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to push until I hear back from the M.E. or the lab, or we get an ID. I don’t want her to slip through the cracks, either, Karen. But right now I’ve got nothing to push against.”

      She nodded and picked up the phone, stabbing numbers by rote memory. “Yes, this is Detective Karen Sweeney. You have a Jane Doe of mine. Any idea when you’ll get to her? She’s in now? Thanks. We’ll be right over.”

      Previn looked stung, resentment smoldering in his dark eyes. “They’d have called me when they were done.”

      “Maybe, maybe not. They’re busy, like you said. And we’re not going to wait for them to finish. We’re going to be there as it happens.”

      “I’ve never…”

      “Then get used to it,” she said, grabbing her jacket and purse. “Welcome to homicide.”

      Previn was a weasely looking young man of about thirty, with a long, narrow nose and thinning hair. His normally ruddy skin went utterly pale the instant they stepped into the autopsy room.

      The smell, of course. Even now, Karen wasn’t completely used to it, but at least she expected it. Previn didn’t. White, he turned away immediately from the sight of a corpse opened from collarbone to pubic bone with a Y incision, but that wouldn’t get rid of the smell.

      Nothing got rid of the smell. There was something about a dead body, even a relatively fresh one that had recently been in the cooler, that smelled just plain awful when you opened it up. Fishing around in her purse, she found a small jar of Vicks VapoRub. She’d carried it for years but hadn’t used it in a long time.

      “Here,” she said to Previn. “Rub some of this right under your nose.” He might even manage to do it, if he didn’t lose his lunch first.

      His hand was shaking as he accepted the small jar. A second later he bolted. Karen shrugged and stepped nearer to the table.

      It wasn’t that she was hardened to it; she was just accustomed to it—very different things. It was never pleasant—it would never be pleasant—but she no longer had to fight to maintain control in here.

      “What have you got so far?” she asked the M.E., Dr. Caleb Carter, when he’d finished dictating something into the microphone that hung from the ceiling on an adjustable arm. Right now it was close to his mouth.

      “Female Caucasian, approximately twenty-eight years of age…”

      Karen had already pretty much figured that much out, but she let him run through the stats: height, weight, general health.

      “Diseased right ovary,” he continued, “and evidence of at least one not-too-good abortion. I’d say that was a long time ago, though.”

      “Okay.” She had her notebook out, ready to write down anything that seemed particularly relevant, things she wouldn’t want to forget before the report was issued.

      “Proximate cause of death appears to be strangulation from a nylon stocking wrapped around her throat. There are four separate bite marks. From their locations and depth, I’d hazard a guess that there was a lot of rage involved in this act.”

      That was worthy of note. “Not ritualistic?”

      “Well, there’s always that possibility,” he said, looking across the table at her. “I’m not a profiler. But…my guess is this was an act of rage, an instant response to some kind of provocation.”

      “Was she raped?”

      “From my external examination, I’d say no. The swabs might say differently.”

      “Anything else?”

      “Oh yes. She’s got plenty of skin under her fingernails. She must have put up a fight before he got her hands bound behind her back. My guess is that someone is running around with some pretty deep scratches, probably on his arms.”

      “So look for a man in an overcoat, huh?”

      Carter chuckled. “Or at least long sleeves.”

      Outside, Karen found Previn standing in the hallway, watching from behind the safety of the window.

      He flushed when he saw her. “Sorry.”

      “It’s okay, Previn. The first one is always hard. Just give me back my Vicks in case I need it.”

      Sheepishly, he passed her the small jar. “It didn’t sound like he had much.”

      “Actually, he gave me a great deal.”

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