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7,000 and 8,000 lasts of Herrings taken by 193 boats.

      An Act passed to continue two former Acts for widening and amending the road from Yarmouth Bridge to Gorleston.

      April 4th, Good Friday morning. Explosion on board the Norwich and Yarmouth steamer – ten persons killed and five injured – just as she was leaving the Foundry Bridge, Norwich. She had 22 men, women, and children on board. £350 raised for relief. These steamboats were first employed on Aug. 10th, 1813.

      June 5th. The celebrated Mr. Betty performed at the Theatre in the Iron Chest, as “Sir Edward Mortimer;” and as “Frislam Fickle,” in The Weather Cock.

      June 11th. Mr. Matthews appeared at the Theatre as “Goldfinch,” in the Road to Ruin; and as “Somno,” in the Sleep Walker. On 12th, as “Sir David Dundee,” in Ways and Means, “Chip,” in A Chip of the Old Block, and “Buskin,” in Killing no Murder. On the 16th, as “Rover,” in Wild Oats; and in the Adventures of a Mail Coach.

      June 23rd. Munden appeared at the Theatre as “Sir Abel Handy,” in Speed the Plough, and as “Crack,” in the Turnpike Gate. On the 25th, as “Old Rapid,” in a Cure for the Heartache, and as “Dozey,” in Past Ten o’clock. On the 26th, as “Sir Anthony Absolute,” in the Rivals, and as “Sam Dabbs,” in Who’s Who? On the 28th, as “Bonus,” in Laugh When You Can, as “Nipperkin,” in the Rival Soldier, and “Lazarillo,” in Two Strings to Your Bow.

      Aug. 15th. First stone of Nelson Monument laid by Col. Wodehouse. The column is 144 ft. high, ascended by a flight of 217 steps. The architect was Mr. Wm. Wilkin, R.A., a Norfolk man. There was a grand civic, military, and masonic procession from the Town Hall. After the ceremony, the Mayor, (Isaac Preston, Esq.) gave a dinner to the company; and in the evening he gave a grand ball to 350 of the élite, at the Town Hall.

      The Rev. Fisher Watson, M.A., elected minister of St. George’s Chapel, on the death of the Rev. S. L. Cooper in June. On Aug. 9th, 1821, the Rev. John Homfray, and April 16th, 1833, the Rev. Mark Waters, were appointed at salaries of £100 per annum.

      Aug. 20th. The great Edward Kean appeared at Theatre Royal in Richard the Third, when nothing but full prices were taken – Lower Boxes, 5s.; Green, 4s.; Pit, 3s.; Gallery, 1s. – and part of the Pit taken into the Boxes, and part of the Gallery railed off for the use of the Pit. Free list suspended during the engagement. On the 21st, Mr. Kean took the character of “Sir Giles Overreach,” in New Way to Pay Old Debts. On the 22nd, in Othello. On Sept. 5th, “Shylock,” in the Merchant of Venice. On Sept. 6th (Mr. Kean’s benefit) he appeared as “Octavia,” in the Mountaineers, and as “Paul,” in Paul and Virginia.

      Nov. 19th. The remains of Princess Charlotte interred at Windsor. The bells tolled, the shops closed all the day, and the day solemnly observed.

      Dec. 3rd. The Corporation voted addresses of condolence to the Prince Regent and Prince Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg on the death of Princess Charlotte.

      Dec. 31st. At the Concert Room, Mr. Matthews, the celebrated Irish comedian, appeared in the entertainment of the Union, of the English, Irish, and Scotch characters.


      Jan. 19th. £6,000 subscribed for aiding a plan to extend the navigation of the River Waveney from Bungay to Diss by the inhabitants of Yarmouth at a meeting at the New Hall.

      March 4th. Several ships driven ashore in a heavy gale from the south-east.

      June 1st. Miss Bryne sustained the part of “Adela,” at the Theatre Royal, in the Haunted Tower. On the 2nd, in Love in a Village as “Rosella,” and in No Song No Supper the part of “Margaretta.” On the 4th, “Rosina,” in Rosina, and “Leonora,” in the Padlock. On the 6th, “Lilla,” in Siege of Belgrade, and “Virginia,” in Paul and Virginia.

