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      (q) (1) The commission shall require the licensure of the following:

      (A) Any person who contracts to conduct remote caller bingo on behalf of an organization described in subdivision (b) or who is identified as having fiduciary responsibility for the game pursuant to subdivision (k).

      (B) Any person who directly or indirectly manufactures, distributes, supplies, vends, leases, or otherwise provides supplies, devices, services, or other equipment designed for use in the playing of a remote caller bingo game by any organization described in subdivision (b).

      (C) Beginning January 31, 2009, or a later date as may be established by the commission, all persons described in subparagraph (A) or (B) may submit to the commission a letter of intent to submit an application for licensure. The letter shall clearly identify the principal applicant, all categories under which the application will be filed, and the names of all those particular individuals who are applying. Each charitable organization shall provide an estimate of the frequency with which it plans to conduct remote caller bingo operations, including the number of locations. The letter of intent may be withdrawn or updated at any time.

      (2) (A) Background investigations related to remote caller bingo conducted by the department shall be in accordance with the Gambling Control Act (Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 19800) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code) and as specified in regulations promulgated by the commission or the department.

      (B) Fees to cover background investigation costs shall be paid and accounted for in accordance with Section 19867 of the Business and Professions Code.

      (3) (A) Every application for a license or approval by a person described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) shall be submitted to the department and accompanied by a nonrefundable fee.

      (B) Fees and revenue collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited in the California Bingo Fund, which is hereby created in the State Treasury. The funds deposited in the California Bingo Fund shall be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for expenditure by the commission and the department exclusively for the support of the commission and department in carrying out their duties and responsibilities under this section and Section 326.5.

      (C) A loan is hereby authorized from the Gambling Control Fund to the California Bingo Fund on or after January 1, 2009, in an amount of up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to fund operating, personnel, and other startup costs incurred by the commission and department relating to this section. Funds from the California Bingo Fund shall be available to the commission and department upon appropriation by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act. The loan shall be subject to all of the following conditions:

      (i) The loan shall be repaid to the Gambling Control Fund as soon as there is sufficient money in the California Bingo Fund to repay the amount loaned, but no later than July 1, 2019.

      (ii) Interest on the loan shall be paid from the California Bingo Fund at the rate accruing to moneys in the Pooled Money Investment Account.

      (iii) The terms and conditions of the loan are approved, prior to the transfer of funds, by the Department of Finance pursuant to appropriate fiscal standards.

      The commission and department may assess and collect reasonable fees and deposits as necessary to defray the costs of regulation and oversight.

      (D) Notwithstanding any other law, the loan authorized by Provision 1 of Item 0855-001-0567 of the Budget Act of 2009, in the amount of four hundred fifty-seven thousand dollars ($457,000), shall be repaid no later than July 1, 2019.

      (E) The licensing fee for any person or entity that directly or indirectly manufactures, distributes, supplies, vends, leases, or otherwise provides supplies, devices, services, or other equipment designed for use in the playing of a remote caller bingo game by any nonprofit organization shall be in an amount determined by the department, not to exceed the reasonable regulatory costs to the department and in accordance with regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter. Prior to the adoption of the regulations, the nonrefundable license fee shall be the amount of the reasonable regulatory costs to the department, not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year.

      (r) The administrative, managerial, technical, financial, and security personnel employed by an organization that conducts remote caller bingo games shall apply for, obtain, and thereafter maintain valid work permits, as defined in Section 19805 of the Business and Professions Code.

      (s) An organization that conducts remote caller bingo games shall retain records in connection with the remote caller bingo game for five years.

      (t) (1) All equipment used for remote caller bingo shall be certified as compliant with regulations adopted by the department by a manufacturing expert recognized by the department. Certifications shall be submitted to the department prior to the use of any equipment subject to this subdivision.

      (2) The department may monitor operation of the transmission and other equipment used for remote caller bingo, and monitor the game.

      (u) (1) As used in this section, “remote caller bingo game” means a game of bingo, as defined in subdivision (o) of Section 326.5, in which the numbers or symbols on randomly drawn plastic balls are announced by a natural person present at the site at which the live game is conducted, and the organization conducting the bingo game uses audio and video technology to link any of its in-state facilities for the purpose of transmitting the remote calling of a live bingo game from a single location to multiple locations owned, leased, or rented by that organization, or as described in subdivision (o) of this section. The audio or video technology used to link the facilities may include cable, Internet, satellite, broadband, or telephone technology, or any other means of electronic transmission that ensures the secure, accurate, and simultaneous transmission of the announcement of numbers or symbols in the game from the location at which the game is called by a natural person to the remote location or locations at which players may participate in the game. The drawing of each ball bearing a number or symbol by the natural person calling the game shall be visible to all players as the ball is drawn, including through a simultaneous live video feed at remote locations at which players may participate in the game.

      (2) The caller in the live game must be licensed by the California Gambling Control Commission. A game may be called by a nonlicensed caller if the drawing of balls and calling of numbers or symbols by that person is observed and personally supervised by a licensed caller.

      (3) Remote caller bingo games shall be played using traditional paper or other tangible bingo cards and daubers, and shall not be played by using electronic devices, except card-minding devices, as described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 326.5.

      (4) Prior to conducting a remote caller bingo game, the organization that conducts remote caller bingo shall submit to the department the controls, methodology, and standards of game play, which shall include, but not be limited to, the equipment used to select bingo numbers and create or originate cards, control or maintenance, distribution to participating locations, and distribution to players. Those controls, methodologies, and standards shall be subject to prior approval by the department, provided that the controls shall be deemed approved by the department after 90 days from the date of submission unless disapproved.

      (v) A location shall not be eligible to participate in a remote caller bingo game if bingo games are conducted at that location in violation of Section 326.5 or any regulation adopted by the commission pursuant to Section 19841 of the Business and Professions Code, including, but not limited to, a location at which unlawful electronic devices are used.

      (w) (1) The vendor of the equipment used in a remote caller bingo game shall have its books and records audited at least annually by an independent California certified public accountant and shall submit the results of that audit to the department within 120 days after the close of the vendor’s fiscal year. In addition, the department may audit the books and records of the vendor at any time.

      (2) An authorized organization that conducts remote caller bingo games shall be audited by an independent California certified public accountant at least annually and copies of the audit reports shall be provided to the department within 60 days of completion

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