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but instead of letting her attempt to walk to his truck he swooped her into his arms and carried her like he had that first morning, when she had been looking out the window and he had been looking at her—with a longing that hadn’t been quenched. He’d swooped her into his arms then, and had watched the satin sheet slither to the floor as he’d laid her naked body down on the bed, and laid his naked body over hers. Thinking about that, even now, caused her to shiver.

      “This is very chivalrous of you,” she said, without protest. Ellie still liked being in his arms, still liked the feel of him pressed to her. Matt had the power to knock her completely off track, and she couldn’t let that happen. Couldn’t let the thoughts of how good they had been together seep in. Couldn’t let the thoughts of how nice it was to be in his arms, yet again, seep in either.

      “I aim to give the best medical care I can, under the circumstances.” Matt looked over at Lucas, who was occupied with a toddler version of a video game. “You ready to go home?” he asked.

      Lucas picked up his video toy and his blanket, and went directly to Matt’s side, the way he always did. Then fell into exact step with Matt, the way he’d only just started doing. “He doesn’t talk yet,” he explained to Ellie as they walked through the parking lot. “He’s lived in some pretty rough circumstances for a while and he’s a little delayed, but he’s bright. Understands everything. Very observant of everything around him. Just not talkative.

      “He will, when he has something to say. Guess he just hasn’t had anything to say yet.” She wiggled into the passenger’s seat, while Matt strapped Lucas into the toddler safety seat in the crew cab, and within a minute they were on their way to what Matt had dubbed Matt Casa. She still wasn’t sure what to make of any of this, but one thing was certain—she did like the way he took care of Lucas. Liked it very much. And the way he took care of her went far, far beyond like.

      What had she been thinking, taking that ten-hour drive in one long stretch, stopping only a few times for breaks? Well, a little rest, a little water, a good bed under her back for the night, and she’d be fine. But this sure wasn’t the way she’d wanted her first meeting with Matt to go. Seriously, fainting into his arms? Ellie doubted she could have made a more dramatic entrance if she’d tried.

      Anyway, telling him about the baby would keep until tomorrow, when she was rested. Yep, back to the plan, but only a modified version of it since she already knew Matt’s intentions. No Lucas, no family commitments. But would that include his own child as well? Maybe something about bringing his own child into the world would mellow him, or cause him to change his mind. Ellie wasn’t counting on it, though. But she wasn’t ruling it out either.

      Right now, though, she was going home with Matt. Not part of the plan but so far nothing else had been either. “Since you’re obviously not working as a surgeon out here, what kind of practice do you run?”

      “Well, I suppose you could call it a family practice or a general practice. The doc who had it before me called it a cowboy practice, and I think that works. Bottom line, I’ll get to treat everything as long as I’m here.”

      As long as he was here. Suddenly, Ellie felt discouraged and disappointed. She’d wanted him to want their baby—it would have been the perfect solution. But there was no solution now. At least, not one she could think of. The thought of that brought tears to her eyes—tears Matt would never see as she turned her head to the window and pretended to be caught up in night-time stars.

      “You have two choices. There’s a casita adjoining the house and it has everything you’ll need if you want to sleep there tonight. Or you can stay in one of the guest bedrooms. Your choice.”

      “How about the casita, since I don’t feel like climbing stairs? My legs are a little stiff from the drive. Back’s a little achy, too.”

      “Does your doctor know what you did?” Matt asked, leading Ellie through the hall to the entry to the casita—a nice little one-bedroom house with a small kitchen and a reasonably large living area. Traditionally, a casita was used by a family member or long-term guest. Or tonight, his two-night fling in Reno.

      That was an odd question—out of the blue asking her doctor’s opinion. Did Matt suspect she was pregnant? Quickly, she looked to make sure her belly hadn’t puffed out a few inches and she hadn’t noticed. But that wasn’t the case. Underneath her baggy cotton shirt, it showed. But not with the shirt on. Whatever the case, she approached her answers cautiously because she was too tired and discouraged to address anything other than sleep tonight.

      “No. I really don’t have to account to anybody for anything in my life, and that includes my doctor. And before you ask, he would have advised against the drive until I was on vitamins with iron for a few days. Low-grade anemia. Nothing serious. But, like I said, I make my own decisions, and I decided to come to Forgeburn for a holiday.”

      “As you’ve said,” Matt stated. He opened the door to the casita then stepped aside. “Well, whatever the case, it should take me about an hour to fix something to eat, so in the meantime I’d suggest you rest. There’s a nice patio outside, and there’s the bedroom...your choice.”

      “You really don’t have to do this, Matt. I’m used to taking care of myself. The Red Canyon Resort would be fine.”

      “You look run-down. I wouldn’t call that taking care of yourself.”

      “I work hard. Travel a lot. My business is growing, and I’ve got some amazing opportunities coming up. Also, like I said, it’s low-grade anemia. All that earns me the right to look run-down. But a good night’s sleep will work wonders.”

      He knew better, though, because he was beginning to suspect. “Well, then, dinner’s in an hour. And I don’t remember. Are you a vegetarian? I seem to recall you might be.”

      “I am,” she said. “Hope that doesn’t put you to any trouble.”

      “Nope. Because all I have here are chicken nuggets and hot dogs, neither of which are very good.”

      “Not healthy for Lucas either. Or you, for that matter.” With that, she entered the casita and shut the door behind her, leaving Matt to stand in the hall staring at—nothing. He was staring at nothing. Until a tug on his shirt tail reminded him that Lucas needed to be fed, bathed and put to bed before anything else happened.

      * * *

      Matt sighed as he sat on the veranda, looking up at the stars. It was a beautiful night. Clear. And the view from this house was stunning. Growing up here, he’d never thought anything about the area was stunning. Not the scenery, the people, the wildlife. Especially not the cramped, rundown house trailers he’d grown up in, where his dad had got the bed, his sister the sofa, and he had been welcome to any spot he could find on the floor that wasn’t cluttered with some sort of rubbish. Trailers in a rubbish lot, parked and ready to go for scrap.

      He’d escaped that when he’d been sixteen. Had run away to Las Vegas, promising Janice he’d send for her as soon as he could. Well, that had never happened and now all he had left were bad memories of bad times, and a little boy who served to remind him of how he’d broken his promise to Janice. It wasn’t a very good legacy, but he’d been able to put some of it aside in the army. Or, at least, justify it to himself. Too young. Too inexperienced in the world. Yeah, whatever.

      And his promise to himself about never coming back to Forgeburn for any reason—fat lot of good that had done him because here he was. Maybe he deserved to be here, if only to remind him of what he could have become. Or what Janice could have become if he’d kept his promise. “Care for a margarita?” he asked Ellie, who sat down at a patio table across from him.

      “I don’t drink,” she said. “Water’s good, though.”

      “I seem to recall a couple of mojitos in Reno. But if you don’t drink now...” He shrugged. “Water, vegetarian—that sounds like a mighty healthy lifestyle.”

      “We all make our choices, I suppose. My mom’s diabetic and my dad,

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