      June 8th. Mr. Bartley appeared at the Theatre Royal as “Sir John Falstaff,” in Henry IV. On the 9th, as “Solas,” in Every One has His Fault, and “Michael,” in the Adopted Child. On the 11th, “Sir John Falstaff,” in the Merry Wives of Windsor. On the 13th, as “Governor Heartall,” in the Soldier’s Daughter.

      June 19th. Hon. T. W. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., returned to Parliament. It was a three days’ poll, and one of the severest contests ever known in the Borough. Anson polled 780; Rumbold, 760; E. K. Lacon, Esq., 651; General Loftus, 612.

      Aug. 3rd. At the Theatre Royal, Mr. Blanchard, of Covent Garden, appeared in the Soldier’s Daughter, as “Governor Heartall,” and “Crack,” in Turnpike Gate. On the 5th, as “Dr. Ollapod,” in the Poor Gentleman; and “Abnego,” in the Jew and Doctor. On the 6th, as “Tobby Allspice,” in The Way to get Married, and “Caleb Quotem,” in the Wags of Windsor. On the 8th, “Dr. Panglos,” in the Heir at Law, and “Davy,” in Bon Ton.

      Sept. 4th. Miss O’Neil appeared at the Theatre as “Belvidere,” in Venice Preserved. On the 5th, as “Juliet,” in Romeo and Juliet. On the 7th, as “Mrs. Haller.”

      Sept. 30th. Lord Viscount Anson died in London, aged 57; and the newly-elected Member of Parliament succeeded to the title.

      Oct. 3rd. Sir Edmund Lacon, Knt., of Great Yarmouth; Thomas Hare, Esq., of Stow Hall; and Edward Stracey, Esq., of Rackheath Hall, created Baronets.

      Dec. 2nd. The day of interment of her late Majesty Queen Charlotte at Windsor, observed with great solemnity. Addresses of condolence to the Prince Regent on the death of her late Majesty were voted by the Corporation of Yarmouth on the 7th.

      John Bennie, Esq., engineer to the Haven Commissioners, drew up a report for improving the Bar and Haven. On 4th of Oct., 1821, he died in London, aged 64.

      The Yarmouth Savings Bank established. The deposits in 1843 amounted to £80,246 19s. 7d., belonging to 2,550 depositors and 67 charities and friendly societies.

      Nearly 100 vessels building at one time in our shipyards.

      The gun-brig “Havoc” built in Mr. Stone’s yard.

      Borough Gaol enlarged and House of Correction added; it was strengthened in 1835. The original built 609 years previously.


      Feb. 15th. The Hon. George Anson unanimously elected Member of Parliament for the Borough (there being no other candidate), in the room of his brother, Lord Viscount Anson.

      April. Velocipedes or Pedestrian Hobby-horses used this year. A person could walk from eight to ten miles an hour on them. Like the Kaleidoscope, they proved only “a nine-days’ wonder,” till 1872, when velocipedes again came into general use.

      June 1st. Mr. Thomas Sutton (as surveyor) died on the top of the Nelson Monument, while giving directions. Aged 66 years.

      June 14th. Mr. Edmund Kean again appeared at the Theatre as “Brutus,” in Brutus; and on the 15th as “Mortimer,” in the Iron Chest.

      July 18th. Mr. N. B. Palmer presented with a piece of plate (an épergne), value 100 guineas, for his exertions in the election and firm support of his principles, which seated the Hon. G. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., as Members for the Borough.

      Sept. 6th to 9th. The celebrated Young appeared at the Theatre in Hamlet, Revenge, Macbeth, King Lear.

      Duty on coals, 6s. 6d. per chaldron.

      Paxton’s “Picture of Great Yarmouth” published, illustrated with engravings of public buildings.


      Jan. 29th. Death of George III., in the 82nd year of his age and 60th of his reign. On Feb. 1st George IV. was proclaimed at Yarmouth with much ceremony and rejoicing.

      Feb. 28th. Parliament dissolved; and on the 10th of March, after four days’ sharp contest, the Hon. George Anson and C. E. Rumbold Esq., were returned to Parliament for the Borough. The Hon. G. Anson polled 754; C. E. Rumbold, Esq., 752; Lieut. – General

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