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by Section 384a.

      (c) “Tree” means any evergreen tree or top thereof which is harvested without having the limbs and foliage removed.

      (d) “Shrub” means any toyon or Christmas red-berry shrub or any of the following native desert plants: all species of the family Cactaceae (cactus family); and Agave deserti (desert agave), Agave utahensis (Utah agave), Nolina bigelovii, Nolina parryi (Parry nolina), Nolina wolfii, Yucca baccata, Yucca brevifolia (Joshua tree), Yucca schidigera (Mohave yucca), Yucca whipplei (Whipple yucca), Cercidium floridum (blue palo verde), Cercidium microphyllum (little leaf palo verde), Dalea spinosa (smoke tree), Olneya tesota (ironwood tree), and Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), or any part thereof, except the fruit thereof, which is harvested without having the limbs and foliage removed.

      (e) “Bough” means any limb or foliage removed from an evergreen tree.

      (f) “Peace officer” means any county or state fire warden, personnel of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as designated by the Director of Forestry and Fire Protection, personnel of the United States Forest Service as designated by the Regional Forester, Region 5 of the United States Forest Service, personnel of the United States Department of the Interior as designated by them, or any peace officer of the State of California.

      (g) “Harvest” means to remove or cut and remove from the place where grown.

      (h) “Harvester” means a person who harvests a tree, shrub, or bough.

      (Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 427, Sec. 126. Effective January 1, 1993.)


      Persons purchasing trees, shrubs, or boughs from harvesters thereof shall not transport more than five trees or more than five pounds of shrubs or boughs on the public roads or highways without obtaining from the seller of the trees, shrubs, or boughs and having validated as provided in Section 384d a transportation tag for each load of the trees, shrubs, or boughs.

      Unless a valid transportation tag issued in California for a tree, shrub, or bough has already been obtained, persons who harvest trees, shrubs, or boughs from their own land or the land of another or who are in possession of trees, shrubs, or boughs shall, before transporting on the public roads or highways or selling or consigning for removal and transportation over the public roads and highways more than five trees or more than five pounds of other shrubs or boughs, file with the sheriff of each county in which the trees, shrubs, or boughs are to be harvested an application for transportation tags and obtain a supply of these transportation tags sufficient to provide one tag for each load of trees, shrubs, or boughs to be so transported or sold.

      No person shall knowingly make any false statement on any application for the transportation tags and the application shall contain, but is not limited to, the following information:

      (a) The name and address of the applicant.

      (b) The amount and species of trees, shrubs, or boughs to be transported.

      (c) The name of the county from which the trees, shrubs, or boughs are to be removed.

      (d) A legal description of the real property from which the trees, shrubs, or boughs are to be removed.

      (e) The name or names of the owner of the real property from which the trees, shrubs, or boughs are to be removed.

      (f) The applicant’s timber operator permit number, if the harvesting of the trees, shrubs, or boughs is subject to the Z’berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 (Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 4511) of Part 2 of Division 4 of the Public Resources Code).

      (g) The destination of the trees, shrubs, or boughs.

      (h) The proposed date or dates of the transportation.

      Every applicant shall, at the time of application, show to the sheriff his or her permit or proof of ownership of the trees, shrubs, or boughs. The application forms and transportation tags shall be printed and distributed by the sheriff of each county.

      (Amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1318, Sec. 3.)


      Upon the filing of an application containing the information required by Section 384c, and the presentation of a permit or proof of ownership as required by Section 384c, the county sheriff’s office shall issue to persons who harvest or have in their possession, trees, shrubs or boughs within the county sufficient transportation tags stamped with the county seal and identified by the applicant’s timber operator permit number, if any, to enable the person transporting any of the trees, shrubs or boughs harvested within the county by the applicant to have a tag accompany each and every load of such trees, shrubs or boughs. Harvesters of trees, shrubs or boughs, when selling from stockpile location, shall furnish to the purchaser of trees, shrubs or boughs a bill of sale and a transportation tag for each load or part thereof bearing the harvester’s timber operator permit number, if any, and other information as hereinafter required.

      The purchaser of harvested trees, shrubs or boughs or the harvester when transporting his own trees, shrubs or boughs shall have the transportation tag validated by a peace officer in the county of purchase or harvest or by the nearest peace officer in an adjacent county when the transportation route used does not pass an office of a peace officer in the county of purchase or harvest. The validated transportation tag or tags shall remain with the load to the marketing area.

      The transportation tags shall be in two parts; one to be retained by the transporting party; one to be retained by the validating peace officer and forwarded to the county sheriff. The transportation tags shall be validated and in force only for the proposed date or dates of transportation as specified in the application for the transportation tags. The transportation tags will be validated without fee and each shall contain the following information: name and address of the person obtaining and using the tag; number or amount of each species of trees, shrubs and boughs in the load; make, model and license number of the transporting vehicle; the county of origin and county of destination; the specified period of time during which the transportation tag is in force; date and validating signature and title of a peace officer.

      (Amended by Stats. 1977, Ch. 32.)


      (a) The transportation tag described in Section 384d shall be presented to any peace officer upon demand.

      (b) Failure to produce a transportation tag properly filled out and validated upon demand of any peace officer shall constitute sufficient grounds to hold in protective custody the entire load of trees, shrubs or boughs, until proof of legal right to transport is furnished.

      (Added by Stats. 1963, Ch. 1830.)


      Any person violating any of the provisions of Sections 384b through 384f shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprisonment.

      (Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1092, Sec. 281. Effective September 27, 1983. Operative January 1, 1984, by Sec. 427 of Ch. 1092.)


      Every person who willfully or negligently, while hunting upon the inclosed lands of another, kills, maims, or wounds an animal, the property of another, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

      (Added by renumbering Section 384c by Stats. 1963, Ch. 1830.)


      (a) Sections 384a to 384f, inclusive, shall not apply to maintenance and construction activities of public agencies and their employees.

      (b) Sections 384b to 384f, inclusive, shall not apply to native desert plants described in subdivision (b) of Section 384b, that have been propagated and cultivated by human beings and which are being transported under Section 6922 or 6923 of the Food and Agricultural Code, pursuant to a valid nursery stock certificate.


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