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obtain the proof we've been waiting for a long time.”

      â€œAnd in fact so it was,” Riccardo said with a big smile. “It isn't easy for a stranger to come so close to a familiar to see his nude wrist, because they always dress formally and they pay attention to the social relationships. They don't have any connections out of their cluster; even sexually they choose a partner who belongs to the same Reptilian master. But I hoped that in the right circumstances we could catch him with his guard down or, in this case, his cuff unfastened...”

      He allowed himself a clever smile and the doctor copied him. I was still astonished, but the story started to make sense.

      â€œI still don't understand why you're telling us all of this,” Max commented. “I can believe you've done some research on Stefi, but what about the rest of us? We could be not worthy of all this trust... I seem to understand that your job is extremely risky and just a little indiscretion could put you in danger.”

      Riccardo and Giuliano exchanged a look. It was clear that they had their answer ready.

      â€œIt's true,” the doctor said. “But if you want to obtain something in life you have to accept some risk. In our case, meeting you on the plane and finding out that you're going to Nepal to meet your friend the monk Kathmandu seemed too much of a good chance not to take advantage of it.”

      â€œYes,” said Riccardo. “To us it could be helpful to come to Nepal with you... It would mislead any eventual suspect that the familiar could have after our meeting on the plane.”

      I looked around. Everyone nodded. “That's no problem,” Maximilian said.

      Nirva seemed still anxious. I encouraged him to speak.

      â€œSee,” he said, after throwing back a sip of his drink, “I have read many things about Reptilians and aliens that could be in contact with the inhabitants of Earth.”

      Giuliano and his friend looked at him carefully.

      â€œThey're very dangerous,” Nirvanananda spoke again. “They belong to another dimension, but can also perfectly live in this as long as they feed on negative vibes, suffering, fear, and despair of the living beings that they love to dominate.”

      â€œTrue,” Riccardo commented. The doctor just nodded.

      â€œRecently I read a very interesting article, which connected the various ufological current to the European folklore stories and in particular to Indian tradition...”

      Everyone was really careful. Nirva drank another sip and kept talking.

      â€œAccording to this last one, there are various humanoid bloodlines that are genetically more powerful than human beings, which throughout history have created outposts and settlements on our planet. The three most famous races are called Rakshasa, Naga e Yaksha. All three of them are biologically compatible with humans and can generate hybrids, which inherit the powers even if on a smaller scale.

      While Naga and Yaksha have limited powers and can be quite benevolent with humans, Rakshasa have terrifying faculties with which they're capable of modifying matter only with their thought and they gladly use it to dominate humans. One of the most common examples is the fact that they're able to change their body's aspect. They're called Shapeshifters.”

      â€œYes! I heard about those Shapeshifters a few weeks ago on the show X-Files!” Josè said. And he nodded to Nirvanananda to continue.

      â€œThe ploy comes better when there's less light, so all these groups prefer to take action at night, even though the most powerful ones are perfectly capable of doing this in full daylight. The look that adapts best to their nature and can be considered their true form is terrifying - because what the Rakshasa like the most, more than the physical taste of human or animal flesh, is the emotional energy their preys' emit. Fear, horror, despair, helplessness, humiliation and degradation of their victims are delicious tastes to those creatures, which sometimes are described as ogres or vampires. They're also compared to snakes because they have a hypnotic power on human beings and they love to take these forms that can be defined as reptilians, even though it's known that according to their victims' mind they can take the form of other creepy beasts or composite aspects that remind us of different kinds of animals.”

      Total silence came over our group.

      Max was deep in his thoughts, probably he was making mental and cultural connections, but didn't show any sign of skepticism anymore.

      Now it was Josè turn to hold my hand and he had a worried look.

      The doctor and Riccardo were nodding, very seriously.

      Nirva kept talking. “Historically our planet had alien outposts almost everywhere, although the principal settlements seem how have been in Sri Lanka for Rakshasa, China for Naga and the Caucasian region just in the north of mount Himalaya for Yaksha.”

      Giuliano's friend raised a hand to interrupt him. “Let's not forget about the colonies in Mexico, Mesopotamia, upper Egypt, Cambodia, Israel, Rome, New Orleans and New York.”

      â€œOf course,” Nirvanananda said, “but I'm talking about what Vedic books say, written over five-thousand years ago. Since then, there have been several movements. According to my research, in 1,000 BC a small group of Rakshasa allied with a 'rebel' group of Yaksha, giving birth to a migration from the Caucasian region to Middle East which changed radically the life of the human populations in the entire region, profoundly transforming social relationships and creating new mythologies, which spoke of cruelties and demons, giants of enormous physical power and monsters - that required rituals and blood sacrifices. To those superhuman beings were given different names - both collective like Elohim, Annunaki and Titans, and individual such as Marduk, Aryaman and so on.

      The new religion overthrew the matriarchal cultures and introduced rape as a weapon of control, punishment and intimidation over women and the whole social group. Slavery and body modifications as a mark of recognition and belonging: circumcision, extension of the skull, tattooing, teeth reduction, deformation of various body parts such as lips, earlobes and so on, through the insertion of foreign objects. Domestic animals became private property, closed in fences or cages or fastened up and butchered as it pleased. The Sumerian tradition affirms that genetic experiments were made, to create animals and humans for the dominators' purposes. Both human and animal sacrifice rituals were introduced, providing a caste of privileged priests that served as intermediaries between ordinary human beings and their dominators.

      The ancient tradition of the alpha-male, chosen every year as tribal leader after a demonstration of physical and mental strength was transformed into absolutist hereditary monarchy, in which the hybrid descendants of the dominators, raised to the rank of demigods, were crossbred between them to maintain as much as possible the superhuman genetic heritage.

      To protect them a caste of sired warriors was created, denied of any kind of independence and organized hierarchically in an identical form to that of the armies that we know today. They developed more efficient and cruel weapons; they organized military expeditions to conquer a larger territory to gather fresh resources, slaves, animals and tributes of various natures.”

      Riccardo and Giuliano nodded. “Yes, fundamentally this coincides with our information.”

      Maximilian went pale. “So these familiars are also trained to use weapons!”

      The doctor's friend smiled. “Not all of them are experts as you fear... And we train too!”

      Josè intervened. “What is the link with extraterrestrials? From what you have said so far these races are terrestrials even if not human.”

      â€œThey have their own planets too,” Riccardo replied, “with little natural resources, so they migrate only to raid on different worlds and to obtain what they need - sand for silicon, gold and ‘livestock’ human and animal. They have spaceships even very big, but their technology is so forward that they can

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