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Section 290.018:

      (A) If the person was previously registered, in the jurisdiction in which the person last registered.

      (B) If there is no prior registration, but the person indicated on the Department of Justice notice of sex offender registration requirement form where he or she expected to reside, in the jurisdiction where he or she expected to reside.

      (C) If neither subparagraph (A) nor (B) applies, in the jurisdiction where the offense subjecting the person to registration pursuant to this Act was committed.

      (Amended November 6, 2012, by initiative Proposition 35, Sec. 12. See the version of Section 290.015 as amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 867.)


      (a) A person who is subject to the Act shall register, or reregister if he or she has previously registered, upon release from incarceration, placement, commitment, or release on probation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 290. This section shall not apply to a person who is incarcerated for less than 30 days if he or she has registered as required by the Act, he or she returns after incarceration to the last registered address, and the annual update of registration that is required to occur within five working days of his or her birthday, pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 290.012, did not fall within that incarceration period. The registration shall consist of all of the following:

      (1) A statement in writing signed by the person, giving information as shall be required by the Department of Justice and giving the name and address of the person’s employer, and the address of the person’s place of employment if that is different from the employer’s main address.

      (2) The fingerprints and a current photograph of the person taken by the registering official.

      (3) The license plate number of any vehicle owned by, regularly driven by, or registered in the name of the person.

      (4) Notice to the person that, in addition to the requirements of the Act, he or she may have a duty to register in any other state where he or she may relocate.

      (5) Copies of adequate proof of residence, which shall be limited to a California driver’s license, California identification card, recent rent or utility receipt, printed personalized checks or other recent banking documents showing that person’s name and address, or any other information that the registering official believes is reliable. If the person has no residence and no reasonable expectation of obtaining a residence in the foreseeable future, the person shall so advise the registering official and shall sign a statement provided by the registering official stating that fact. Upon presentation of proof of residence to the registering official or a signed statement that the person has no residence, the person shall be allowed to register. If the person claims that he or she has a residence but does not have any proof of residence, he or she shall be allowed to register but shall furnish proof of residence within 30 days of the date he or she is allowed to register.

      (b) Within three days thereafter, the registering law enforcement agency or agencies shall forward the statement, fingerprints, photograph, and vehicle license plate number, if any, to the Department of Justice.

      (c) (1) If a person fails to register in accordance with subdivision (a) after release, the district attorney in the jurisdiction where the person was to be paroled or to be on probation may request that a warrant be issued for the person’s arrest and shall have the authority to prosecute that person pursuant to Section 290.018.

      (2) If the person was not on parole or probation or on postrelease community supervision or mandatory supervision at the time of release, the district attorney in the following applicable jurisdiction shall have the authority to prosecute that person pursuant to Section 290.018:

      (A) If the person was previously registered, in the jurisdiction in which the person last registered.

      (B) If there is no prior registration, but the person indicated on the Department of Justice notice of sex offender registration requirement form where he or she expected to reside, in the jurisdiction where he or she expected to reside.

      (C) If neither subparagraph (A) nor (B) applies, in the jurisdiction where the offense subjecting the person to registration pursuant to this Act was committed.

      (Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 867, Sec. 17. Effective January 1, 2013. See the version of Section 290.015 as amended on November 6, 2012, by Proposition 35.)


      (a) On or after January 1, 1998, upon incarceration, placement, or commitment, or prior to release on probation, any person who is required to register under the Act shall preregister. The preregistering official shall be the admitting officer at the place of incarceration, placement, or commitment, or the probation officer if the person is to be released on probation. The preregistration shall consist of all of the following:

      (1) A preregistration statement in writing, signed by the person, giving information that shall be required by the Department of Justice.

      (2) The fingerprints and a current photograph of the person.

      (3) Any person who is preregistered pursuant to this subdivision is required to be preregistered only once.

      (b) Within three days thereafter, the preregistering official shall forward the statement, fingerprints, photograph, and vehicle license plate number, if any, to the Department of Justice.

      (Added by Stats. 2007, Ch. 579, Sec. 24. Effective October 13, 2007.)


      (a) Any person who is released, discharged, or paroled from a jail, state or federal prison, school, road camp, or other institution where he or she was confined, who is required to register pursuant to the Act, shall, prior to discharge, parole, or release, be informed of his or her duty to register under the Act by the official in charge of the place of confinement or hospital, and the official shall require the person to read and sign any form that may be required by the Department of Justice, stating that the duty of the person to register under the Act has been explained to the person. The official in charge of the place of confinement or hospital shall obtain the address where the person expects to reside upon his or her discharge, parole, or release and shall report the address to the Department of Justice. The official shall at the same time forward a current photograph of the person to the Department of Justice.

      (b) The official in charge of the place of confinement or hospital shall give one copy of the form to the person and shall send one copy to the Department of Justice and one copy to the appropriate law enforcement agency or agencies having jurisdiction over the place the person expects to reside upon discharge, parole, or release. If the conviction that makes the person subject to the Act is a felony conviction, the official in charge shall, not later than 45 days prior to the scheduled release of the person, send one copy to the appropriate law enforcement agency or agencies having local jurisdiction where the person expects to reside upon discharge, parole, or release; one copy to the prosecuting agency that prosecuted the person; and one copy to the Department of Justice. The official in charge of the place of confinement or hospital shall retain one copy.

      (c) Any person who is required to register pursuant to the Act and who is released on probation, shall, prior to release or discharge, be informed of the duty to register under the Act by the probation department, and a probation officer shall require the person to read and sign any form that may be required by the Department of Justice, stating that the duty of the person to register has been explained to him or her. The probation officer shall obtain the address where the person expects to reside upon release or discharge and shall report within three days the address to the Department of Justice. The probation officer shall give one copy of the form to the person, send one copy to the Department of Justice, and forward one copy to the appropriate law enforcement agency or agencies having local jurisdiction where the person expects to reside upon his or her discharge, parole, or release.

      (d) Any person who is required to register pursuant to the Act and who is granted conditional release without supervised probation, or discharged upon payment of a fine, shall, prior to release or discharge, be informed of the duty to register

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