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respect to real or immovable property, the interests mentioned in this Chapter are denominated estates, and are specially named and classified in Part II of this Division.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      702. The names and classification of interests in real property have only such application to interests in personal property as is in this Division of the Code expressly provided.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      703. No future interest in property is recognized by the law, except such as is defined in this Division of the Code.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      ARTICLE 2. Conditions of Ownership [707 — 714.5]

      (Article 2 enacted 1872.)

      707. The time when the enjoyment of property is to begin or end may be determined by computation, or be made to depend on events. In the latter case, the enjoyment is said to be upon condition.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      708. Conditions are precedent or subsequent. The former fix the beginning, the latter the ending, of the right.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      709. If a condition precedent requires the performance of an act wrong of itself, the instrument containing it is so far void, and the right cannot exist. If it requires the performance of an act not wrong of itself, but otherwise unlawful, the instrument takes effect and the condition is void.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      [710.] Section Seven Hundred and Ten. Conditions imposing restraints upon marriage, except upon the marriage of a minor, are void; but this does not affect limitations where the intent was not to forbid marriage, but only to give the use until marriage. (Amended by Code Amendments 1873-74, Ch. 612.)

      711. Conditions restraining alienation, when repugnant to the interest created, are void.

      (Enacted 1872.)

      711.5. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 711 and 1916.5, a state or local public entity directly or indirectly providing housing purchase or rehabilitation loans shall have the authority to deny assumptions, or require the denial of assumptions, by a subsequent ineligible purchaser or transferee of the prior borrower of the obligation of any such loan made for the purpose of rehabilitating or providing affordable housing. If such a subsequent purchaser or transferee does not meet such an entity’s eligibility requirements, that entity may accelerate or may require the acceleration of the principal balance of the loan to be all due and payable upon the sale or transfer of the property.

      (b) As a condition of authorizing assumption of a loan pursuant to this section, the entity may recast the repayment schedule for the remainder of the term of the loan by increasing the interest to the current market rate at the time of assumption, or to such lower rate of interest as is the maximum allowed by an entity that provided any insurance or other assistance which results in an assumption being permitted. Any additional increment of interest produced by increasing the rate of interest upon a loan pursuant to this subdivision shall be transmitted or forwarded to the entity for deposit in the specified fund from which the loan was made, or, if no such fund exists, or the public entity has directed otherwise, then to the general fund of such entity.

      (c) The state or local public entity providing assistance as specified in this section may implement appropriate measures to assure compliance with this section.

      (Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 971.)

      712. (a) Every provision contained in or otherwise affecting a grant of a fee interest in, or purchase money security instrument upon, real property in this state heretofore or hereafter made, which purports to prohibit or restrict the right of the property owner or his or her agent to display or have displayed on the real property, or on real property owned by others with their consent, or both, signs which are reasonably located, in plain view of the public, are of reasonable dimensions and design, and do not adversely affect public safety, including traffic safety, and which advertise the property for sale, lease, or exchange, or advertise directions to the property, by the property owner or his or her agent is void as an unreasonable restraint upon the power of alienation.

      (b) This section shall operate retrospectively, as well as prospectively, to the full extent that it may constitutionally operate retrospectively.

      (c) A sign that conforms to the ordinance adopted in conformity with Section 713 shall be deemed to be of reasonable dimension and design pursuant to this section.

      (Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 589, Sec. 20. Effective January 1, 1994.)

      713. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of any ordinance, an owner of real property or his or her agent may display or have displayed on the owner’s real property, and on real property owned by others with their consent, signs which are reasonably located, in plain view of the public, are of reasonable dimensions and design, and do not adversely affect public safety, including traffic safety, as determined by the city, county, or city and county, advertising the following:

      (1) That the property is for sale, lease, or exchange by the owner or his or her agent.

      (2) Directions to the property.

      (3) The owner’s or agent’s name.

      (4) The owner’s or agent’s address and telephone number.

      (b) Nothing in this section limits any authority which a person or local governmental entity may have to limit or regulate the display or placement of a sign on a private or public right-of-way.

      (Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 773, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1993.)

      714. (a) Any covenant, restriction, or condition contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or other instrument affecting the transfer or sale of, or any interest in, real property, and any provision of a governing document, as defined in Section 4150 or 6552, that effectively prohibits or restricts the installation or use of a solar energy system is void and unenforceable.

      (b) This section does not apply to provisions that impose reasonable restrictions on solar energy systems. However, it is the policy of the state to promote and encourage the use of solar energy systems and to remove obstacles thereto. Accordingly, reasonable restrictions on a solar energy system are those restrictions that do not significantly increase the cost of the system or significantly decrease its efficiency or specified performance, or that allow for an alternative system of comparable cost, efficiency, and energy conservation benefits.

      (c) (1) A solar energy system shall meet applicable health and safety standards and requirements imposed by state and local permitting authorities, consistent with Section 65850.5 of the Government Code.

      (2) Solar energy systems used for heating water in single family residences and solar collectors used for heating water in commercial or swimming pool applications shall be certified by an accredited listing agency as defined in the Plumbing and Mechanical Codes.

      (3) A solar energy system for producing electricity shall also meet all applicable safety and performance standards established by the California Electrical Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and accredited testing laboratories such as Underwriters Laboratories and, where applicable, rules of the Public Utilities Commission regarding safety and reliability.

      (d) For the purposes of this section:

      (1) (A) For solar domestic water heating systems or solar swimming pool heating systems that comply with state and federal law, “significantly” means an amount exceeding 10 percent of the cost of the system, but in no case more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or decreasing the efficiency of the solar energy system by an amount exceeding 10 percent, as originally specified and proposed.

      (B) For photovoltaic systems that comply with state and federal law, “significantly” means an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) over the system cost as originally specified and proposed, or a decrease in system efficiency of an amount exceeding 10 percent as originally specified

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