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      Bill Ferguson

      CompTIA Network+®

CompTIA Network+®Review GuideExam: N10-006Third Edition
Bill Ferguson

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      Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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      To my father, who in the 1980s told me to learn as much about computers as I could and to buy and hold Microsoft stock. Regrettably, I took only part of his good advice. Seriously, his purchase of an IBM PC XT computer in 1983 has made all the difference in my life and in my IT career. Unfortunately, Dad passed away on March 6, 2011, at the tender age of 73. I still think about him every time I use a computer. Thanks, Dad, and may you rest in peace!


      First, I’d like to thank Kenyon Brown for giving me the opportunity to write this important book. Several people have assisted me in many ways, so I’d like to acknowledge their contributions and offer my sincere appreciation. Specifically, I’d like to thank John Davidson for his “spot on” technical editing and support throughout the process. My thanks also go to Kim Wimpsett for keeping me on track and helping me put all the final, professional touches on the book. To the many people involved in this effort with whom I never worked one-on-one, thanks! It takes a great team to put together a great book.

      Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the encouragement and prayers of my family and friends and the students in my technical classes and Sunday school classes. In Him, all things are possible!

      About the Author

      Bill Ferguson MCT Alumni, A+, Network+, Server+, Security+, CCSI, VCP3,4,5, VCI3,4,5, VCP-DCV, VCP-NV – has been in the computer industry for more than 20 years. Originally in technical sales and sales management with Sprint, Bill made his transition to Certified Technical Trainer in 1997 with ExecuTrain. Bill now runs his own company (Parallel Connections) as an independent contractor/author in Birmingham, Alabama, teaching classes for many national training companies and some regional training companies, as well as international classes and virtual (online) classes. In addition, Bill writes and produces technical training videos for QuickCert, VTC, Pearson, and Safari Lessons. He has written video titles including A+, Network+, Windows 2000 Management, Windows XP Management, Windows MCDST, Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Fundamentals of VMware vSphere Virtualization, and Official Cert Guide for VCP5-DCV. In addition, he wrote the Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) Study Guide, the previous two Network+ Review Guides, and the Network+ Fast Pass books for Sybex/Wiley Press. Bill says, “My job is to understand the material so well that I can make it easier for my students to learn than it was for me to learn.”


      The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) developed the Network+ certification to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of computer service technicians in the basics of computer networking. The Network+ certification is granted to those individuals who have attained a level of knowledge and networking skills that show a basic competency with the networking needs of both personal and corporate computing environments.

      CompTIA’s exam objectives are periodically updated to keep its exams applicable to the most recent technological developments. The foundational elements, however, remain constant even as higher-end technology advances. The Network+ objectives have recently been changed to a small degree to reflect the very latest changes in technology. At the time of this writing, this book is current for the 2015 Network+ N10-006 exam objectives as stated by CompTIA (www.comptia.org).


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