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The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall submit copies of any of its policies and regulations with respect to this chapter to the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory Director, and quarterly shall submit to the director written reports updating the director as to the status of its compliance with this chapter.

      (4) On or before April 1 in the year following adoption of the act that added this paragraph, and quarterly thereafter, the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory shall submit a quarterly report to be published electronically on a Department of Justice Internet Web site and made available for public review. The quarterly report shall state the total number of samples received, the number of samples received from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the number of samples fully analyzed for inclusion in the CODIS database, and the number of profiles uploaded into the CODIS database for the reporting period. Each quarterly report shall state the total, annual, and quarterly number of qualifying profiles in the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory data bank both from persons and case evidence, and the number of hits and investigations aided, as reported to the National DNA Index System. The quarterly report shall also confirm the laboratory’s accreditation status and participation in CODIS and shall include an accounting of the funds collected, expended, and disbursed pursuant to subdivision (k).

      (5) On or before April 1 in the year following adoption of the act that added this paragraph, and quarterly thereafter, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall submit a quarterly report to be published electronically on a Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Internet Web site and made available for public review. The quarterly report shall state the total number of inmates housed in state correctional facilities, including a breakdown of those housed in state prisons, camps, community correctional facilities, and other facilities such as prisoner mother facilities. Each quarterly report shall also state the total, annual, and quarterly number of inmates who have yet to provide specimens, samples and print impressions pursuant to this chapter and the number of specimens, samples and print impressions that have yet to be forwarded to the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory within 30 days of collection.

      (i) (1) When the specimens, samples, and print impressions required by this chapter are collected at a county jail or other county facility, including a private community correctional facility, the county sheriff or chief administrative officer of the county jail or other facility shall be responsible for ensuring all of the following:

      (A) The requisite specimens, samples, and print impressions are collected from qualifying persons immediately following arrest, conviction, or adjudication, or during the booking or intake or reception center process at that facility, or reasonably promptly thereafter.

      (B) The requisite specimens, samples, and print impressions are collected as soon as administratively practicable after a qualifying person reports to the facility for the purpose of providing specimens, samples, and print impressions.

      (C) The specimens, samples, and print impressions collected pursuant to this chapter are forwarded immediately to the Department of Justice, and in compliance with department policies.

      (2) The specimens, samples, and print impressions required by this chapter shall be collected by a person using a collection kit approved by the Department of Justice and in accordance with the requirements and procedures set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 298.

      (3) The counties shall be reimbursed for the costs of obtaining specimens, samples, and print impressions subject to the conditions and limitations set forth by the Department of Justice policies governing reimbursement for collecting specimens, samples, and print impressions pursuant to Section 76104.6 of the Government Code.

      (j) The trial court may order that a portion of the costs assessed pursuant to Section 1203.1c, 1203.1e, or 1203.1m include a reasonable portion of the cost of obtaining specimens, samples, and print impressions in furtherance of this chapter and the funds collected pursuant to this subdivision shall be deposited in the DNA Identification Fund as created by Section 76104.6 of the Government Code.

      (k) The Department of Justice DNA Laboratory shall be known as the Jan Bashinski DNA Laboratory.

      (Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 130, Sec. 188. Effective January 1, 2008. Note: This section was amended on Nov. 2, 2004, by initiative Prop. 69.)


      (a) The Department of Justice shall perform DNA analysis and other forensic identification analysis pursuant to this chapter only for identification purposes.

      (b) The Department of Justice Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information shall perform examinations of palm prints pursuant to this chapter only for identification purposes.

      (c) The DNA Laboratory of the Department of Justice shall serve as a repository for blood specimens and buccal swab and other biological samples collected, and shall analyze specimens and samples, and store, compile, correlate, compare, maintain, and use DNA and forensic identification profiles and records related to the following:

      (1) Forensic casework and forensic unknowns.

      (2) Known and evidentiary specimens and samples from crime scenes or criminal investigations.

      (3) Missing or unidentified persons.

      (4) Persons required to provide specimens, samples, and print impressions under this chapter.

      (5) Legally obtained samples.

      (6) Anonymous DNA records used for training, research, statistical analysis of populations, quality assurance, or quality control.

      (d) The computerized data bank and database of the DNA Laboratory of the Department of Justice shall include files as necessary to implement this chapter.

      (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the Department of Justice to provide specimens or samples for quality control or other purposes to those who request specimens or samples.

      (f) Submission of samples, specimens, or profiles for the state DNA Database and Data Bank Program shall include information as required by the Department of Justice for ensuring search capabilities and compliance with National DNA Index System (NDIS) standards.

      (Amended November 2, 2004, by initiative Proposition 69, Sec. 2.)


      The DNA and forensic identification database and data bank and the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory shall not be used as a source of genetic material for testing, research, or experiments, by any person, agency, or entity seeking to find a causal link between genetics and behavior or health.

      (Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 454, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2015.)

      ARTICLE 2. Offenders Subject to Sample Collection [296 — 296.2]

      (Article 2 added by Stats. 1998, Ch. 696, Sec. 2.)


      (a) The following persons shall provide buccal swab samples, right thumbprints, and a full palm print impression of each hand, and any blood specimens or other biological samples required pursuant to this chapter for law enforcement identification analysis:

      (1) Any person, including any juvenile, who is convicted of or pleads guilty or no contest to any felony offense, or is found not guilty by reason of insanity of any felony offense, or any juvenile who is adjudicated under Section 602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code for committing any felony offense.

      (2) Any adult person who is arrested for or charged with any of the following felony offenses:

      (A) Any felony offense specified in Section 290 or attempt to commit any felony offense described in Section 290, or any felony offense that imposes upon a person the duty to register in California as a sex offender under Section 290.

      (B) Murder or voluntary manslaughter or any attempt to commit murder or voluntary manslaughter.

      (C) Commencing on January 1 of the fifth year following enactment of the act that added this subparagraph, as amended, any adult person arrested or charged

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