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      The Next Generation

      At a time when many parents and educators are concerned about where the world is heading and about their children's future in this world, Tony Ryan offers a positive clarion call to action that we can't refuse. In this book, he paints an astonishing range of possibilities and pictures of what's up ahead and offers practical guidance on essential capabilities our next generation will need to thrive and lead productive, fulfilling lives. A must read for anyone who cares about preparing young people well to make the most of their extraordinary futures.

Joan Dalton, Education Advisor

      Hope is at the heart of the human condition. Tony Ryan's brilliant and at times provocative exploration of the world that the next generation will inhabit is refreshing and positive. We have a responsibility to ensure that our children have an excitement about the future and the world in which they will engage. Tony's work invites all of us to explore and contribute to our children's future.

Dr Stephen Brown, internationally renowned educator and expert on school leadership

      Tony Ryan's work has a specific quality. Attention. He sees possibility. Combining enthusiastic wonder with rigorous enquiry, this futurist mounts a case that today's young people can look ahead to the mid 21st century with optimism.

Bill Jennings, Founder of Time & Space (Parent-Child Programs)

      Tony is a futurist focused on inspiring change and creating positive impact. He has a deep passion for young people and helping them thrive in the future. Tony explores the edge of possibility then makes sense of this so that we can then help our young people be extraordinary. This is a book of optimism, hope and social action.

Dr Cheryl Doig, Leadership Futurist

      Tony Ryan is one of the most exciting educators I know. I especially love talking with him about the future of education and the world. He really blows my mind with the stuff he talks about and I can't help wondering if he has actually been to the future and come back!

Professor Chris Sarra, University of Canberra, Chairman, Stronger Smarter Institute

      Tony Ryan's brilliance shines through once again. He gives teachers, students and parents hope for a bright future with practical and commonsense offerings. This is a must read for everyone with a vested interest in the success of our youth.

Karen Boyes, CEO Spectrum Education, Speaker, Author, Parent

      Anxiety affects one in FIVE children worldwide. It's no wonder. We continually subject them to messages that have little hope for the future. It's time to turn this around. Children really can learn resilience and positive coping skills that will help them develop an optimistic thinking style about the world together with increased ‘thumbs up' choices. This inspiring book will contribute to those choices. If anyone is going to convince our children that the future just might be extraordinary, it is Tony Ryan. His message is balanced, consistent and has every chance of becoming a reality.

Dr Paula Barrett, Author of the Friends Resilience Programs www.FriendsResilience.org

      The educator's Educator, Tony Ryan is a thinker with purpose and passion for the community. Never in history have there been so many incredible opportunities on offer for our youth, yet there is a ubiquitous negativity in the mainstream with messages to the contrary – these messages are informing and forming our youngest minds. Tony's book provides a much needed counterpoint for parents, teachers and education authorities at a time when lifting the narrative around optimism and opportunity has never been more important.

Sean Gordon, Founder and Executive Director, SchoolAid Trust, Life Member of the Australian Primary Principals Association

      Leading educator and futurist, Tony Ryan, has one of the sharpest minds on the planet. His excitement and optimism about the future are contagious and a sharp contrast to the pessimism pushed in the media. This is essential reading for all parents and educators.

Steve Francis, Education Expert

      Today's adolescents are educated to believe that the futuristic society will be flawed. Having this mindset has discouraged the genuine reality that the future is open to limitless, phenomenal possibilities. If only students were optimistic enough to see the world as the bright place it will be. This book will help everyone to think about those possibilities.

Fran Turner, age 13

      Tony Ryan is a passionate educator who cares deeply about making the world a better place through harnessing the amazing capacity of our young people. Through his work he provides educators with a window into our future world and the limitless possibilities. His optimism and enthusiasm is contagious as he challenges our thinking and shares insights about how we can engage more effectively with the learners in our care. A vibrant speaker, insightful author and engaging teacher, Tony has been a positive influence on the lives of so many people across the globe. He is truly inspirational.

Faye Hauwai, CEO Learning Network NZ




      First published in 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd

      42 McDougall St, Milton Qld 4064

      Office also in Melbourne

      Typeset in 12.5/14.5 pt Bembo Std

      © Headfirst Publishing Pty Ltd 2018

      The moral rights of the author have been asserted

      National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

      All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (for example, a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review), no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above.

      Cover design Kathy Davis/Wiley

      Cover image © Teenagers with gadgets: GeorgeRudy/iStockphoto;

      Black and White Printed Circuit Board: mastaka/iStockphoto


      The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and does not represent professional advice. It is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances and it should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter which it covers. Readers should obtain professional advice where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in this publication.

To Sharon


      Tony Ryan is an education futurist. A parent and a teacher himself, he helps educators and parents throughout the world to understand and prepare for the future of schooling and the workplace.

      In the past two decades, he has directly worked with over 1000 schools, colleges, TAFEs and universities in Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Canada, and Mexico.

      He is the author of The Ripple Effect, Thinkers Keys, Mindlinks, Wrapped In Living and a series of manuals and workbooks that stimulate innovative thinking in children.

      Tony is a former national president of Professional Speakers Australia, a former board chairman of School Aid Trust, and is presently an Australian ambassador for their cause. He is the co-founder of School2School, an organisation that encourages first world schools to support schools in less developed countries.

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