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probably not. Katie wasn’t shy! She went to parties and had lots of friends. I wished I could think of something interesting and exciting to tell her, to stop her getting bored with me. But I don’t ever do anything interesting or exciting! Not what other people would think was interesting or exciting. It was Lily that did things. Like going to visit the set of Riverside. That was interesting. And exciting! And I’d heard all about it in the hugest detail …

       Dear Katie,

       Hi! I have something very exciting to report. I went with my friend Sarah and her mum to visit the set of Riverside!!! It was just fantastic!

       You will never guess what happened! Tony was there and he smiled at me!!! I thought I would just die! He is every bit as gorgeous in real life as he is on the screen. Sarah was SO jealous, ‘cos she likes him, too. it was a moment I shall treasure for always.

       How was your party that you were going to? The one without boys? I am dying to hear about it! I want to know everything you did.

       Now I am reading through your letter to see what questions you ask. By the way I don’t think you’re prying or being nosy! I think it is only natural to want to know each other.

       Please tell your mum thatLily and me get mega-ad if anyone dares to shorten us to Lil or Vi! We think that Lily and Violet are quite bad enough. It is because of them being my mum’s favourite flowers. I mean, that is why we are called them. But we think they are HIDEOUS!

       I am really surprised that you like our school uniform! Personally I would rather be a gooseberry than a plum pudding, but I am stuck with being a pudding until Year 12, when I will probably go to sixth form college as there is no sixth form at our school. I told you it is very titchy and tiny. (Though you can stay there until you are sixteen.) I don’t think it is posh, exactly, even though there are some posh people that go there. But most of us are just ordinary. At the moment I think it is nice that there are no boys, however Mum says this may change as I get older. I don’t think so!!!

       And now… ssh! I do kiss Tony every night. But don’t tell anyone! Not even Lily knows. She would laugh at me if she did.

       I am not cross with you for saying that we look the same. Lots of people think this. Usually it is because they do not look properly. I know you said that you looked with a magnifying glass, but the photograph I sent you was taken last term. We have changed A LOT since then. And when two people are very different I think it has to show in their faces even if they did come from the same egg.

       I hope it does hot embarrass you, me saying about eggs. It is only biology. But I once said it to this girl Pandora that is in my class and she turned very red and said that I was rude to talk about such things. But she is a very odd sort of girl.

       You are not the only one who cannot sing. Nor can I! I cannot sing and I cannot draw. I think it is so annoying when you cannot do things that you would like to be able to do. When I sing my dad says I sound like a toad with tonsillitis. Could you draw a picture of that? Then I would be able to show it to my dad and he would laugh.

       I want to ask you something. Do you let your mum read your letters? I don’t let anyone read mine, except just your first one I let my mum see. But not now! Now they are STRICTLY PRIVATE, even though Lily would just love to get her hands on them. But I won’t let her. Don’t worry!

       Oh, I have just remembered. Dad says, why don’t we e-mail, instead of writing letters? He says it would be more fun. Do you think that it would? If you would like to e-mail, then we can do it. I don’t mind.

       I made a picture out of the scribble, but I’m afraid it is not very good.

       Thank you very much for the maze, which I managed to find my way into. I don’t mean to boast, but it was quite easy. Can you do another one and make it more difficult?

       I have a game for you! Guess what musical instruments these are:


      Tigura Novili Glube

       I have just made this up!

       Do you like playing word games? I can think of loads more! Sometimes what I do, like when I am travelling on the bus for example, I look at the advertisements and I find a word and I see how many other words I can make from it. Like yesterday me and Lily had to go to school by ourselves because of Mum and Dad being too busy and there was this huge traffic jam and Lily got all twitchy and impatient but I just sat there making up words.

       The word I made them from was INSURE. Sitting on the bus I only made up nine, but that was in my head. I have just done it again and this time I have made up twelve! If you like, I will tell you what they are. I will do it at the end of this letter. It is just a game, but it is quite fun.

       Next week my class is going to visit the British Museum. After we have been there we are going to write stories about mummies. Egyptian ones, I mean! I am really looking forward to it!

       Please write back soon and do another maze. I hope I have not upset you by saying the one you sent was easy. It wasn’t as easy as all that! I think you are very clever, being able to draw mazes.

       That has made me think of a joke: I am totally a-MAZED.

       Ho ho! Must go!

       Lots of luv

       Violet XXX


       These are the words I made but DO NOT READ THEM until you have seen how many you can make! By order!!!

      Ire rue rise run ruin rein rinse sure sin sun sue nurse

       I expect you may be able to find more.

       PPS I think it is cool to have a ‘granddad’ called Arthur. I have only one granddad. He is called James. He is my mum’s dad. Going now.


      I put in the bit about granddads in the hope that maybe next time Katie would tell me about her dad. I still didn’t like to ask. I know she said “Ask me anything. I don’t mind,” but I remembered when Kelly Stevens’ mum and dad split up. Kelly was in tears for weeks. I didn’t like the thought of Katie being in tears. Her photo made her look so bright and perky! She looked like a really happy sort of person.

      On Tuesday we went to the British Museum. The whole class, with Mrs Frost and another teacher, Miss Adams, to keep us in order. Some of us need keeping in order! Lily and her friends just behave so badly. Even on the tube they couldn’t keep quiet but shriek and giggle and swing to and fro on the handrails. Lily kicked someone and had to apologise, and Sarah almost fell into the lap of a man that was reading his newspaper. She went, “Oops! Sorry!” and giggled. She didn’t seem at all embarrassed. I would have been! I would just have died.

      Miss Adams told them to calm down. She said, “Lily! Sarah! Please!” But nobody ever takes any notice of Miss Adams. She is one of those teachers, she just has no idea how to control us. Not like Mrs Frost. She can be quite fierce! But Mrs Frost was way down the far end and couldn’t see what was going on. By the time we got out at Tottenham Court Road, Lily and Sarah were giggling and shrieking at just about everything.

      “Ooh! Look. Panties!” shrieked Sarah, as we went up the escalator, past all the adverts. Lily screeched.

      “Panties!” she went.

      I don’t know what they found so funny about it. I mean, everyone has to wear them,

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