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nose clear from the breast by drawing your baby’s hips and bottom towards you at a slightly tilted angle. LO’s body will be in a straight line but the head is tilted up towards you so you can look into their eyes.

      The Latching Technique

      1 Get the baby’s body in a straight line and lift the baby up to the breast from below.

      2 Line up your baby’s nose to the nipple.

      3 Get as much of the dark nipple area as possible into the baby’s mouth, still keeping the nose clear.

      Top three secrets of breastfeeding

      The secrets of getting breastfeeding off to a flying start – remember the three Ps: Position, Patience and Perseverance.

      1. Get in a comfortable position

      Many babies thrash about, moving from side to side, missing the nipple completely and getting very annoyed. This is perfectly normal and no failing on your part; just be patient and keep on trying. If you watch any baby animal feeding for the first time on nature programmes, they always do this, pummelling and bumping into their mum. This is nature’s way of helping the milk let down so you produce more milk. It is supply and demand – and it can be difficult to believe just how much milk a newborn baby demands. The more the baby suckles, the more milk you will produce, and you’ll notice they often place a little hand on your breast or tap it; they are instinctively doing this to let the milk down.

      Mastering the technique of breastfeeding is simply getting into the right position so your baby can swallow easily. That’s why having the baby in a straight line enables them to do this. Two positions most mothers use are the cradle and cross-cradle (using either one or two arms for support) and the side-lying position (really useful for those night-time feeds).

      Positioning is really important, as if the baby sucks on the end of the nipple it becomes sore very quickly. That’s no fun for baby or mum, as they won’t get the feed they need and you will be in pain and find your levels of tiredness and frustration escalate very quickly. (If this does happen, all is not lost; later on in this chapter we’ll look at coping strategies if you experience problems, allowing you time to heal, give the baby their feed, and get things back on track. You can also look up problems quickly in the A–Z section.)

      Trust Yourself

      Get Comfy

      Feeding takes time, so make the most of it. Get yourself set up with a drink, a snack, the remote control, and your phone or an eBook all within reach. Place one comfy cushion behind your back, and a cushion to support the baby as well if you want to, and put your feet up – when else will you get the chance!

      Happy Baby Breastfeeding Positions

      Cradle or cross-cradle Place the baby’s head in the crook of the supporting arm and hold the baby across your body with either the same arm or both arms.


      Side-lying Support the baby’s head in the crook of the arm on your side, resting the baby’s body against your upper body.

      Trust Yourself

      Avoid Sore Nipples

      It can feel like a bit of an extra faff, but using a nipple gel helps to keep your in-demand nipples supple and stops soreness – prevention is better than cure!

      2. Be patient; it takes time

      Nearly all babies (and many mums) have some frustration when starting to feed. Women are often disappointed or reproach themselves if they don’t take to breastfeeding instantly, and think they are doing something wrong. I’ve heard many a woman say, ‘They never said it was going to be difficult in the antenatal classes. What am I doing wrong?’ You are doing nothing wrong, you are giving your all, and the fact you are breastfeeding is amazing. Focus on getting yourself something to eat, a wash and your head down for a nap when you can, because there won’t be time for anything else in the early days. If you’d never used a computer or played an instrument, no one would expect you to do it perfectly on the first day, not even in the first week.

      Also let’s not forget your body has just done some-thing miraculous – you’ve given birth! You’re tired and life is never going to be the same again – emotions run high – one minute you’ll feel on top of the world and the next you can feel like you want to run in the bathroom and lock the door for 5 minutes’ peace. Staying calm, taking a deep breath and taking your time to get into the right position are what’s needed.

      You both need support and the opportunity to get used to feeding, and in the early days it takes a lot of concentration and energy. I’ve known women who’ve needed complete silence and have banned the television being on whilst learning to breastfeed, or others who have needed the TV or radio on to distract them and help pass the time. Some women find at first they can only feed in bed and don’t want lots of clothes getting in the way; others like to rest the baby on a pillow in their laps; some want to be lying down – just do whatever feels right for you.

      Be patient with yourself and your baby, and be flexible, as your baby’s needs and your ability to interpret those needs will change and develop with each feed. Each day you feed, you’ll grow in confidence, improve your technique and find a range of different positions and methods that work for you. Soon you will be able to pop them on whenever and wherever you need to with ease. Even when you’re proficient at breastfeeding, everyone has the odd difficult day; when that happens put it behind you and remind yourself how much you’ve achieved and take it one feed at a time.

      Trust Yourself

      Breathe ...

      Just before you put your baby on the breast, take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly and evenly. Count to ten, drop your shoulders away from your ears and relax.

      Trust Yourself

      One Day at a Time

      Say to yourself, ‘Each day I breastfeed is a great achievement and I’m doing something very special for my baby.’ Keep on adding an extra day and before you know it you’ll have been breastfeeding for weeks and then months.

      3. Persevere: take it a one feed at a time

      Babies can be very demanding and all-consuming. In the early days when you’ve had hardly any sleep, you’ve got sore nipples and you can’t remember the last time you washed your hair, it does require great determination and perseverance to keep on going with breastfeeding – but it does get better, and you’ll feel such a strong bond with your baby for doing it.

      The support network you have can really make all the difference in helping you to keep on breastfeeding for as long as you want to. It may only be you that can feed the baby, but your partner and family have a big supportive role to play here, too.

      It’s important to ask for help and support; if you are talking to a health professional never feel that a question is silly or insignificant – it’s not. In some areas other mothers who are breastfeeding or have recently breastfed their babies offer mum-to-mum support. This gives you the opportunity to get help, tips and encouragement from other mums who’ve had similar experiences. It can be really good to find out about nice cafés and places to go where women enjoy breastfeeding their babies, because you won’t want to stay at home forever, and it’s important you find places where you feel comfortable. Breastfeeding in public can be a very liberating experience – it is what breasts are for, after all!

      Trust Yourself

      It’s Good to Talk


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