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Especially to a place like this. So, did she want to take what they’d started to the next level, even though they’d agreed to keep it casual?

      The thought of that caused Matt’s heart to skip a beat, even though he wasn’t a next-level kind of guy. The idea of it did intrigue him, though, because he’d had that thought a time or two, then dismissed it as impractical. It couldn’t work. They lived in different worlds. But it had been a nice thought for those few moments.

      “You mentioned something about a baby, so I checked your car and...” He shrugged. “No baby.”

      “I call my car my baby,” Ellie said, not looking at him.

      He didn’t buy that either. But he wasn’t going to pressure her into telling him what she wanted because Ellie was direct. She’d do it in her own good time. “Well, your car’s fine.”

      She didn’t respond. Just nodded and kept on sipping.

      “So, you said you’re vacationing here?”

      Ellie nodded again.

      “In Forgeburn, where the population is in negative numbers?” This was getting more and more interesting, and he couldn’t wait until she told him the truth. Which she would because Ellie wasn’t a very good liar. It was showing on her face and in her fidgety hands. Normally, she was straightforward. At least, she had been in Reno. Yet this side of Ellie—it didn’t fit what he knew of her. Which really wasn’t much, come to think of it.

      “You said the scenery here was beautiful, so I decided to check it out for myself.”

      “During the off-season when the resorts aren’t operating at full capacity? Funny, I would have taken you for someone who’d want all the amenities.”

      “Is the little boy yours? Because he looks exactly like you,” she said, obviously trying to avoid what she’d come here to say—or do. “I don’t remember you saying anything about having a child. Or a wife. Do you have a wife, too?”

      Was she really here to see him again? The thought crossed his mind but didn’t stay there. Because Ellie had vehemently denied wanting a relationship. Which he’d been glad about. So why now, when he was on leave, had she turned up? And how did she even know he was on leave? Or where he’d be? “I’ve never married. And Lucas... He’s my nephew, and I’m temporarily his legal guardian.”


      “My sister died, which left her son in my care, temporarily.”

      “Why not permanently?”

      “I’m in the army. Single. Get transferred a lot because I’m a surgeon who likes to see action, as in battlefield. It’s not a great combination for raising a kid as a single dad.”

      “You haven’t retired?” Ellie asked, looking puzzled.

      “No. I’m going back as soon as I fix the situation with Lucas. Hopefully, that’ll be inside two months. So, how did you find me? How did you know I was in Forgeburn?”

      “Part of my job is research. You were easy to track once I got to the right department in the army, and they connected me to your superior officer, who was very helpful.”

      It wasn’t that simple for most people, and for a moment Matt admired her ability to not only find his superior officer but get him to tell her just where, on leave, he was. “But they neglected to tell you I was coming back?”

      “They probably figured you’d tell me when I caught up to you.”

      “Well, you’ve caught up to me, and I’m wondering why.”

      “Like I said, a vacation. Oh, and I’m so sorry about your sister. It can’t have been easy on you or Lucas.”

      “It hasn’t been, and I appreciate your sympathy for my sister. She was a good sort who never really got a break in life.” What was Ellie up to? It bothered Matt, not knowing. But what bothered him even more was how glad he was to see her.

      * * *

      This wasn’t at all what she’d expected, and she wasn’t sure which way to go with it, especially since Matt had made up his mind about what he was going to do. Get rid of Lucas then go back to the army. Which meant everything she’d hoped for when she had been told he’d gone home was up in the air. Ellie had assumed he was out of the army. He wasn’t. And she’d hoped he would be settled enough to want their baby. Again, he wasn’t. Also, he didn’t even want Lucas.

      So where did that leave her? Basically, at square one again. Pregnant without a plan. Except she would tell him and still give him the opportunity to raise his child. That was only fair. “Well, I need a room. The hotel down the road is a little...dated. Is there someplace better?”

      Matt chuckled. “Like I said, the best places aren’t running at full capacity yet, and the rest of the smaller places—I’m not sure you’d like them. Especially since I know, for a fact, you prefer satin sheets.”

      Satin sheets. Yes, she’d loved the feel of them, and the feel of him next to her as she’d enjoyed the soft caress of both the sheets and Matt. “I’m not really concerned about sheets, Matt. I just need some food, then bed...” For her pregnancy first, but also for her because she was tired. She needed to put her feet up, close her eyes and give both her and the baby at least ten hours of down time. Maybe more, if she could.

      “If you go down the road, about five miles in the opposite direction, there’s a place called Red Canyon Resort. It has nice rooms, decent amenities. Since it’s early in the season, you shouldn’t have trouble getting a room. But if you do stay...”

      He stopped, paused for a moment, and that hesitation of a frown she’d seen on his face when he’d first seen her a little while ago returned. Only this time it didn’t transform into a smile. She hoped he was glad to see her. In fact, she’d thought he was. Now she wasn’t so sure.

      “If you do stay, there’s not much to do unless you like hiking or rock climbing,” he finally continued.

      “I’ll manage,” she said, scooting to the edge of the exam table, feeling a little more discouraged than she had before. Of course, she’d never been totally optimistic about asking him. That would have been foolish, given the circumstances. But she’d hoped. Right now, though, some of the hope was disappearing—because of Lucas, because of Matt’s military commitments, because he was more rigid than she remembered him being.

      “Before you go, I’d really like to get a better look at you. Something caused you to faint, and I don’t know what it was.”

      “I was tired from the drive. Hungry. Probably a little dehydrated. Once I get a room, I’ll eat, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest, and I’ll be fine.” Ellie scooted a little more until she was at the edge, then stretched until her feet were on the floor. As soon as she stood, though, she wobbled, and Matt was right there to catch her. Again.

      “I think before you go checking into anywhere, I’m going to take you someplace to get something to eat. And drink. Your skin doesn’t pass the pinch test, so I think your biggest problem right now is dehydration. Are you diabetic, by any chance?”

      “Nope. Just had a physical yesterday, as it turns out. Blood tests were good.”

      “No kidney disease?”

      “I’m fine, Matt. My doctor told me I needed to get some rest, which is why I’m here.”

      “You live in Reno. You could have driven an hour over to Tahoe and checked into a world-class resort to rest there, instead of driving six hundred miles through the desert to rest here. If rest is what you’re really after.”

      “Right now, it is. I don’t suppose there’d be a cab out here I could call. I don’t think I’m going to be able to drive.”

      He doubted she’d even make it to her car. “Look, Lucas and I were headed home when you came in. How about you go with us, I’ll

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