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am I doing there if I can’t use my knowledge in this place? Maybe someone is going to explain everything to me? Maybe money doesn’t mean anything? But then what means? What do they pay with here? With smiles? Then probably smiles are the most important thing here??? Or there is nothing important at all… Nothing left!» – I thought. Meanwhile, the clients were smiling and drinking and eating everything they wished… In this café everyone paid with smiles. What a weird place… But, probably, this place was in fact absolutely normal because they paid with smiles and it was me who was strange, who wanted to estimate everything in money… That day I wasn’t smiling…

      I looked to my left, then to my right, up and down and diagonally. I looked also the other way round and then again diagonally. Nobody came up to me when I was looking diagonally for the last time. My legs began walking without my knowledge. I didn’t feel my head. Apparently, Shaitan was overtaking me again. And then the wings carried me upwards. Yes, it was so.

      «Explain yourself! – I can’t explain myself, I’m afraid, because I’m not myself, you see».

      Lewis Carroll

      Height lasted very long, probably because it had never even started. I was spinning in the swirls and then I saw Arbagadabra. I recognized him at once because it was written large on his face. Arbagadabra is a horned Angel with a large blue head and a tail.

      – You have an inscription on your head, – I told him.

      – You, too, – answered Arbagadabra.

      – What do you mean? – I asked him.

      – Well, just have a look at yourself.

      – Then give me a mirror.

      – You are already looking in it.

      – I’m looking at a blue-headed beast with an inscription on the forehead.

      – Exactly. That’s you.

      – And who are you then?

      – I’m your reflection.

      – And is it usual for reflections to speak?

      – It depends on what they reflect.

      – Am I really the one you are talking about?

      – Am I really the one you are talking about?

      – Hey!

      – Hey!

      – Are you here?

      – Are you here?

      But there was no answer. The mirror stopped talking to me. Well, at least I found out that my real name was Arbagadabra. «And thank God, – I thought, – because I have already started reckoning that my name is Shaitan». «Thank Devil!» – he exclaimed and gave a thunder-like laugh.

      Something budged in the corner and asked: «Give me some paper». I had no paper on me except the money so I gave it to the creature.

      Thanks, – it said. – Shit, shit, SHIT! It’s filthy. You gave me dirty paper.

      I gave you the money.

      But they are filthy!

      Filthy?! – Shaitan would have never said something of the kind. That’s probably the reason why we’re friends. We have common interests.

      Well, have a look! – And the creature showed me his ass from behind a thick curtain. – Paper should be clean, you see?

      I gave you the money! Have you wiped your ass with it?

      Can you see this stain? – he pointed at his left buttock. – Can you see it?

      Yes, I do, – I said suddenly realizing that I had no money any more.

      Well, let’s go.

      He grasped my hand and leaded me somewhere. Or rather, I flew after him because I still couldn’t see his face, just his hand and his ass. The rest parts of his body were dark. Ina while we saw an inscription «Universarium». We flew a bit nearer and I discerned the word «Eden». It was written in small letters. I would even say that the letters were tiny and hardly visible. But nevertheless I noticed them and was even able to read them. But then I heard Shaitan’s voice in my ears and saw him with my eyes. He was speaking again. I strained my ears.

      They used to call me a liar so often. It was before I appeared here, in the world of the past… in the previous world… Well, you got me. But even if you haven’t, I’ll go on with my story.

      I asked Shaitan to seat at the opposite sideof Flier because he was pushing my violently. In a while we flew across the space towards a two-meter tower and flew in without any consequences so far.

      – Five smiles, if you please! – said a two-meter-high Toothy.

      And he showed all his ninety-two teeth. My Flier leaned his head out of nowhere and quickly smiled for five times. Then Toothy said: «Now it’s your turn!» and stared at me.

      You should pay for the access.

      I glanced at Shaitan.

      – Do as you were told to, – Shaitan told me. —I’m not exactly in the mood to smile, – and he looked away.

      – But I have no more money on me, – I told Toothy. – I gave everything I had to that bloke… whatever his name is… Flier or something? He wiped…

      – Shut up! – Shaitan cried.

      I had no chance to finish the sentence. At first I even wanted to point to Flier who had wiped his ass with my money but he wasn’t there. Toothy wasn’t interested in Shaitan as much as he was in me. «They have probably got acquainted with him already, – I thought. – Or he has a travel card».

      – Well, perhaps you have imagination, any dreams or ideas? – Toothy asked.

      – Don’t talk to him, – Flier warned me, appearing again out of thin air. – He wants to take what you appreciate most. It’s energy, you see?! Five smiles! – He told me and smiled again to Toothy showing all his perfect teeth.

      – It’s not necessary to smile for six times, – said Toothy, – five will be enough to enter. But if you want to smile instead of that one you brought with you, then I have to tell you it’s no way. We will fine you. And exile you to the Camp where you will smile till the end of life. Or rather till its start.

      – But can one smile intentionally, I mean, on purpose? – I asked Flier.

      – We always do it, – said Flier and added, – if you don’t smile right now, Toothy will eat you up.

      And Toothy smiled cunningly.

      It was like a kick in the arse or like a burr under my saddle. The world changed at once for me. I even noticed all its papier-mâché decorations… Then I smiled quickly for five times and they let us in. I didn’t have the least desire to know whether anything like that had ever happened before. In a moment the door through which we came closed behind us and we found ourselves in the opposite side of the hall, far from Toothy. I gavea sigh of relief…

      – Well, you see, – said Flier, – smiles are our main force, – and then he asked: «You are not from here, aren’t you?»


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