the carpet, and this has huge ramifications for the cost of replicating research, in ways that are not immediately obvious. For example, researchers failing to replicate an initial finding may not know if they’ve failed because the original result was an overstated fluke, or because they’ve made some kind of mistake in their methods. In fact, the cost of proving that a finding was wrong

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