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was- the- process- Facebook- went- about- getting- their- website- translated- into- different – languages.


      Временное или остроумное решение для обхода какой-либо проблемы (комп. жарг.). – Викисловарь.


      Andrew Chen, “Growth Hacker Is the New VP Marketing,” @andrewchen (blog), accessed September 13, 2016, andrewchen.co/how-to-be-a-growth-hacker-an-airbnbcraigslist-case-study/.


      Выражение «голубые океаны» означает отрасли (рынки), которые еще не существуют (бесконкурентные), в отличие от «алых океанов», символизирующих уже существующие отрасли (рынки), полные конкурентов. – Прим. ред.


      Michael Carney, “Brian Chesky: I Lived on Cap’n McCain’s and Obama O’s Got Airbnb Out of Debt,” January 10, 2013. Pando (blog), accessed September 13, 2016, pando.com/2013/01/10/brian-chesky-i-lived-on-capn-mccains-and-obama-os-got-airbnb-out-of-debt/; Chen, “Growth Hacker Is the New VP Marketing”; Dave Gooden, “How Airbnb Became a Billion Dollar Company,” Dave Gooden (blog), June 31, 2011, accessed September 13, 2016, davegooden.com/2011/05/how-airbnb-became-a-billion-dollar-company/; Rishi Shah, “Airbnb Leverages Craigslist in a Really Cool Way,” GettingMoreAwesome (blog), November 24, 2010, gettingmoreawesome.com/2010/11/24/airbnb-leverages-craigslist-in-a-really-cool-way/.


      Matthew S. Olson, Derek van Bever, and Seth Verry, “When Growth Stalls,” Harvard Business Review, March 2008.


      Aatif Awan, “Lessons Learned from Growing LinkedIn to 400m Members,” GrowthHackers.com video of talk, February 18, 2016, https://growthhackers.com/videos/gh-conference-16-aatif-awan-head-of-growth-linkedin-lessons-learned-from-growing-linkedin-to-400m-members.


      Amir Efrati, “The People Who Matter at Uber,” The Information (blog), August 30, 2016, theinformation.com/the-people-who-matter-at-uber.


      General Electric 2013 Annual Report, 6.


      Michael Porter and James E. Heppelmann, “How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition,” Harvard Business Review, October 2015.


      Fred Lambert, “Tesla Is Building a New Growth Team ‘From Scratch’ Ahead of the Model 3 Launch, Hires from Facebook and Uber,” Electrek (blog), May 9, 2016, electrek.co/2016/05/09/tesla-growth-team-model-3-launch-hires-facebook-uber/.






      Interview by author, February 17, 2016.


      “Internet Users by Country (2016),” Internet Live Stats website, accessed September 13, 2016, internetlivestats.com/internet-users-by-country/.


      Aaron Smith, “U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015,” Pew Research Center website, April 1, 2015, pewinternet.org/2015/04/01/us-smartphone-use-in-2015/.


      Anne Freier, “Ad Blocker Adoption Jumped Over 34 % in 2016,” Mobyaffiliates (blog), June 23, 2016, mobyaffiliates.com/blog/ad-blocker-adoption-jumped-over-34-in-2016/; “Nearly Two in Three Millennials Block Ads,” eMarketer blog, September 21, 2015, emarketer.com/Article/Nearly-Two-Three-Millennials-Block-Ads/1013007.


      Nathalie Tadena, “Streaming Video Subscriptions Are Now Just as Popular as DVRs,” Wall Street Journal website, updated June 27, 2016, 12:29 p.m. ET, accessed September 13, 2016, wsj.com/articles/streaming-video-subscriptions-are-now-just-as-popular-as-dvrs-1467032401.


      Eric Kutcher, Olivia Nottebohm, and Kara Sprague, “Grow Fast or Die Slow,” McKinsey & Company website, April 2014, accessed September 13, 2016, mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/grow-fast-or-die-slow.


      Венчурный капиталист – человек, который не только финансирует развивающиеся компании, но и непосредственно участвует в их активной деятельности, используя опыт других проектов и общее знание отрасли, привлекая консультантов, экспертов, аудиторов. – Прим. ред.


      “73 % of CEOs Think Marketers Lack Business Credibility,” Fournaise Marketing Group website, media release, June 15, 2011, accessed September 13, 2016, fournaisegroup.com/marketers-lack-credibility/.


      Graham Charlton, “Why Are Conversion Rates so Low? [Infographic],” Econsultancy (blog), October 18, 2012, accessed September 13, 2016, econsultancy.com/blog/10914-why-are-conversion-rates-so-low-infographic/.


      Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, Johanne Lavoie, and Leigh M. Weiss, McKinsey & Company, Organization Practice, “How Do I Drive Effective Collaboration to Deliver Real Business Impact?” September 2009.


      Adam M. Kleinbaum, Toby E. Stuart, and Michael L. Tushman, “Communication (and Coordination?) in a Modern, Complex Organization,” Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge blog, July 31, 2008, hbswk.hbs.edu/item/communication-and-coordination-in-a-modern-complex-organization.


      Ranjay Gulati, “Silo Busting: How to Execute on the Promise of Customer Focus,” Harvard Business Review, May 2007.


      Ben Horowitz, “Good Product Manager/Bad Product Manager,” Andreessen Horowitz website (no exact date

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